It was obviously just a simple draft request, but when the ministers inexplicably added drama to themselves, things developed in a strange direction.

There are fierce wives in the harem, the emperor is too bitter.

When the Queen was in power back then, although the harem was in a mess, and a group of concubines hacked and killed each other crazy, at least the emperor was happy, and he could flip whoever's brand he wanted.

As a result, the Wu family came to power and ruled the harem, so the emperor would not allow the emperor to favor other women. Even her own sister and niece died and fled.

The emperor just favored your sister and niece, what's wrong with him?

So the vigorous joint petition for the draft gradually evolved into a group of men's sympathy and solidarity with a man.

The courtiers were also worried about Li Zhi's going in and out of the bed.

On the fifth day of the meeting of the ministers, the whole city of Chang'an spread the word, and the common people happily recounted the scandalous rumors of the emperor, and the matter of men and women fell into the mouths of the common people, so the more they talked about it, the more excited they became.

All kinds of things in the Tian family are too mysterious for the common people. Whether the dung fork used by the emperor is made of gold is untestable.

But there must be many women in the emperor's quilt, and all of them are as beautiful as heaven.

On the sixth day of the meeting of the officials, Liu Rengui, a moral gentleman, stood up and expressed his opinion.

Colleagues are so enthusiastic, it's hard to turn down the hospitality, why don't you obey, Your Majesty?Choosing more concubines and having more princes will not do any harm to Tang Sheji after all, so, your majesty is reluctant to do it, just a little harder?
The crowd in the court was excited, and everyone expected it. The strange thing was that Li Zhi still had an ambiguous attitude and had not made a clear statement.

To be honest, the courtiers have never seen such a hypocritical man in their life, but he is the emperor, what can you do with him?

While the courtiers were discussing in private, Li Zhi suddenly came to the British government in a subdued manner.

Li Qinzai was quite surprised by Li Zhi's arrival. At that time, he was molesting technician No. [-] in the backyard, and when he was molesting the technician until his face was blushing and his heart was pounding, Butler Wu rushed to report that the emperor had arrived.

Li Qinzai adjusted his clothes hastily and walked out of the backyard quickly.

He was about to order his servants to open the middle door to welcome him, but when he walked to the front yard, he suddenly found that Li Zhi had already entered the door by himself, and he was sitting in the front hall with his legs crossed on the futon, his chin resting on one hand Dazed.

Li Qinzai stood in the yard and twitched his lips.

Under the whole world, could it be the king's land.

He really didn't treat himself as an outsider.

Li Qinzai hurried into the front hall and saluted without saying a word.

"My lord, see you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Zhi waved his hand lazily: "Okay, don't see me anymore, I'm bored today, I'm going out of the palace in my clothes to relax, just take a walk..."

Li Qinzai quickly took a look at him, um, this look of bitterness and hatred doesn't seem boring at all. Recently, so many people are going to the spa to find a wife for you, are you bored?
"Your majesty forgives me for not welcoming you... Uh, there seems to be sorrow on your majesty's brows. I don't know how to share your majesty's worries. Why don't you drink with your majesty to relieve your worries?"

Li Zhi chuckled, and glanced at him: "You still have the nerve to mention drinking...Jingchu, last time we drank together in Taiji Palace, you left Anren Palace alone, and urinated all the way, my Taiji Palace is complete Your territory is gone, and you still drink today?"

Li Qinzai's old face flushed, and he said in embarrassment: "The minister is drunk and disrespectful, he deserves death..."

"Okay, I know you lost your way after drinking, and I'm not guilty. Let's stop drinking today, or if I'm drunk, I'll pee all the way at your house, I'm afraid it's not very polite..."

Li Qinzai laughed dryly: "Then don't drink it. Drinking alcohol will hurt your health. Alcohol is really not a good thing."

Seeing that Li Zhi was still frowning, Li Qinzai tentatively asked: "I don't know what is worrying your Majesty. I want to share your worries for your Majesty. Why don't you tell me?"

Li Zhi sighed, "Isn't it because of the fact that the ministers went to the talent show recently?"

"Isn't this a good thing? The young and beautiful women in the world can be chosen by His Majesty. If you choose, you will hug her into the quilt for a meal, and then kick her out after the output, and then replace her... How beautiful it is."

Li Zhi suddenly showed fascination, and smacked his lips. Li Qinzai's words are obviously the dream of all men in the world. Li Zhi, who is expensive as the emperor, is not so sexually blessed in the harem. The emperor's intercourse depends on the face of the wife in the palace. Thinking more and more aggrieved.

"Recently, there are more and more people going to court. Xu Jingzong said that he could hardly hold back the courtiers' memorials. Please make a decision early, but I can't make a decision just yet..."


Li Zhi sighed: "I don't know the Queen's attitude yet. If she agrees with her mouth but opposes it in her heart, won't the newly elected woman become the second and third Mrs. Wei?"

"Your Majesty has already beaten her, how dare she murder the concubine?"

Li Zhi twitched his lips and said: "If a woman wants to kill another woman, there are many ways. She is a queen, so it is difficult to kill a few concubines in a reasonable and legal way?"

Li Qinzai nodded silently.

It's really not difficult. I've seen so many Gongdou movies in my previous life, and there are all kinds of schemes and shady methods in it, and it's hard to find fault with murdering people's lives.

"So, for the draft, His Majesty intends to refuse?" Li Qinzai asked.

Li Zhi showed a look of reluctance, and said bitterly: "How can I bear to refuse so many young and beautiful women? If it were you, would you refuse?"

"Of course I won't refuse."

Li Qinzai still didn't say anything in his heart, for fear of hurting him.

——It is impossible for the minister to marry a shrewd wife to keep at home.

Li Zhi was very satisfied with Li Qinzai's answer, and said slowly: "So, I came to you today..."

Li Qinzai blinked: "Your Majesty said just now that he went out of the palace to relax because he was bored..."

Li Zhi blushed: "After I saw you, I felt that Wei Jingchu could solve this situation."

"What does His Majesty want you to do?"

Li Zhi coughed uncomfortably, and said in a low voice: "There are quite a few courtiers who have been invited to be drafted by the Shangshu, but they are humble and light-hearted, and they don't have enough weight. If you agree, it will be too ugly to eat."

Li Qinzai was still puzzled and said: "So?"

"Therefore, for the matter of Shangshu's request for a draft, it requires a respectable official to stand up, speak earnestly, cry like a pleading, and beg me to accept a few more concubines, so that I can go along with the flow and agree..."

Li Qinzai seemed to have suddenly become stupid, and he still looked confused: "So, who should this minister stand up for?"

Li Zhi stagnates, and usually wakes up alone, why is he so out of touch today?
"I think that a certain Duke of Liaodong County, who does not want to be named, can take on this role."

Li Qinzai blinked innocently: "This Duke of Liaodong County, who does not want to be named, is very timid. He is afraid that he will follow His Majesty's wishes but offend the Queen. He will be restless for the rest of his life."

Li Zhihuan stared, and a strong aura of domineering gushed out.

"With me here, what are you afraid of! Husband is the guide for wife, heaven and earth are righteous, can't I hold her back?"

Li Qinzai stared at him dumbfounded.

Why don't you just listen to what wild words you uttered just now.

If you're really that upbeat, you should be waving a small leather whip in the Taiji Palace to beat your mother-in-law now, instead of sneaking up to my house and begging me to play the side drum.

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