Chapter 125
After beating up a group of dudes, Li Qinzai was still a little guilty after his anger subsided.

In particular, there is a son of Empress Wu among them. If history does not change, this son will be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future.

Having drawn the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Qinzai felt that besides being awesome, he also had a little worry. If Li Xian held a grudge in his heart but kept holding back, he would be in big trouble when he took care of himself after he ascended the throne.

But after thinking about it, as a time traveler, if he still lives so tremblingly, did God give him a chance to live again? Did he feed the dog?
Li Qinzai is destined to leave traces in the world, and also leave a different ending in the world.

After being whipped, the dandies looked very well-behaved. After apologizing to the farmers, they obediently returned to the other courtyard to write a review.

After Qiao'er's explanation, they understood the meaning of "review", which actually means "criminal statement", and deeply reflected on their own mistakes.

Early the next morning, the shameless dudes handed in their self-criticism.

Li Qinzai checked carefully, snorting coldly from time to time, which made the dudes tremble with fear, fearing that they would be whipped again.

Now they can see that this Mr. Li really doesn't care about their identities at all.Any prince, any empress, in his eyes are all rubbish, he can smoke whenever he wants, and scold him whenever he wants.

But they didn't dare to resist, because Mr. Li's identity is not simple. He is the grandson of the Duke of England after the first hero of the Tang Dynasty. He has no place to sue for being abused.

"Who wrote this review? What do you call me OO your XX?" Li Qinzai threw a copy of the review on the table and said angrily, "Who dares to fool me?"

The youngest Shangguan Kun'er stood up and said with a mournful face, "Sir, it was written by my disciple. My disciple doesn't know many characters, and I don't know many characters..."

Li Qinzai's expression suddenly softened, and he said, "Oh, it's justifiable, let's not make an example."

Everyone immediately cast strange glances at Shangguan Kun'er.

what's going on?Why can Shangguan Kun'er not be punished for writing a wrong review?Is everyone treated so unfairly?
Seeing everyone's reactions, Li Qinzai couldn't help but secretly sneered.

Shangguan Kun'er will be Qiao'er's eldest uncle in the future, why not be more polite to him?You have younger sisters who marry my son, and I am also polite to you.

fair?Don't expect fairness if you come to me to study in a shameless manner.

What is the purpose of Li Qinzai's teaching?
Unfair, unfair, or fucking unfair!

"I don't blame you if you don't know how to read. Take it back, and work harder to learn how to read in the future," Li Qinzai said softly to Shangguan Kun'er: "When you have time, I will send a letter home, so that your parents can cheer up, be more loving, and have an early birth." Lady."

Shangguan Kun'er nodded in bewilderment.

"You have to live up to it yourself. No matter how bad you are when you grow up, you will definitely not want financial support from your family, especially from your younger sister." Li Qinzai urged earnestly.

"Sir, I don't have a younger sister." Shangguan Kun'er said cautiously.

"There will be, I have confidence in your parents."


The sun was dim and the wind was bitterly cold.

At noon, Li Qinzai took some cakes and brought Li Sujie and other students to visit the farmers.

The straw haystacks burned by farmers for the winter cannot be solved by smoking a meal, and the proper attitude must be shown.

He took the students from door to door to make amends, delivered pastries, and promised to gather dry firewood for the farmers before the snow fell.

Li Sujie, the princes and dandies all bowed their eyes in embarrassment, and once again sincerely bowed to the farmers to apologize, which made the farmers at a loss and returned the salutes again and again.

It took an entire afternoon, and the apology was finally finished. Li Sujie and the others were of noble status, and they were half-grown children, so the farmers naturally didn't dare to care too much.

After apologizing, Li Qinzai waved Li Sujie and others to leave, and stayed at the farmer's house for a meal.

The farmers in Ganjingzhuang had a good impression of Li Qinzai.

Although he is also a child of the Duke's family, he treats the farmers with courtesy, and never pays attention to their status. There is no discrimination against the farmers, and their words and deeds are no different from the farmers.

When I get tired from standing, I squat down on the ground, wipe the food on my clothes and throw it into my mouth after eating, which is very down-to-earth.

There is nothing disliked by the farmers for such a host family.

Li Qinzai didn't feel embarrassed to stay at the farmer's house for dinner. He got to know the farmer very well these days, especially the old farmer of this family. The last time we squatted on the edge of the field together and talked about the widows in the village, we had a deep friendship. .

The old farmer's surname is Wei, and he was a soldier in the government when he was young. He followed Li Ji in the South and North Wars for many years. It's a leisurely day to play with grandchildren.

Old Wei's granddaughter has a good relationship with Qiao'er, the girl who pushed each other on the swing in the backyard last time was Old Wei's granddaughter.

The family's dinner is very simple, a few pancakes, a bowl of noodles, and a plate of pickled vegetables.For farmers, this is already very rich, thanks to this year's bumper harvest.

Li Qinzai had a great time eating, the pickles were particularly tasty, and wrapped in pancakes had a taste of another life, just like the pancake stalls on the street in his previous life.

Old Wei smiled and looked at Li Qinzai gobbling it up, and said with a smile from time to time: "Eat slowly, there are still some at home. Wu Shaolang has a good appetite, but his body is a little shriveled. Eat more and practice more. In the future, I will go to battle with your grandfather to fight the enemy. It's an inheritance."

Li Qinzai said without raising his head, "I'm a man of culture, I only come up with ideas, and it's not my turn to kill the enemy."

Old Wei clicked his tongue and said: "What's the point of making an idea? The athletes of the Tang Dynasty want to make military achievements on the battlefield. The credit for killing with a knife and a halberd is real. It deserves it. No one dares to discuss it."

Li Qinzai smiled and said: "The division of labor is different, and the person who gives the idea is also very important. The people behind are strategizing, and the soldiers in the front can reduce casualties."

Old Wei sighed: "It's true, I'm a rough person, I don't understand the general principles, when I followed the general to conquer the Turks, the general Li Jing attacked Qikou, your grandfather came out of the clouds, the captain gave a roar, and we rushed up .”

"My brain is filled with blood, and I don't care about anything. On the battlefield, the sword is full of blood, and I don't feel pain when the knife is cut on my body. I just want to kill the enemy in front of me..."

The turbid old eyes flickered, and the sparkling sparkle seemed to be scattered fragments of memory, used to decorate the ordinary life of the rest of his life.

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "Now that the Turks are gone and the world is at peace, you can retire in leisure."

Old Wei also laughed and said: "That's right, the peaceful days were brought about by swords and swords. Although I didn't make any great contributions back then, now that I'm old and old, I don't feel guilty at all. I used to work hard for these peaceful days, haha .”

Li Qinzai's expression gradually became solemn, and he felt a respect for Old Wei spontaneously.

Yes, Lao Wei is very ordinary, as ordinary as thousands of veterans who have been discharged and returned to the fields, but he once fought his life, not just for himself.

The moment the enemy's knife fell on him, this country, this piece of land, owed him a heavy favor.

The atmosphere was inexplicably solemn. After a long time, Li Qinzai suddenly smiled and said, "The pickles are good, Mr. Wei, can you bring me some more?"

Old Wei laughed and stood up: "You have good eyesight, the pickles that I, Old Wei pickled with my own hands, are greedy for adults and children in our village."

As he said that, Old Wei winked: "If you have a secret recipe, pass it on to your sons but not your daughters."

Li Qinzai also winked: "The widow in the village asked you for the secret recipe, will you give it?"

"Here! Sleep with me and I'll give it!"


There is a nest of students in the other courtyard. This group of guys are suitable for free-range breeding. Anyway, Li Qinzai doesn't care much.

In the evening, I randomly made up some topics, and then wrote a few lines of textbooks for elementary school or junior high school level, and threw it to Li Sujie early the next morning, and Li Qinzai turned around and left.

Li Qinzai didn't care how much he could learn, or whether he learned it or not. If he couldn't learn it, he was stupid, and there was no other reason.

The dandies gradually got used to Li Qinzai's teaching method. Every time he took the textbook from Li Qinzai, Li Sujie's expression was always very holy, as if he was holding a sacrifice to the gods.

Carefully carried the textbooks to the classroom, and then copied them down, and circulated them to the dudes. The original handwritten by Li Qinzai was carefully collected by Li Sujie.

Not to mention the character of this group of guys, but their attitude towards learning really made Li Qinzai feel gratified.

In the front yard, Li Qinzai, who was basking in the sun, was disturbed again.

Liu Asi walked over with an ugly expression, and said, "Fifth Shaolang, that guy still refuses to speak..."

Li Qinzai was taken aback: "Which guy?"

"The one who was injured the day before yesterday, he was saved, but he was like a mute, he didn't say a word. The villain wondered if his tongue was cut out."

Li Qinzai was startled: "Hasn't that guy been sent to the government yet? We've never met each other before, why are you keeping him?"

Liu Asi looked ashamed and said: "The villain originally planned to pry his mouth open and ask him about his origin, so that the government can give an explanation, after all, people in our country's government should do things from the beginning to the end. "

"You don't have to. The people in the Duke's Mansion are not interested in trying the case, so let the people in the county government do it." Li Qinzai waved his hand: "You picked up a dying stray dog ​​by the side of the road, and it's good deeds to try to bring it back to life. It’s a virtue, don’t you want to find out what kind of blood it is?”

"That wouldn't be the case, but that guy..."

"That guy is a rescued stray dog. It's good that he's not dead. You and I don't have to worry about the rest. The government will find out."

Liu Asi scratched his head, Wu Shaolang's words did make sense, but the truth is always so ugly...

"Yes, the villain will send someone to the Weinan County Government and ask them to send officers to take him away."

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "Hurry up, don't forget to brag about me to the people in the county government, after all this...well, I rescued this guy."

"The fifth young man in the British government's government has acted bravely when he saw righteousness, and saved a life in the cold weather. The county government should send me a pennant no matter what."

Liu Ah Si cupped his fists to accept the order, but he pretended he didn't hear Wu Shaolang's last words.

Having been by Li Qinzai's side for a long time, Liu Ah Si gradually got to know this young master, and knew that sometimes what this young master said could not be taken seriously, because he knew that he was talking nonsense, and whoever took it seriously would lose.

(End of this chapter)

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