Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 138 The Enemy Has Appeared

Chapter 138 The Enemy Has Appeared
Hiding in the deep mountains and dense forests, Chu Sanlang also felt unsafe.

He knew that the trouble he caused this time was big, bigger than the sky.It is no exaggeration to say that from the moment he robbed the great-grandson of Great Britain, he had provoked the entire powerful class of the Tang Dynasty and the invincible military of the Tang Dynasty.

Although the countdown to his fate had already begun, he still wanted to take a few more breaths of air.

So Chu Sanlang decided to transfer.He wants to change to a safer and more private place.

No need to guess, Weinan County today has been surrounded like an iron barrel by soldiers and horses of the imperial court, and countless people are searching for themselves in the mountains and plains.

At this time, their foothold was only more than twenty miles away from Ganjingzhuang, and Chu Sanlang felt that it was not safe enough. If there were enough people on the other side, and if they searched with a net, it would not take much time to find this hiding place. It would take three or two days. It's exposed.

Overnight transfer is the most correct choice. It is best to transfer to outside Weinan County in one fell swoop, highlighting the encirclement circle of imperial soldiers and horses.

At that time, it will be regarded as escaped from birth.This delicate and stunning beauty in front of me, I can't help but enjoy it.

Seeing that the gangster refused to give her clothes, and feeling Qiao'er trembling in her arms, Cui Jie's original fear disappeared in an instant, and she suddenly called out courageously, "You don't bully others too much! The child is so innocent that he has been hurt. This catastrophe."

"Isn't it a hostage? I am the daughter of the Patriarch of the Cui family in Qingzhou. In terms of birth and weight, I am no worse than a child. How about you keep me and send the child back?"

"Although the great-grandson of the British Duke is honorable, it is also a big trouble for you. The British Duke's revenge is not something you can bear. Send him back and I will keep him, how about it?"

Qiao'er was startled, subconsciously hugged Cui Jie tightly, and said, "Auntie, I won't go, I want to be with Auntie."

Cui Jie rubbed his head, forced a smile and said, "Qiao'er, listen to Auntie."

Chu Sanlang looked at the two indifferently, and was unmoved by Cui Jie's proposal.

After Cui Jie said something, she gradually became less afraid, looked straight at Chu Sanlang bravely, and said, "Maybe you don't care about your lives, but it's not bad if you can live a few more days. Let the great-grandson of the Duke of England be released. , only good for you, absolutely no harm.”

Chu Sanlang sneered: "I have a good chip in my hand, why should I let one go?"

Cui Jie glanced at Qiao'er in her arms, and said, "Because this chip is hot, you should understand what I mean."

"If I was afraid of burning my hands, why did I rob you in the first place?"

Cui Jie said coldly: "Ask yourself, do you have any regrets after robbing us? You can't afford Duke Ying's anger. You may not care about your own lives, but what about your family members?"

Speaking of his family, Chu Sanlang couldn't help but get a little annoyed: "Women, you better keep your mouth shut, and don't make me want to kill you!"

Cui Jie bravely looked at him directly: "Sending the child back will do you no harm at all."

"I need you to teach me how to do things? If the imperial court soldiers and horses really surround this place, I will not be wronged if I drag you on the road before I die." Chu Sanlang laughed.

Seeing Chu Sanlang's resolute expression and no intention of compromise, Cui Jie's heart sank, she knew that no matter how much she persuaded or provoked, Chu Sanlang was determined not to let Qiao'er go.

Cui Jie had no choice but to back off: "Then, the child is very cold now, can you give him some clothes? It won't do you any good if he gets sick from the cold."

Chu Sanlang said indifferently: "Be patient, this is not your rich mansion, it is impossible to give anything you want."

"It's alright to have a fire in the house, right?" Cui Jie said without giving up.

Chu Sanlang sneered: "What the hell are you planning? A fire is lit in the depths of the dark forest. Are you afraid that others will not find us? Let me tell you, if we are discovered, you will surely die. kill you."


With a knife in his hand, Lao Wei led nearly 20 people from the Li family, hesitating on the rugged mountain road.

In this era, there are actually no roads at all on the mountain roads. The mountains and forests are all natural, and there are few people.

You have to open up the road by yourself, open the road with a chopping knife, and cut it for a while at a step, splitting the thorns and forests, so that the mountain road can continue.

Old Wei was a bit old, and his body was not as strong as that of the young and strong Buqu. When he reached the mountainside, he was so tired that he gasped for breath.

Buqu kindly proposed to rest in place, but was flatly rejected by Lao Wei, and he gritted his teeth and continued to open the way.

A voice couldn't help but said: "Old Wei, did we go the wrong way? You see, this place is sparsely populated, and we all have to use hatchets to open the way, which means that no one has ever been here, and it is impossible for the bad guys to hide here."

Old Wei sneered and said: "What do you know about melon skin? You are still young. The road in the mountains and forests is not to be seen with the eyes, but to be seen with the heart."

"What do you say?"

Old Wei narrowed his eyes, looked around, pointed to a thick elm tree not far ahead, and said, "Look at that tree."

"What's wrong?"

"From bottom to top, the third branch has traces of bending, see it?"

Part [-] couldn't help raising the bar and said: "There are many wild animals in the forest, maybe they are passing by..."

"Look again, how high is the third branch from the ground, and how big a beast can get that branch? Unless a bear stood up and broke the branch."

Bu Qu took a closer look and said, "About shoulder height... right?"

"That's right, shoulder height." Old Wei smiled slyly, and said, "Does it seem that someone raised his arm when passing by, and broke the tree branch in order to clear the way? Is it reasonable?"

Part [-] said again: "Maybe it's really a bear standing up, or maybe it's a woodcutter from a nearby village?"

Old Wei nodded: "That's right, any possibility is reasonable, but it cannot be denied that this is a clue and a hope. It's better than looking around like a headless chicken, right?"

The trilogy were silent for a moment, and they had to admit that Jiang was really old and spicy.The older you get, the more sophisticated you become. Old Wei's meticulous thinking and observant eyes are indeed incomparable to young people like them.

"Weinan County has been turned upside down. Wu Shaolang's son was robbed, and the gang couldn't escape. This place is more than [-] miles away from Zhuangzi. Four gangsters carried a woman and a child to this place according to their physical strength. It’s the limit, so I chose this mountain to search, not a random target.”

Old Wei squinted his eyes and patted Buqu's head: "Boy, don't look at your physical strength. In terms of experience and experience, you are still very young."

The trilogy accompanied him with a smile: "That is, that is, if you can find Wu Shaolang's son, Mr. Wei, you have made a great contribution, and the old man will thank you in person, and our brothers will also be honored."

Old Wei was stunned, and sighed: "My old man... It's been a long time since I saw my old man with a golden face. Back then, I followed my old man out of the clouds, and with an order, we killed the enemy and charged into the battle, sweeping away thousands of troops... Think about that For a while, it seems like it was just yesterday..."

There was a sudden pause in the footsteps, and Old Wei squatted down.

The parts were nervous, and they put their hands on the handle of the knife one after another: "What's the matter, are there any beasts?"

Old Wei shook his head, staring solemnly at the ground.

The trilogy looked curiously, but couldn't see any traces, but Old Wei was staring at the wet mud with fascination.

"Old Wei, you are..."

Old Wei ignored him. After a long time, his old face suddenly broke into a smile. He pointed to a dent on the ground and said, "Look, what is that?"

After carefully looking at the part for a while, he shook his head and said, "It's just a dent..."

Old Wei laughed, took off his shoes, and brought the edge of the sole close to the dent. The trilogy members suddenly found that the curvature of the edge of the sole matched the dent perfectly.

"This, this is..."

"This is a shoe print that was too late to erase, haha, after all, I caught it." Old Wei smiled happily.

Looking sideways at Buqu with a relaxed expression, Old Wei smiled and said, "Boy, tell me, can beasts wear shoes?"

"No, it won't..." Bu Qu couldn't help raising the bar again: "Maybe it's a woodcutter from a certain village?"

"No, it can't be a woodcutter," Old Wei said with a smile, "I didn't pay attention when I came here. Didn't I find any shoe prints along the way? I only saw shoe prints here. Erase without leaving a trace, only this one is missing.”

"What sneaky person needs to have their shoe prints wiped off?"

The trilogy members opened their eyes wide, but their expressions gradually became excited.

Old Wei looked up at the mountain top that fell into the clouds and mists in the distance, and said calmly: "I guessed right, I am a veteran, but I am not old."

(End of this chapter)

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