Chapter 154
A friend comes from afar,... sue first.

The sky will send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first toil their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, and accuse them of being tricky.

"If you can't cut it, you can't make it" means that if the child deserves to be beaten, he will have to be beaten.
Li Zhi's face was ashen.

There is Gongxue in Taiji Palace, and there are masters in Gongxue. They are all great Confucianists in the world, but they are all taught Confucianism and Taoism, that is, liberal arts.

Liberal arts is very subjective. If you read the scriptures and explain the truth, if you are roughly right, you will be considered a pass.

Unlike math questions, if the answer is five, it is absolutely impossible to be four, right is right, wrong is wrong, no tricks at all.

"Don't worry Jingchu, I will discipline the two rebellious sons severely after returning to the palace." Li Zhi said solemnly.

Now sitting in the hall is no longer the monarchs and ministers, but teachers and parents.

Li Qinzai smiled and said: "I am an indifferent person, I was reluctant to be this teacher, but since I have obeyed His Majesty's order, my disciple has worshiped under my door, so I have to take it seriously."

Li Zhi nodded: "It would be a pity if Jingchu's ability could not be passed on to the world. I hope Jingchu will understand from my original intention."

"I don't dare to be a minister, it's just that most of these disciples are mediocre in terms of arithmetic. If they want to become masters, they not only need years of education, but also need the cooperation of their parents..."

Li Zhiqi asked: "How to cooperate?"

Li Qinzai said loudly: "Beat them! Your Majesty, beat them up! Beat them up if they don't obey, even if they don't get good grades."

Li Zhi was stunned, and after a while, he said in a low voice, "You treat Qiao'er the same way?"

"This... can't be done, Your Majesty, Qiao'er is my own son, how can you be willing to beat him up?"

Li Zhi took a deep breath, what the hell, my two princes were born by the old Wang next door?

This double standard face is really...

Pointing to Li Qinzai, Li Zhi suddenly laughed: "You, Jingchu, what I admire is your aura, you write the word 'ordinary man' on your face, you don't hide it at all, it's so real very."

Li Qinzai laughed and smacked his lips, not feeling like he was being praised.

After laughing out loud, Li Zhi's expression turned serious, and he said, "Don't worry Jing Chu, the two princes will definitely discipline you strictly."

Sighing lightly, Li Zhi said: "The palace school of the Tian family, the great Confucians preached it according to the scriptures, but after all it was not a place to become talented. I also came out of the palace school, and I know its disadvantages."

"I sent Sujie and Xian'er to you to study, one is for learning, and the other is... I also want to see if you can teach different students under your discipline, and can you change Tianjia to a different one. weather."

"Jingchu, I'm looking forward to it."

Li Qinzai grinned and said, "I will do my best."

The monarchs and ministers were silent for a long time, Li Zhi suddenly asked without giving up: "How is Qiao'er's grades?"

Li Qinzai was well prepared and took out Qiao'er's report card from his pocket.

The number "96" is written on it with a brush.

Li Zhi learned Arabic numerals when he stayed in Ganjingzhuang last time, and named them Datang numerals, so he naturally recognized them.

Seeing that Qiao'er has a score of 96 points, and then looking at the scores of his two dogs, comparing the two sides, he looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling disheartened.

Li Qinzai didn't change his face, but sneered in his heart.

What about the Son of Heaven?Putting on the role of an old father, he still looks sad in front of the report card. A good reincarnation has something to do with the posture of men and women, but it has nothing to do with IQ.

"Your Majesty, Qiao'er just took the exam casually. His study progress has already surpassed the other disciples by a lot. The other disciples can barely understand the questions given to him by the minister after about a year..."

Li Qinzai's face was calm, but the Versailles light in his eyes looked hateful.

Li Zhi sighed weakly: "Okay, okay, shut up, I don't want to talk about this today."

Li Zhi waved his hand and said: "I came here today to do that for you... um, firecrackers? I received a report from Su Jie Kuai Ma the day before yesterday, saying that its voice is like thunder, and its power can crack rocks. Is this thing really so magical? "

Li Qinzai thought for a while, and first complained to Li Zhi, then withdrew from the front hall, went back to the study, and took out some firecrackers that he had made overnight.

Qiao'er begged for a long time to agree to these new firecrackers. Li Qinzai didn't expect that Li Zhi would come in person suddenly, so he had to take them out for Li Zhi to play with.

In the open space outside the gate of the Li family courtyard, more than a dozen imperial guards guarded Li Zhi, watching Li Qinzai not far away as he set off a firecracker.

Although there were words first, the imperial guards were still very nervous, for fear that the emperor would be injured in the slightest.

However, Li Zhi impatiently pulled away the guards in front of him who were blocking his view, and watched Li Qinzai's movements curiously.

Pointing the lead, turning around, running wildly, the movements are smooth and smooth, very handsome.

There was a loud bang, although Li Zhi and the guards had been mentally prepared, they were still so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Li Zhi was so shaken that his ears were buzzing, he said in a low voice, "This,'s like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, why does such a small object make such an astonishingly loud noise?"

Li Qinzai walked up to Li Zhi and said with a smile, "Because there is gunpowder inside."

"What is gunpowder?"

Li Qinzai hesitated to speak, but Li Zhi understood and waved his hand to disperse all the guards around him.

Then Li Qinzai said in a low voice: "Gunpowder is a combination of several things. If the ratio is right, it can open mountains and crack rocks. If the dose is large enough, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can destroy the world."

Li Zhi was taken aback: "It...has such power? How did you find out?"

"I got it by chance."

Li Zhi stared at him deeply for a long time, then smiled: "I won't ask any more, Jing Chu's ability has always been miraculous, and I'm afraid I can't find the real reason behind it."

Raising his hand, Li Zhi said, "Go and see the power of that firecracker."

On the muddy ground where the firecrackers were set off, the explosion just now had left a small pit, and green smoke was still coming out of the pit.

Li Zhi squatted down, stared at the pit, and even stretched out his hand to measure the diameter of the pit.

"Jingchu, I see that this firecracker is only the size of a knuckle, and it can leave a big hole in place after it explodes. If we make a bigger firecracker and increase the dose, then..."

Li Qinzai said in a low voice: "It can be decided in no time for the king's siege or plain battle."

Li Zhi's eyelids twitched suddenly: "Is it really so powerful?"

"If your majesty is not in a hurry, you might as well stay in the humble house for a while, and I will make a big firecracker for your majesty to see."

Li Zhi smiled happily: "I'm not in a hurry, this thing is miraculous, I admire it wholeheartedly, even if it stays in your village for the New Year, it doesn't matter, it's much more important than the New Year."


Making big firecrackers is nothing more than changing to a bigger container and stuffing more gunpowder into it.

The environment is sealed, the dose is sufficient, and it will explode wherever it is not satisfied.

The best container is a tin can, but with today's primitive industrial conditions, without a stamping lathe, it is difficult to make a standard tin.

But it doesn't matter, there are other containers that can be replaced.

Such as bamboo.

A hole is drilled in the middle of the bamboo joint, like a firecracker, the bottom is sealed with yellow mud, and a lead wire is drawn from the top to stuff as much gunpowder as possible.

Two hours later, a super big firecracker came into being.

Li Zhi approached it curiously, tapped the bamboo joints with his fingers, and said, "If this thing explodes, how big a hole can it blow up?"

Li Zhi was obviously not stupid, he didn't care how loud it could be, what he cared about was its destructive power.

Li Qinzai smiled wryly and said: "To be honest, I don't know. I have never done such a big firecracker. It is difficult to predict its power. Therefore, once it is ignited, we should run as far as possible..."

Li Zhi nodded: "It makes sense, this thing... I am a little scared when I look at it."

The lead wire was deliberately drawn very long, almost a distance of one or two meters.

The son of a daughter can't sit down.Of course, Li Qinzai would not order it himself. This is not an ordinary firecracker, but a grenade. Such a dangerous matter must of course be left to the guards.

I found a remote and open place in Zhuangzi, and stood the cannons firmly on the open space. Everyone was far away, almost tens of feet away.

The general of the imperial guards was still worried, and ordered people to erect several shields in front of Li Zhi and Li Qinzai.

A foolish and bold guard came out in response, and under Li Qinzai's repeated urging, the guard held a burning incense and approached the lead tremblingly.

Crouching down, igniting, turning around and running wildly, riding Juechen like a rabbit with an arrow in its ass.

After running ten feet, the imperial guard suddenly fell to the ground.

At the same time, there was a loud bang, and everyone even felt the ground under their feet tremble slightly.

A huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and dust and snow fell from the sky like raindrops, covering the surrounding area in a cloud of dust and smoke.

Everyone stood there in a daze, no one spoke or moved for a long time, staring dumbfounded at the scene that was still filled with dust and smoke tens of feet away.

Li Qinzai was also stunned, he did not expect that the cannon he created was so powerful.

If this is used in a siege battle, a cannonball is thrown on the tower, and the enemy army will be wiped out?Master Tang Wang easily ate chicken.

Li Zhi finally came back to his senses, and shook the dust on his head vigorously, but he didn't mind at all, instead he laughed and said, "Quickly, go and see what happens to that open space!"

When the two monarchs and ministers approached, Li Zhi looked intently and couldn't help but gasp.

The open space was filled with gunpowder smoke, but the big crater was clearly visible.

The originally flat open space was blasted into a large pit with a diameter of about one foot, and the surrounding vegetation was also blown into debris. In the soil of the large pit, gunpowder smoke still rose slowly from the cracks.

Li Qinzai's face was a bit ugly: "Your Majesty, I need to adjust the dose of the medicine again, this... is a bit harsh."

Li Zhi was short of breath, his eyes were shining, he suddenly grabbed his sleeve, and said excitedly: "No, it's not fierce at all! Jingchu, if we build another firecracker that is several times bigger than it, then..."

Li Qinzai fantasized in his mind for a while, and was immediately taken aback by the scene.

If this is several times larger, and used in war, a big artillery battle is equivalent to an aerial bomb, right?
It felt like I had opened Pandora's box and released the devil inside.

The devil has already got on the body of Emperor Datang.

Li Zhi was so excited that he danced and spoke incoherently. He unconsciously made incomprehensible gestures with both hands, and kept saying: "Make a bigger one, bigger one. After the spring of next year, I will conquer Goguryeo myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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