Chapter 163 Baiqisi's business ability is not good enough
After living two lifetimes, Li Qinzai is still quite interested in some mysterious things.

Aliens, cosmic black holes, mysterious secret service organizations, etc., are curious because of mystery, and excited because of curiosity.

"What do the officials of Baiqi Division look like?" Li Qinzai asked excitedly.

Li Sujie gave him a strange look, and said slowly, "He looks like a man. He has two eyes and one mouth."

Li Qinzai froze for a moment, listening to the king's words as if they were talking.

"Isn't it particularly ruthless? Like a killer who has no feelings, who bleeds when he disagrees with him?"

"What's a blood drop?" Li Sujie looked at him with more and more strange eyes: "It's just a very ordinary official, who works for the emperor, and uses the monthly salary to support the family."

Li Qinzai's excited eyes were a little dim: "Your words... are so down-to-earth, isn't there anything special about it?"

Li Sujie thought for a while, and said: "I don't know what is special about them, why don't you ask him to come and visit you, what should my father tell you to do yesterday, maybe Baiqisi can come in handy."

Half an hour later, a green-robed official came outside the gate of the British government.

It can be seen from the color of his official robe that this official is not of high rank.

The officials of the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty are divided into three categories: purple robes, scarlet robes, and green robes. Among them, purple robes belong to court officials, usually ministers of a certain department, and scarlet robes belong to mid-level officials, mostly local officials or bachelors and doctors. .

The green robes belonged to low-level officials, and most of them were in the sixth or seventh grade.

The green-robed official entered the British government, and Li Qinzai received him very politely in the side hall of the mansion.

The official was about thirty years old, and his appearance was not outstanding. His facial features were random, neither ugly nor handsome.

What subverted Li Qinzai's imagination even more was that the official was nodding and bowing. He didn't behave like an official at all, but looked like a businessman who made money with peace and contentment.

What about ruthless?What if you don't close the blood drop?
The guy in front of him is clearly a speculative businessman, the kind who doesn't even dig his ancestral grave.

"The next official Baiqi Division Chief An, Deputy Director, Song Sen, pay your respects to Li Xianzi." Song Sen saluted with a smile.

Li Qinzai also smiled: "The name sounds good, and it can be seen that you lack wood in five elements, so your parents planted a bunch of wood on your name, right?"

Song Sen said with a smile, "It's right to teach Li Xianzi. When Xiaguan was born, his parents invited a Taoist priest to pinch his birthday. It is true that the five elements are short of wood, so he named him Duomu."

Li Qinzai smiled, and reached out to hold the kettle to fill himself with water, but Song Sen hurried forward two steps and offered to help Li Qinzai fill it up.

Li Qinzai looked slightly surprised, but said nothing.

The legendary Baiqisi, mysterious and unpredictable, with a command in his hand, all the cavalry are flying together, and the impressions such as no grass growing wherever they pass, are all disillusioned as Song Sen nods and bends down to pour water.

This guy is simply an old oily man in the officialdom.

Li Sujie seemed to be familiar with Song Sen, and said bluntly: "Mr. has encountered some troubles recently. In the Golden Palace yesterday, the supervisory censor Ma Zhong took the lead and led more than a dozen officials to impeach and advise. This incident made sir not very happy. Can you Baiqisi check it out?"

Song Sen said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, the Baiqisi has the rules of the Baiqisi, and only accepts the order of the emperor, otherwise I dare not make random investigations."

Li Sujie's face darkened.

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "Others have rules, so they should follow the rules. Baiqisi doesn't need to intervene in this matter."

Unexpectedly, Song Sen laughed again: "Rules are rules, but Li Xianzi's matter is different..."

"How is it different?"

"Your Majesty has given orders to Li Xianzi yesterday. Since the emperor has an edict, Baiqisi will give Li Xianzi some help as long as the rules are not broken."

Li Qinzai finally looked at Song Sen seriously.

Seeing him nodding and bowing at first, Li Qinzai couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous in his heart, but when he said a few words, Li Qinzai suddenly felt that this person was not simple.

The words are impeccable, and the rules are very good.

What Li Sujie said didn't work, because Bai Qisi was also afraid of having an ambiguous relationship with the prince, and violated the emperor's taboo.

However, Song Sen changed the subject, but within the scope of the rules, he gave Li Qinzai enough face. What he said seemed to be an errand for the emperor, but also gave favors in a personal capacity, and climbed into Li Qinzai's friendship.

Just a few words, a veteran who hasn't been in the officialdom for more than ten years can't reach this level.

Being an official in a famous secret service is indeed not a simple role.

So Li Qinzai was not polite: "Supervision Censor Ma Zhong, are you familiar with this man?"

"Most of the officials in Chang'an City, Baiqisi have records, from birth to official evaluation."

"What is the origin of Ma Zhong? Who was instigated by the Golden Palace's defense yesterday?"

Song Sen hesitated for a moment, and said: "Ma Zhong was born in Jinyang County. He was an official in Zhenguan for 18 years, and he voted for it from Cui Yixuan's sect..."

Li Qinzai looked at Li Sujie puzzledly: "Who is Cui Yixuan?"

Li Sujie hesitated for a moment, and said: "During the Zhenguan period, Cui Yixuan was the chief historian of the Han Palace. After his father ascended the throne, he was awarded the title of Royal Doctor and Puzhou Inspector. He passed away around the Xianqing period."

Song Sen said with a smile: "His Highness King Xun has a good memory. After Cui Yixuan passed away, Ma Zhong joined Liu Yuanzhen's sect until now."

Li Qinzai frowned: "Who is Liu Yuanzhen?"

Li Sujie said in a low voice: "Liu Yuanzhen is the head of the Young Mansion, and his official position is not high, but his father-in-law is quite powerful..."

"Who is his father-in-law?"

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, the third grade under Tongzhongshu's sect, Marquis of Guangping County, Li Yifu."

Li Qinzai's eyelids twitched.

Li Yifu, this is a big man, a well-known treacherous official in history, and Li Yifu was among them in the "Picture of One Hundred Traitors in China" written by later generations.Along with him, Li Linfu, Qin Hui, Wei Zhongxian are also on the list...

China's thousands of years of civilization can be listed as one of the top [-] traitors, which shows that this guy is really not a good person.

"Ma Zhong's backer is Liu Yuanzhen, and Liu Yuanzhen's father-in-law is Li Yifu, that is to say, Ma Zhong's real backer is Li Yifu?" Li Qinzai asked with a frown.

Song Sen said with a smile: "The relationship is a bit distant, but if Li Xianzi thinks so, it's okay."

Li Qinzai said with a solemn expression, "Since Baiqisi said he wanted to help, can you help find a treasured land of geomantic omen and secretly bury Li Yi's mansion?"

Song Sen's smiling face froze, and then his expression changed suddenly: "Ms. Li was joking, this... I don't dare to be an official, it's too lawless."

Li Qinzai sighed in disappointment, and then said unwillingly: "Bury Liu Yuanzhen?"

"No way." Song Sen's cheeks began to twitch.

"Can Ma Zhong be buried?"

Song Sen sighed: "Don't scare the officials down, Mr. Li, you can't bury anyone, the officials can't do it, and Baiqisi can't do it."

Li Qinzai said disappointedly: "Your Baiqisi... your professional ability is not good enough."

Song Sen laughed stiffly, the other party was the county magistrate, or the grandson of the Duke of England, so bear with it.


In the afternoon, Li Sujie left the British government and was sitting in the carriage to go back to the palace.

Suzaku Street is very long, but the British government is very close to Taiji Palace.

When Li Ji went to court, he only had to walk a few steps to reach the gate of the palace.

Not long after the carriage swayed, when it was approaching the palace gate, Li Sujie suddenly gave the order to stop.

The guards and eunuchs outside the carriage stood respectfully outside the carriage, waiting for orders.

Li Sujie sat alone in the car, thinking for a long time.

No matter what Li Qinzai thought, as his disciple, Li Sujie had already determined that the relationship between him and Li Qinzai was one of mutual prosperity and mutual loss.

In this day and age, the teacher-student relationship is as close as father and son.

Now that Mr. is in trouble, Father seems to have given Mr. an errand that is not easy to handle. As a disciple, how can we not share Mr.'s worries?

"Come here, turn the carriage around, find a restaurant, and take my famous card to entertain Xue Na, the son of a man from Hedong County, and Gao Qi, the grandson of Duke Shen." Li Sujie ordered coldly in the carriage.

Xue Na and Gao Qi came very quickly.

The prince had to go to the banquet, no matter how domineering Xue Na and Gao Qi were usually, they would not dare to hit the prince in the face.

In a very ordinary restaurant beside Zhuque Street, the three of them sat down and served simple food and drinks.

Without Li Qinzai present, Xue Na and Gao Qi behaved well in front of Li Sujie.

After drinking for three rounds, Gao Qi bowed his hands to Li Sujie: "I don't know if His Royal Highness the King of Xi invited us to a banquet today for..."

Li Sujie smiled and said: "Don't call me His Royal Highness King Xun. Speaking of which, I am Mr. Li's disciple. According to the rules, I have to call you two uncles. I am born Li Lian. You two should call me Sujie." .”

The two didn't dare to talk.

Li Sujie was not polite to them, he knew that the two dudes would never dare to act as elders in front of the prince.

So he went straight to the topic and said: "Yesterday in the Golden Palace, someone severely obstructed Mr. Li's canonization. The monarch and ministers in the Golden Palace were very unhappy. I wonder if you two heard about it?"

Xue Na and Gao Qi frowned and nodded: "I heard."

Li Sujie sighed, and said: "Father sent Mr. Li an errand yesterday, which is probably related to the ennomination, but this errand is very difficult to handle, sir is a bit embarrassed."

"I am a disciple of your husband, and the two of you are good friends of your husband. Today, my husband is in trouble. Please do your best to help me as a friend."

(End of this chapter)

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