Chapter 172
Of course Li Qinzai didn't like the Wa country. Although he had never experienced that humiliating and tragic history in his previous life, he had seen what those beasts did in the museum.

Since he was a child, he hated the Wa country very much, and he knew very well what a despicable soul was hidden under those seemingly respectful and polite appearances.

The peace of the world does not mean that we can forget the past national hatred and family hatred. This is not something that generations of people can cover up by saying "be friendly neighbors with a narrow strip of water".

That period of bloody and tragic history, those ghosts haunting the land of China for hundreds of years, and the sirens that reverberate over the city every year on September [-]th are all stabbing people who are about to forget. Tell them not to forget, not to forget.

Traveling through this era, the Japanese people are so humble and docile, like a dog that only pleases its master, and never shows its fangs to the master.

But it has fangs, it can bite, but it didn't bite but was waiting for the right time.

This time, the Wa people finally waited for the right time. It showed its fangs to Datang, and rushed forward to bite it hard.

The Battle of Baijiangkou is recorded in history. It was the first time that the Japanese nation tore off the cloak of obedience, and it was the first time that it bared its teeth viciously at the Suzerain of the Central Plains. It was also the first time that Tang was surprised to find that this dog would also bite its owner. of.

Soldiers, the great event of the country.

Mature leaders will never be impulsive in national affairs. Any impulsive decision may lead to the ruin of the country.

Li Qinzai hated the Wa Kingdom, but he would not act emotionally when the war was about to start. Every war was related to the casualties of thousands of Guanzhong children. Of course he was eager to destroy the Wa Kingdom in one battle, but he had to consider the actual situation.

"Strategic goal? Interesting, let's talk about what kind of strategic goal Datang needs." Li Ji asked with a smile, stroked his beard.

Li Qinzai pondered for a long time without saying a word.

Li Ji said slowly: "Qin Zai, now you are the noble of the county, and the weight of speaking in front of your majesty is not light, so you are qualified to participate in the government affairs. Your majesty's desire to seek talents can be learned. He values ​​you very much and is really looking forward to it." You are advising and discussing matters. If you have any ideas, you might as well speak up boldly. It makes sense, and the old man will join you in admonishing."

"Grandpa and grandson thought that the stability of the Eastern Border of the Great Tang Dynasty depends on the Three Kingdoms for a hundred years, and the Japanese Kingdom in a thousand years. Therefore, this time, the king's division will go out to see how His Majesty treats Eastern Border. The Japanese army can be wiped out, so that Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla will continue to fight."

"If you want the safety of the eastern border for a thousand years, the Tang Dynasty will have to pay a greater price, more military expenses, food and grass, and bear more casualties of the king's division. The navy will land on the mainland of the Japanese country and spread the flames of war to the territory of the Japanese country."

"The advantage of doing this is that it will completely subdue the Japanese kingdom, engrave their shadow on Datang in their bones, and dare not forget it from generation to generation. When mentioning Datang, they will tremble, and they will not dare to invade Datang again. Facing thousands of miles of sea and territory, peace can be maintained for thousands of years."

Li Ji frowned and said, "Wa, a barbarian island country, why do you attach so much importance to it? Does the stability of the eastern border of the Tang Dynasty depend on the movement of the Wa?"

Li Qinzai said in a deep voice: "If you want to fight, you must first see the enemy. Although the Japanese country is a small barbarian country, this small country has always harbored evil intentions. The people of the Japanese country seem to be respectful, but in fact they are all wolfish and ambitious. They have been secretly spying on the Central Plains for a long time."

"Since the Sui Dynasty, they have sent Sui envoys and Tang envoys to our Central Plains in batches. Does Grandpa think that they are sincerely seeking the knowledge of sages and sages?"

"if not?"

"They are trying to learn the skills of the Central Plains to fill the gaps in their own country. When the teachers are perfect, they will resolutely invade our borders, slaughter my people, and disrupt my Chinese etiquette. My grandson never thinks that they are being modest. Ask for advice, but bear the humiliation and wait for the opportunity.”

Li Ji was stunned. He didn't expect that his grandson would speak so seriously of the Japanese invasion.

Li Ji is not a time traveler. He doesn't understand how tragically that small barbarian country will cause the land of China in a thousand years. In his eyes, the Wa Kingdom is just the Wa Kingdom.

Shaking his head, Li Ji laughed and said, "Your really alarmist."

After a short pause, Li Ji suddenly said: "The Tang Dynasty has decided to send troops to Baekje, so why not go out with the army, no matter what you think of the Wa Kingdom, you must show your talents on the battlefield."

Li Qinzai was startled, he was too excited when he said it just now, and put himself into it.

He is not a king with a strong mouth, nor is he the so-called troll who slaughtered the sun and the United States in his previous life, but with his current status, there is no need to personally fight the enemy. He can discuss the government and state affairs of the Tang Dynasty, and he can speak in a safe place. Advise, but never go to war.

It is obviously a piece of exquisite porcelain, why bother with the earthen pot?
I am such an extremely precious talent to the Tang Dynasty, and it is almost a once-in-a-thousand-year super talent. The emperors of the Tang Dynasty hold me in the palm of their hands and take good care of me. It is the treatment I deserve.

Are you crazy to ask me to join the battle?Is it his biological grandson?
"Grandpa, just now my grandson was drunk and talking nonsense, grandpa don't take it to heart, forget it quickly, grandson is leaving!"

After Li Qinzai finished speaking, he turned his head and ran away.

Li Ji watched in astonishment as Li Qinzai disappeared in an instant, before he could even say a word to stop him, he turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Li Qinzai's head popped out from the door frame.

"By the way, Grandpa, the new year is over, and my grandson is going back to Ganjing Village to ask about the way of heaven. I'm here to bid farewell to you. Grandpa doesn't need to see you off, and my grandson will disappear immediately."

As soon as the words fell, the head by the door frame disappeared again.

Li Ji was stunned again.

After waiting for a while, making sure that head would not pop up again, Li Ji sat alone in the hall with a sneer on his old face.

"Heh, play this game with the old man, the son of the Li family, as long as he looks promising, how can he not go to the battlefield? The young eagles will never learn to break through the sky if they stay in their nests."


Li Qinzai almost ran for his life and took Qiao'er into the carriage.

I was a bit hesitant to go back to Ganjing Village, but leaving just after the Chinese New Year seemed a bit unfilial.

It's all right now, don't hesitate anymore, just leave.

On the swaying carriage, Qiao'er asked him inexplicably, "Father, why did you leave suddenly? Qiao'er hasn't said goodbye to his great-grandfather yet."

Li Qinzai smiled and said, "No need, dad has already bid farewell to you, life needs a love that will not care about your own safety, and also a trip that you can leave as soon as you say it, it's just so free and easy..."

"But why does Qiao'er feel that Dad's appearance is not free and easy, but seems to be running for his life... Did Dad get into trouble in the house?"

Smiling and rubbing the dog's head, Li Qinzai still had a smile on his face: "Children, don't ask nonsense. How could such a mature and stable person get into trouble? Go back tonight and do ten Olympiad questions. If you can't do it, you are not allowed to sleep."

It was nightfall when we arrived at Ganjing Village. As soon as the Buqus escorted the carriage into the village, they heard the sound of dogs barking and chickens crowing one after another in the village.

Li Qinzai showed a sincere smile on his face.

This is the life he wants to live, peaceful and indifferent, good friends, doing little inventions, flirting with village girls once in a while.

It's a hundred times better than staying in front of the old fox. If you don't pay attention, you will be sent to the battlefield by the old fox. It's too dangerous.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the other courtyard, and Guan Shi tiptoed to greet him attentively, asking about his health, tearfully telling how he missed him after the farewell, and Li Qinzai realized that if he didn't stop him, Guan Shi Song would take the initiative to recommend himself as a pillow tonight .

"You, tell Ah Si with lovesickness, he misses you very much too." Li Qinzai decisively pointed at Liu Ah Si to cause trouble.

Qiao'er tugged at his sleeve: "Father, I miss Auntie, shall we go and see Auntie?"

Li Qinzai softened his heart, and said: "It's late today, you still have ten Olympiad questions that you haven't done, and if you want to divert my attention, your skills are still too shallow."

Qiao'er pursed her mouth in grievance, and walked into the other courtyard dejectedly.

Seeing Qiao'er enter the room to do a test, Li Qinzai said: "Si, pick up the lantern and follow me to the east of the village..."

Liu Ahsi was stunned and said, "Didn't Wu Shaolang just say that it was getting late?"

Li Qinzai said slowly: "For Qiao'er, it's really late, but for me, um, it's called the moon before the flowers."

Thinking of Cui Jie, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Li Qinzai seemed to be touched by the soft spot in his heart, and murmured with sparkling eyes: "...I haven't used the kang at her house, but I gave it to her." .”

(End of this chapter)

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