Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 196 The Battle of Shame

Chapter 196 The Battle of Shame

Amidst the sound of rumbling war drums, the Datang Navy set out to fight.

There are still more than [-] warships, and there are still more than [-] soldiers of the Datang Navy.

It was almost exactly the same as the last battle, but the atmosphere was quite different.

The spirits of the officers and men of the Datang Navy were completely different this time, each with a ferocious smile on their faces, as if they had some kind of confidence to kill and win.

The Japanese warships came from afar, and on the sea level, the first few small black spots slowly turned into a large area, like a swarm of locusts rushing towards mature crops.

The dark fleet hung over the sea like a cloud, and as the distance got closer, the cloud became bigger and bigger.

Master Sun Ren stood on the flagship building in armor, holding a small black flag in his hand, and waved the flag to the messengers downstairs.

"Send the order, the Chinese army presses up, and the long snake swings away!"

The sound of gongs, drums and horns, and rhythms of different lengths conveyed Sun Renshi's orders to each warship.

More than fifty Tang warships turned their rudders slowly on the sea, with one side of the ship across the sea, facing the approaching Japanese boat.

"In order to send the order, the left and right wings are inserted straight from the side, forming a three-sided pincer formation against the enemy."

The battleships on the left and right wings sailed slowly from both sides according to the order.

"Order, the Musket Battalion is arrayed on the deck, put on heavy armor, and filled with gunpowder projectiles."

"Send the order, wait for the enemy to go deep, and the rear army will outflank from the east and cut off the enemy's rear. Don't let an enemy ship go today!"

Orders were issued one after another, and the Datang navy methodically followed Sun Renshi's will, and arranged the formation calmly.

The war is about to start.

In this naval battle, the formation of the Datang Navy has obviously changed, encircling them from all sides. This was decided after the discussion and drill by Sun Renshi and Liu Rengui.

With firearms and without firearms, the formation is very different.

This battle is still outnumbered, but the Datang Navy put on a lion against the rabbit, relying on more than 170 warships, but wanted to swallow more than 1000 Japanese warships in one go.

The Japanese coach on the opposite side was surprised when he saw the different formation of the Datang Navy from the past.

More importantly, the Japanese boats are like ants eating elephants and wolves eating tigers. They have and only have this tactic, and this tactic has proved to be effective, and there is no need to change it.

Li Qinzai was also standing on the deck of the flagship, with no nervous expression on his face. While watching the two armies slowly approaching in the distance, his hands were still busy.

Li Sujie was not nervous either. Rather than saying that he had confidence in the Datang Navy, it would be better to say that he had more confidence in the three-eyed blunderbuss made by his master, and he was almost blindly convinced that the battle would be won.

His eyes were focused on Li Qinzai's hands.

"Sir, what are you doing?" Li Sujie approached curiously.

Li Qinzai said indifferently: "A little thing, a magnet, have you heard of it?"

"Of course I've heard of it, that thing is very interesting, it can absorb iron." Li Sujie stared at his hand and said, "But what did you make?"

"We have a Sinan car on our flagship, do you know what it is used for?"

"I know, it's used to tell the direction and keep the fleet from getting lost at sea." Li Sujie showed an aggrieved expression: "Sir, I'm not that stupid, your question is too simple."

Li Qinzai raised his head and glanced at him, and said, "You look like a mentally handicapped person now, put away your expression, don't be a sissy."

Holding up a small disc-shaped magnet, Li Qinzai said: "This one in my hand is a portable small compass, which can be carried with you. It is much more convenient than the bulky Sinan car on the flagship."

"What is the use of making this thing, sir?"

"It is used to distinguish mentally retarded and normal people. Look at it. Its arrow is pointing at you. Do you know what it means?"

Li Sujie was silent for a moment, pointing to his nose: "Is this disciple mentally retarded?"

"You are very clear about yourself, this is an advantage, remember to keep it."

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the sea in the distance. Li Qinzai put away the compass, stood up, and blurted out: "The battle has begun!"

Li Sujie glanced indifferently, and said: "My Master Wang will surely win, today I will watch the meritorious deeds of General Manager Sun, and see the majestic power of the things made by Mr."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Sujie was kicked hard on the buttocks. Li Sujie staggered and said in astonishment, "Why did you kick the disciple?"

Li Qinzai said indifferently: "I'm supposed to pretend that you're a jerk. Your indifferent and wise appearance of a worldly expert is very annoying."


On the sea, the two fleets have engaged in battle.

This time, the Datang navy showed an overwhelming advantage, almost chasing the small boats of the Japanese fleet.

The key to the tactic of wolf-eating tigers is that contact is a must. More than a dozen small boats surround the big boat, approaching from all directions regardless of sacrifice, boarding the boat, and fighting hand-to-hand.Swallowed the soldiers on the big ship one by one.

But this time, the Japanese boat could not approach at all.

Rows of firearm battalion soldiers had already been lined up on the Datang battleship, each holding a three-eyed gun. Once the Japanese boat came within fifty paces, it would shoot a salvo.

The three-eyed blunderbuss was very powerful, and the deck of the Japanese boat was not big, so one shot would cause massive casualties.

After two rounds of volleys, basically all the thieves on the small Japanese boat were killed or injured, and those who survived were heartbroken and jumped into the sea to escape in a panic.

The purpose of the one-word long snake array arranged by Master Sun Ren is to make all the three-eyed guns of the Musket Battalion face outwards in unison, forming a dense firepower net. Japanese small boats have no chance of approaching under such a firepower net. The thief was turned into a hornet's nest.

The white gunpowder smoke constantly rose from the sea, and the sound of falling water and desperate screams were heard constantly.

In this era when hot weapons should not have appeared, Li Qinzai created them himself.

Then, hot weapons made their debut in the war for the first time, and the blow to the enemy is dimensionality reduction.There were more than a thousand small boats in the Wa Kingdom, and they had no power to fight back in the rounds of salvos.

Li Qinzai quietly watched the tragic scene on the sea in the distance, and his heart was churning.

More than 1000 years later, that ignorant foreign dynasty, in front of the muskets of European and American powers, also rushed to the enemy with a bow and knife in such a tragic way. Those tragic scenes of never returning are so similar to the scene in front of us.

Fortunately, the big power this time is Datang.

If you fall behind, you can only be beaten. It is an eternal truth.

The situation on the battlefield is gradually changing, and the Datang Navy has secured the victory.

The Japanese boats were emptied, and the Japanese pirates screamed and fell down or fell into the water. The coach of the Japanese navy was desperate. He couldn't figure it out at this moment. It was obviously a tactic of wolf-eating tigers that was invincible. What went wrong? Why did today's battle fail so badly?

On the flagship, Master Sun Ren's face turned red. Today's battle went so smoothly, even he didn't expect it.

Hot Weapon's first battle has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

The messenger rushed over from the deck and saluted Sun Renshi who was on the top of the building.

"Sir, the Japanese fleet has begun to retreat."

Sun Renshi slapped the railing excitedly, and shouted: "The rear army is ordered to cut across to the rear of the pirates, spread out one word, and cut off the enemy's retreat. In today's battle, not a single enemy ship is allowed to escape. Anyone who violates the military law Deal with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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