Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 224 How to get married if the troubles are not resolved?

Chapter 224 How to get married if the troubles are not resolved?
The news of Jinjue county uncle spread throughout Zhuangzi in an instant. After nightfall, all the farmers who had already fallen asleep woke up, and the lights in the house were lit.

Li Qinzai and Cui Jie were walking near the other courtyard. Cui Jie was taken aback when she heard the knight's roar, and then looked at Li Qinzai in surprise.

"You... have been promoted again!"

Li Qinzai was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he would be promoted to a noble, after all, he violated the order first, and after returning to Chang'an from Japan, what he had been waiting for was the court's punishment.

In the end, the punishment didn't come, and he was promoted to the first rank of title instead. So, what happened in the court?
Cui Jie's eyes seem to be a little worshipful, and there are moons in her eyes.

"Ji Cao, don't be six." Li Qinzai quickly recovered his composure after being surprised.

At the gate of the Li family courtyard, the knight who reported the news was still shouting, as if he wanted to shout the news of Wu Shaolang's promotion to the whole village.

Li Qinzai frowned, immediately took off his shoes, and threw them at the knight.

The knight didn't notice, and just happened to be hit on the head by a shoe, and the roar stopped abruptly.

"What kind of honor is Jin! Do you have a sense of public morality? It's noisy and noisy, and the neighbors don't need to sleep? They have to go to work tomorrow!"

The knight shut up and smiled dryly at Li Qinzai.

Li Qinzai put one hand on Cui Jie's shoulder, pointed to the shoes on the ground, and said, "Pick up the shoes and give them to me."

The knight held the shoes and sent them to his feet.

Li Qinzai put on his shoes and said without raising his head, "Go away, please be quiet at night."

The knight immediately went away obediently.

After putting on his shoes, Li Qinzai saw that every household in the Zhuangzi had lit up their lights, and many householders came out of their clothes and were walking towards other courtyards. It seemed that they were about to deal with another wave of congratulations.

Before the farmers approached, Li Qinzai roared again: "What are you doing out at night? Go back and hug your mother-in-law to make a few more babies if you have nothing to do. If your mother-in-law is happy, take it as my congratulations." !"

The villagers kept walking when they heard the words, but turned around in place, turned around and went home quickly, blowing on the lamps and going to the kang.

Cui Jie blushed and punched him: "You are so nasty!"

"The way of Dunlun is justified, where is it so dirty?"

Cui Jie looked at Li Qinzai, her eyes curved into crescent moons with a smile, and said with a light smile, "It's a great joy to be promoted, why aren't you happy at all?"

Li Qinzai smiled: "What's there to be happy about? For me, it's just something that happened to me. As long as it doesn't affect my normal life, good and bad things are the same."

Cui Jie sighed: "With such an old monk's state of mind, it's hard to imagine that your reputation in Chang'an City was so bad. I really wonder if someone deliberately discredited you..."

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "When you first met me, you slandered me by talking about an asshole?"

Cui Jie blushed and said angrily, "You're an idiot now!"

Immediately, Cui Jie sighed suddenly: "I heard that you only entered the officialdom last year, right? At first, you were the young supervisor of the Firearms Supervision, and later you were made a county magistrate, and today you are the county uncle of Jin County. You have become so prominent in less than a year. , Such a speed is really unheard of, His Majesty has treated you with extreme grace."

"Maybe His Majesty has a hostage in his hands, and their two sons are still in my hands."

"Don't talk nonsense, your words will invite disaster!"

Cui Jie bit her lower lip and said softly, "You said before you went out last year that you..."

Li Qinzai said seriously: "I understand that you can't wait to marry me and prepare to give me a baby, but you can't do it yet."

Cui Jie was startled, and then said angrily: "Who, who can't wait to marry you!"

"Okay, it's me, I can't wait to marry you, okay? But, there is a problem that must be solved, otherwise I will always feel like being pushed out of the market. This marriage is only once in a lifetime, so I can't leave a shadow on you and me."

"What's the trouble?"

Li Qinzai laughed and said, "Did you forget? Your stepmother who just came in is planning to break us up. If we don't settle this matter, we will get married in a hurry. It seems that we have to get married to avoid this trouble. Oh, I I have never had the habit of hiding from trouble in my life."

Cui Jie worriedly said: "What are you going to do?"

"Wait a minute, Taiyuan Wang, a millennium family leader, probably won't be afraid of me just because two servants have their legs broken. I'm curious what she plans to do next."


Qingzhou, Cui's family.

The Cui family is also a powerful family in the world, the family has flourishing branches and branches all over the world, and more importantly, the Cui family has a huge influence in Qingzhou. Even the government has to communicate with the Cui family to get some support from the Cui family when they implement certain policies. After support, the policy can be implemented smoothly.

This is the influence of the aristocratic families. In their respective territories, they can compete with the imperial court's decrees, and the imperial court has to make compromises with them.

Li Zhi and Wu Mei devoted their whole lives to weakening the power of the clans in order to centralize power so that the local power of the clans was always lower than that of the imperial court.

In the Cui family early in the morning, the servants were cleaning the vicissitudes of the quaint ancestral house and waiting for the masters to dress.

Not only the contemporary patriarch lived in the Cui family's ancestral house, but there were also many important clansmen from the collateral lineage, as well as great Confucianists who were hired with a lot of money.

These great Confucians are very important. From a certain point of view, they are more important than the Cui clan.

The reason why the aristocratic family is different from the nouveau riche is not only because of their deep-rooted power in the local area, but also because of the cultural heritage that the nouveau riche cannot match.

It is these great Confucians who support the cultural heritage of the powerful families.

There are at least 100 people in the family, big and small.

After Cui Linqian, the head of the family, got up, the servant girl helped him dress and wash carefully. Cui Linqian sat in the wing room, drank a bowl of light porridge calmly, tidied up his beautiful beard and long beard, and then Shi Shiran walked out of the room.

Turning around the quiet corridor, he met his newly married wife, Wang Shi, head-on.

Cui Linqian stood still, Wang approached in small steps, put his palms on his forehead, and saluted Cui Linqian.

"Meet my husband, my husband is healthy."

Cui Linqian smiled uncomfortably.

The new main wife looks pretty good, but her personality is too dull, she is strict in everything, and especially pays attention to etiquette, as if in order to maintain her status as a wealthy family, even the husband and wife greet each other as solemnly and formally as visiting an ancestor's grave.

Wang was in her early thirties, she was no longer a virgin before she married Cui Linqian, to be precise, she was actually a widow before.

Mrs. Wang was betrothed to someone else more than ten years ago. After a few years of loving life, the man fell ill and passed away. Mrs. Wang had to return to the Wang family in Taiyuan. Cui Linqian, the head of the family.

Cui Linqian lost his wife a few years ago, and Wang lost her husband many years ago. Both of them are middle-aged people with life experience, and they are not hypocritical. What's more, the interests involved in the marriage of two powerful families are more important than the relationship between husband and wife.

During the Tang Dynasty, widows would not be talked about when they married, and it had nothing to do with chastity and reputation.In fact, no matter the government decree of the court, or the folk scholars and common people, they all advocate and encourage widows to marry.

Because the population of the Tang Dynasty is too small, the imperial court encourages the people to have children. If all the widows in the whole country are widows for their dead husbands, how can the imperial court and the government allow such a serious waste of social resources to happen?
As long as you don't reach menopause, remarry quickly. It doesn't matter if you can't find a partner. The government has officials who specialize in matchmaking, called "official matchmakers" for short, and they will help you find a partner.

Yes, the dowry is given by the state, and the dowry is also reasonable. After assessing each family’s conditions, just think about it casually. If you dare to ask for a sky-high dowry, among other things, the woman’s reputation in the local area and her husband’s family will completely stink the street, and it will stink for a lifetime. .

In order to bring more children to the local government, the government is also working hard, matchmaking, Na Cai, everything is ready for you, hurry up and go to the bridal chamber, and more children can also get extra rewards from the government.

Naturally, the wedding ceremony of aristocratic families is different from that of ordinary people, but it is still the traditional six ceremonies of the Zhou Dynasty, but it is much more luxurious and grand.

After talking about the matchmaker's name, Cui Linqian married the Wang family, and the Wang family took charge of the Cui family's ancestral house as the official wife.

The newlyweds lived happily. Cui Linqian is only in his early forties this year, and Wang is in his thirties, which is also the most charming age in a woman's life.

Cui Linqian naively thought that the union of the two middle-aged people must hit it off immediately, and the sky thunder will stir the fire...

However, after a few days, Cui Linqian felt a little dull.

This Mrs. Wang is so serious, even the matter of the bed is serious, the husband and wife go in and out of the exercise and it's over, and they have to kneel and salute each other before blowing the lamp, can you believe it?

As for the posture and posture, Wang is even more rigorous like a nun who is ascetic.

Not long after they got married, Cui Linqian had the idea of ​​going to a brothel in Qingzhou City to find sex, which shows how uneasy this middle-aged couple gets along with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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