Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 234 School Mission

Chapter 234 School Mission
For the first time to get started, it feels good.

The place that should be soft is soft, the place that should be slippery is slippery, Miaoman's figure is wrapped in clothes, but Li Qinzai already clearly knows the size of his fiancée.

The pampered young lady of an aristocratic family is really different from ordinary women, with fair skin and soft tentacles. The idiom "smooth as smooth as fat" is very suitable for her.

Not to mention that there is a vague orchid fragrance when you get close, it is by no means the tacky fragrance pickled by cosmetics, but is pickled by the natural floral fragrance.

Then Li Qinzai began to reflect on the mask he made for her last time.

Underestimated her size, no wonder she didn't wear it, my fault.

When I go back, I will make a new one for her, make a few more, and change her clothes.

Cui Jie was so ashamed that she was about to faint. Ever since she was a child, no man had ever dared to treat her so lightly. Although this man in front of her was different and was her destined husband, it would be a breach of etiquette if she didn't get married for a day.

"I'm dead!" Cui Jie cried while sitting on the millstone.

Li Qinzai said apologetically: "It was really unintentional just now. I didn't mean to belittle you. I really just wanted to see the jade pendant..."

Cui Jie lowered her head and wiped her tears, weeping.

Li Qinzai said helplessly: "Why don't you touch it back? Although my body is different from yours, it is better because Kong Wu is strong, strong and graceful, and can also give women a sense of security. If you try to hold your breath, you may have abdominal muscles. Really. The more you touch it, the more you become addicted, and the women in the world have rave reviews..."

Cui Jie ignored him and continued to cry.

Li Qinzai became impatient: "If you cry again, I will continue to touch you. Anyway, you can't be coaxed, so it's better to break it and then stand up..."

Cui Jie stopped crying immediately, and stared at him fiercely with teary eyes: "You... bastard!"

Li Qinzai was very happy: "Miss Shijia's swearing is deterrent and no harm. The more you swear, the more exciting you are. Next time I will teach you how to swear. I guarantee that when you open your mouth, others will immediately draw their swords and kill themselves."

Cui Jie choked for a moment, then said angrily: "I only scold you, you are the only one in the world who can bully me like this."

"If you say that we are husband and wife, husband and wife are enemies, and enemies are just bullying each other. Next time you will bully and come back."

"Who is married to you? I won't marry you anymore!"

Seeing that Cui Jie was still angry, Li Qinzai said: "Okay, I swear, I won't miss your jade pendant anymore, okay?"

Cui Jie still stared at him angrily: "...don't lie to me!"

"It's almost a family. What's yours is mine. You can't lie to me... Okay, don't lie."

Cui Jie snorted, and seemed not too angry anymore.

Stretching out her slender fingers to poke his chest, Cui Jie said: "I have not yet entered your Li family's door, you should respect me like a gentleman, and you should not be frivolous."

Li Qinzai said cheerfully: "Okay, I won't be so frivolous when you come in."

Cui Jie froze, blushed again, and said softly: "It's not even after entering the door..."

Li Qinzai's eyes widened: "You are not allowed to enter the door? It's unreasonable!"

He turned his head and yelled out of the yard: "Where is my uncle? Call him here, I don't want this woman anymore, change to another one!"


After two days of playing in Zhuangzi, Li Zhi and the dukes and lords finally left with more than enough satisfaction.

A parent meeting was held, and a group of monarchs and ministers made Li's other courtyard into a mess, especially the forbidden army in the other courtyard, and the security was particularly strict. Not only strangers were strictly prohibited from entering, but even strange objects had to be strictly checked for a long time.

They all have to taste the saltiness when they pass by the door with a load of dung.

Li Qinzai had no choice but to keep expressly hinting that the country cannot live without a king, and countless complicated state affairs and government affairs in the Chang'an court are waiting for His Majesty and the courtiers to deal with.

A group of people abandoned government affairs and went to the countryside for vacation. This is a sign of not wanting to make progress. This kind of performance can only appear in a young gentleman of the Li family who takes laziness and pleasure as his life goal...

After talking about it for a long time, Li Zhi finally decided to leave.

Li Qinzai seriously suspected that he left not to return to Chang'an to deal with the government affairs, but because he couldn't stand Li Qinzai's long-winded words.

The emperors these days, if we say they are diligent, are indeed diligent, and only sleep about two or three hours a day.

But it would be an exaggeration to say that he does this every day.

As far as Li Qinzai knew, Li Zhi and Empress Wu often toured Luoyang, and it took them two months to leave. Many government memorials were delivered on the road of eight hundred miles of fast riding, and Li Zhi approved them easily.

Few of the emperors died of exhaustion. Most of them played to death or did it by themselves.

After respectfully sending Li Zhi and the dukes and princes away, Li Qinzai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the imperial chariot slowly moving away, the banners going away, and the smoke and dust rising farther and farther away.

Next time I won't be able to hold a parent-teacher meeting, I'm just trying to make fun of myself. Li Qinzai is really a little tender for playing tricks in front of this group of monarchs and ministers. The time traveler just has more knowledge. In terms of calculations, he is the ancestor.

The final effect of this parent meeting is that the little bastards lived up to expectations and were beaten by their parents, but Li Qinzai also suffered a heavy loss. more.

Both the teachers and the students couldn't please each other, and the final winner was actually Li Zhi.

Li Qinzai watched the imperial cavalry go away, and the little bastards stood behind Li Qinzai in an orderly manner.

Until the imperial chariot disappeared, Li Qinzai turned his head, and suddenly found that the little bastards were all staring at him with resentful eyes.

Li Qinzai was a little uncomfortable, then stared: "What!"

The little bastards moved in unison and looked back, shaking their heads in awe.

"The ugly words have already been said before. You are not up to date, and you blame the husband for telling the truth to your parents? If you don't get good grades, you will be prepared to be beaten." Li Qinzai said seriously.

Li Sujie said obediently: "What you said is very true. In the future, I will study hard and earnestly, try my best to pass the exam, so as not to disappoint my husband and my father."

Li Qinzai pointed at him, and said to the bastards, "Listen, this is the attitude a student should have."

Looking him up and down, Li Qinzai said again, "You didn't get beaten?"

Li Sujie smiled reservedly: "Except for Senior Brother Li Qiao, although the disciples did not pass the exam, the disciple's grades are the best among all of them. Father encouraged me a lot and never beat me up."

Li Qinzai nodded in satisfaction, then stared at the other bastards, and said, "Look at them!"

This statement works great.

Hate transfer!

The little bastards stared at Li Sujie unkindly.

Li Sujie, a prince who had been on the battlefield, was quite mentally strong, and his back was hairy from the eyes of everyone, and he twisted his body uncomfortably.

In school, a top student and a scumbag are born to be irreconcilable, unless there is a male and a female.

Li Sujie may not understand this truth until she has been bullied by scumbags.

"Okay, eyes can't kill people. If you have the guts, you can find an opportunity to tease him in private..." Li Qinzai continued: "I think you already know that a university will be built in Zhuangzi soon, and you are about to usher in a new era." Approve new juniors."

Everyone nodded silently.

Li Qinzai's face suddenly became ferocious: "...Take out your dandy and bastard temperament, take away one by one, remember the purpose of my school?"

Everyone said in unison: "It's not fair, it's not fair, it's still fucking... not fair!"

(End of this chapter)

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