Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 249 The situation changes suddenly

Chapter 249 The situation changes suddenly
The moment he stepped into the palace, Li Qinzai understood that Empress Wu wanted to use the assassination case to make trouble, and it was a big deal.

A few years ago, the event of abolishing Wang Liwu that shocked the world was finally settled under the joint efforts of Li Zhi and Empress Wu.

Taking this matter as the dividing line, the relationship between the Tian family and the aristocratic family has become more rigid since then, but the benefits are also obvious. The imperial power of the Tang Dynasty has gone through three generations of emperors. After the abolition of the king and the establishment of the military, the imperial power has never been concentrated.

Today's Tianjia and Shijia are a protracted game, each other's interests coexist and oppose each other. Above the court, the emperor must not only use the descendants of the noble family, but also beware of the descendants of the noble family.

As for the aristocratic family, they are not only dissatisfied with the emperor, but they dare not express their dissatisfaction publicly. On the surface, they have to sing praises and express their loyalty to the emperor.

In terms of interests, it has to be adjusted at any time according to the emperor's decree. It is not like Wude and Zhenguan years, which openly violated the central court's decree at the local level.

The relationship is very complicated, both enemies and friends, both kindness and hatred, where the world can't see, there are repeated entanglements of interests, and mutual opposition of hatred.

And once the two sides really start playing games, some ordinary characters next to each other will often be ground into meat.

The size is too large, and an elephant sneezes, which is a disaster for ants.

So Li Qinzai didn't dare to meddle. The grandson of the British prince can run amok in Chang'an, but in the eyes of the Tian family and the real aristocrats, it's not enough, unless Li Ji himself ends up in person.

Li Qinzai's real identity and weight is that he is only Weinan county uncle, who is also a young supervisor of military weapons.

What is this identity in the court hall?

When Tianjia and Shijia started to fight, any fart would blow him to pieces.

Judging from Empress Wu's tone, the empress seems to be still interested in suppressing the aristocratic family. She has been an honest empress for several years, and now she wants to do something to the aristocratic family again.

And her excuse for doing it was Li Qinzai's assassination case.

The atmosphere in the hall was inexplicably solemn, and Empress Wu could feel Li Qinzai's resistance through the bead curtain.

She knew that what he resisted was that this matter was involved in the court, and then expanded infinitely, and he became the center of the storm.

Sighing leisurely, Empress Wu said: "Jingchu, both Your Majesty and this Palace attach great importance to you. To Datang, you are an outstanding talent from ancient times to the present. With such a talent, Your Majesty and this Palace are both in public and private. Will do harm to you."

Li Qinzai lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty and the Empress, for your favor, I am ashamed to be a minister."

Empress Wu said again: "You don't need to be involved in the assassination case. Both Your Majesty and this palace want to protect you, let you teach in Ganjing Village with peace of mind, be a teacher who will not fight or grab, and occasionally get some novelties. , adding wings to the Tang Dynasty like a tiger..."

"But, it can't be done. Things have come to this point. Next year will be the year of the Tang Dynasty's scientific research. Now there are many aristocratic families who are active up and down. They travel between the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Officials, and they continue to serve His Majesty. The memorandum recommends talents in the family, but turns a blind eye to next year's scientific examination."

Empress Wu suddenly accentuated her tone, and said, "Scientific examination is a national policy that must be implemented by the Tang Dynasty. It must replace the recommendation system of the aristocratic family, and give the world's underprivileged children a chance to succeed. Jingchu, do you understand?"

Li Qinzai understood.

Before the scientific examination next year, Empress Wu must find a reason to beat the aristocratic family severely, so that the aristocratic family will be honest, so as not to jump up and down before and after the scientific examination, interfere with the results of the scientific examination, and destroy the imperial examination system that Li Zhi and Empress Wu are fully promoting.

At this time, the assassination happened. For the Tian family, this was a god-sent opportunity.

The Taiyuan Wang family made a foolish move, which finally allowed the Tian family to seize the opportunity.

After figuring out this joint, Li Qinzai understood the purpose of Empress Wu summoning him.

Sighing secretly, Li Qinzai asked, "Understood, what orders do you have from Your Majesty and Empress?"

Empress Wu was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "It's a big deal for the Wang family to secretly assassinate an important court official, but it's not big enough. The commotion is only limited to Ganjingzhuang, and no one in the court even knows about it. That's not enough."

Li Qinzai understood again.

The matter is not big enough, and it is inconvenient for the emperor and the empress to make a move. The matter must become a big one, and it seems that it can't be dealt with. It spreads to the court and golden hall, and everyone in the civil and military streets of the dynasty knows about it, so the emperor can take the opportunity to do it.

Otherwise, based on the present, the result of taking down several members of the Wang family and interrogating them will not be convincing to the public, and the emperor will not be able to use this result to attack the aristocratic family.

But to make things big, looking at the world, only Li Qinzai is suitable.

Because he was the party involved in the assassination case, the victim, and also a notorious bastard in Chang'an City who couldn't bear any birdishness.

Who else is more suitable for making trouble than Li Qinzai?

Empress Wu stared at his face through the bead curtain, and said softly: "Jingchu, I am not afraid to tell you frankly that you are a pawn in this matter, but not an abandoned one. The Tian family really wants to use you. With you, but you will never be placed under a dangerous wall, do you understand what I mean?"

Speaking of this, what else can Li Qinzai say?
Courtiers were pawns of the imperial power, and Li Qinzai felt a little relieved that Empress Wu made the point clear.

Although it is also being used, but if the attitude is frank and sincere, it may be regarded as a cooperation between the Tian family and the courtiers.

After pondering for a long time, Li Qinzai suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, does your Majesty know that the Empress summoned the ministers today?"

This question is very skillful, and the implicit meaning is that this is your queen's idea, or a joint decision of your husband and wife.

The answer is very different, it determines Li Qinzai's attitude towards this matter.

No matter what he did, Li Qinzai didn't want to be labeled as a "rear party".

Empress Wu was obviously not stupid, she immediately understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Promoting imperial examinations is not something that I can do alone, it is a national policy strongly advocated by Your Majesty."

"Also, Your Majesty deliberately avoided meeting you today."

Li Qinzai sighed, and said: "I understand, I will not disappoint your majesty and queen."

Empress Wu stared at him with great interest, and said with a smile, "What are you going to do?"

Li Qinzai smiled: "It's making trouble, it's the job of a dude."

Empress Wu took a deep look at him through the bead curtain, and said with a smile, "Go, Your Majesty will take care of everything for you."

Li Qinzai resigned and walked out of the palace gate alone.

Outside the palace gate, Liu Asi and other trilogy were waiting with their horses.Seeing Li Qinzai coming out, all the parts went up to meet him.

Li Qinzai stood in front of the palace gate and pondered for a long time, then asked, "Ah Si, how many people can be mobilized by our family?"

Liu Ah Si thought for a while and said, "It's probably less than five hundred."

Li Qinzai nodded. Although the Duke of England has made great achievements, the mansion did not dare to raise too many plays, otherwise it would be easy to be suspected.

Frowning, Li Qinzai said: "Not much, let the order go on, the households scattered all over the Guanzhong of the British government, as long as they have been soldiers in the government, and those under the age of 40, all gather together."

Liu Asi was taken aback: "Fifth Shaolang, you are..."

Li Qinzai spread his hands: "Isn't it obvious enough? I'm going to make trouble."

Liu Ahsi hesitated and said, "I'm afraid my old man..."

Li Qinzai smiled mysteriously, and said, "It's okay, Grandpa won't object. I dare to guarantee your head."



Cui Sheng, who returned to Chang'an, suddenly sent his servants to Zhuangzi to convey a message to Cui Jie.

In the simple courtyard, Cui Jie got up abruptly, her beautiful almond eyes were full of anger.

"Is it really Wang's behind-the-scenes order?"

The servants of the Cui family lowered their heads and said: "Yes, the Baiqisi in Chang'an has interrogated members of the Wang clan, and Wang Cong'an recruited them. The masked assassin is a dead man of the Wang clan in Taiyuan."

"Did it be instructed by my father's new wife?"

The servant reported: "The steward of the Cui family reported to Mr. Shaolang that before the assassination, the servant of the Wang family who was married to the Cui family had been secretly transferred between Taiyuan and Qingzhou. Mr. Shaolang judged that most of them had separated from the new wife. It doesn't matter."

Cui Jie's eyes became even more angry.

She doesn't understand the grievances between the Tian family and the aristocratic family, or how deep the water behind this matter is.

All she knew was that her nominal stepmother almost killed her husband, and the Cui family was inexplicably involved in this incident. After getting married, how could she behave in front of her husband?
Pursing her lips, the gentle and demure Cui Jie's eyes suddenly shot out a knife-sharp edge.

At this moment, she was no longer the aggrieved little daughter-in-law who was bullied by Li Qinzai everywhere in Ganjing Village.

She is the eldest lady of the Cui family in Qingzhou, a descendant of a thousand-year-old family.

She has never lacked sharpness, but her long-term good upbringing has covered her sharpness.At this moment, she no longer hides it.

"In my name, order all the farmhouses under the name of the Cui family in Qingzhou to gather with the farmers outside Qingzhou City."

"Also tell my brother that I, Cui Jie, am going back to Qingzhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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