Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 259 Reversal, change of surname

Chapter 259 Reversal, change of surname

Brothers and friends are respectful, Shihe Suifeng.

A gentleman drinks wine and enjoys it endlessly.

Not a gentleman, drinking is also a lot of fun.

Li Qinzai made an exception today and drank a lot of wine.

The wine of this era is actually not delicious. Even the salamander grape wine that the nobles are used to drinking, the taste is incomparable to that of a thousand years later, so Li Qinzai doesn't like drinking wine very much.

It's just that I drank with my cousin today, and my brothers are very close, so Li Qinzai drank a lot without knowing it, and in the end he was [-]% or [-]% drunk.

Li Jingye finally knew how many great things his cousin had done in the past year.

The more I listened, the more surprised I became, and I couldn't figure out why my cousin was so powerful. The cousin who used to be unscrupulous and troublesome, now turned into a pillar of the country, and the family of the British family has a long history because of him.

As the eldest grandson of the long-term house who will inevitably inherit the British dukedom in the future, Li Jingye's mood is actually a bit complicated.

If it weren't for the fact that he was the eldest grandson of the eldest son, the most suitable person to inherit the British dukedom would be Li Qinzai, right?

For a moment, a trace of jealousy flashed in Li Jingye's heart, but he was relieved in an instant.

Looking drunkenly at Li Qinzai, he is still his cousin, the little bastard who cried and made noises when he was a child, and made the whole family worry when he grew up.

In the dead of night, there is a lonely lamp in the bright hall.

Under the flickering lights, the two brothers swayed with their shoulders hooked.

Banquet until dawn.


Chang'an City.

The memorials to the impeachment of Li Qinzai have not decreased, and they are still sent to Shangshu Province like snowflakes every day.

The background of the Wang family in Taiyuan is really extraordinary. Li Qinzai's act of burning the ancestral house was really like stabbing a hornet's nest. After several days, not only did it not cool down, but it intensified.

In the court hall, all the courtiers related to the Wang family were full of righteous indignation to impeach Li Qinzai.

What's more interesting is that the ancestral house of the Wang family in Taiyuan was burned, and the other aristocratic families were restless. Taking advantage of the anger, except for the Cui family in Qingzhou, several other aristocratic families ordered their disciples to participate in the impeachment of Li Qinzai.

It wasn't just the Taiyuan Wang family that Li Qinzai burned, his actions had touched the backs of all the great families in the Tang Dynasty.

The ancestral house of the thousand-year-old family is set on fire. If there is no severe punishment, will anyone be able to set fire to the ancestral house of the aristocratic family in the future?

This is absolutely unacceptable to the aristocratic family. Even if he is the grandson of the Duke of England, no matter how powerful his background is, he must be disbanded this time.

When Li Qinzai sold the white jade flying horse bestowed by the late emperor, the consequences of such a stupid thing were not as serious as today.

Li Qinzai already has a title and an official position. Burning people's ancestral houses is no longer ignorant and frivolous. To the courtiers, Li Qinzai is already an adult, who should be responsible for his actions and bear the consequences of causing trouble.

This consequence is not only an understatement of being fined and paid, but there have been many memorials demanding severe punishment from the emperor, even if he is dismissed from office, he will have to travel thousands of miles and even be taken to Dali Temple for severe interrogation.

In the past few days, there were more and more impeachment memorials, but the emperor ignored them. Even if someone participated in the impeachment in person at the court meeting, Li Zhi laughed a few times, and then the right minister Xu Jingzong came out to change the topic.

One monarch and one minister cooperated tacitly, and this matter was delayed, and there was no result after several days.The memorials to impeachment were shelved by Xu Jingzong and ignored.

The court is boiling against the sky, and the people are not stopping.

The students of the Guozijian were instigated by someone, and they came to sit quietly in front of the British mansion, and stuffed a joint letter into the door of the Guogong mansion, asking the old man to clean up the door, don't waste it, don't let it go, don't pollute it The old man has made meritorious deeds all his life and has been innocent all his life.

The gate of the British government was closed, and the trilogy at the gate was also withdrawn. Li Ji made up his mind to let these ignorant students mess around.

When the situation gradually got out of hand, Tai Chi Palace finally spread the news.

The first is a notice from the imperial palace, which was pasted brightly and brightly at the gate of the official office of the Ministry of Punishment outside Zhuque Street, for passers-by to check.

The notice contained the confession made by Wang Cong'an, the steward of Chang'an of the Wang family in Taiyuan, and all the details of the Wang family's secret plot to assassinate Li Qinzai, the grandson of the British Duke, including ordering the dispatch of Tang envoys and the use of dead family members, etc.

After this notice was posted, the government and the public were shocked, and the common people were astonished.

There must be a cause and an effect. It was not until then that people discovered that there was a reason why the British grandson took people all the way to burn Wang's ancestral house.

Comparing your heart to your heart and moving from place to place, after you are secretly assassinated, will you take revenge and go back?It's already very polite to just burn down an ancestral house, okay?

Public opinion in Chang'an City reversed instantly, the perpetrators became victims, and the memorials to impeach Li Qinzai were reduced by more than half overnight.

Most of the remaining ones who are still participating in the impeachment are official disciples related to the Taiyuan Wang family.

Two days after the notice was posted, Li Zhi and Empress Wu finally took action.

A decree suddenly came out from the Taiji Palace, severely reprimanding the six ministries of the three provinces, and the Yushitai, the most popular place to participate in the impeachment of Li Qinzai, was scolded bloody by Li Zhi.

After the reprimand, Li Zhi ordered the officials of the three provinces and six ministries to reflect on themselves and correct themselves.

The right minister Xu Jingzong understood and took the lead in pleading guilty to Li Zhi at the court meeting. Li Yifu, who had always been at odds with Xu Jingzong, did not know who was instructing him at this time, and unexpectedly stood on the same front with Xu Jingzong to plead guilty to Li Zhi together.

Then, the court suddenly changed direction.

Several days of self-correction and self-inspection, the six ministries of the three provinces were inexplicably exposed to the evidence that some officials violated the law.

These evidences are really like magic soldiers, they came out of nowhere, some were reported by colleagues for backstabs, some were found out by Baiqisi, and some were evidences that had been sealed up for an unknown period of time.

The courtiers who had been dancing happily a few days ago were all dumbfounded at this moment.

It is clearly talking about the grandson of the British Duke burning the ancestral house of the Wang family in Taiyuan, why did he burn himself after only two days?

Some clever courtiers smacked their lips, and immediately tasted an unusual taste.

From Li Qinzai's assassination to Li Qinzai's burning of Wang's ancestral home, many officials from the six ministries of the three provinces were involved... Why does this look more and more like a trap?
The memory of the emperor's abolition of Wang Liwu many years ago came to mind again, thinking about it, his thoughts suddenly became clear.

Nima, this is the rhythm of attacking the family.

Whether Li Qinzai was assassinated or his ancestral house was burned, it was just a foreshadowing.

What the emperor and the empress really want to do is to use this matter to beat the aristocratic family, not only the Taiyuan Wang family, but all the aristocratic families.

Yes, it was just beating. With the current abilities of Li Zhi and Empress Wu, they could not completely eradicate the family, but the Tian family had already shown an obvious attitude of suppressing the family.

The turmoil this time is to let the big family see the attitude of the Tian family.

As many illegal evidences surfaced, officials associated with the Wang family in Taiyuan were sacked one after another.

This time the focus was on the Taiyuan Wang family, but the other big clans were also involved, and they were more or less relegated. As for the Taiyuan Wang family, there were more than 20 officials who were taken into Dali Temple. Several of the crimes are serious and may be ransacked.

May [-]nd of the second year of Longshuo.

After dozens of officials were imprisoned, Tai Chi Palace once again passed on a decree.

The Wang family of Qi County committed crimes, conspired to assassinate heroes, and ordered the Wang family of Qi County to change their surnames.

From then on, the Wang family in Qixian County changed their surname to "Python", and the clan members were no longer able to pass on the Wang surname from generation to generation.

(End of this chapter)

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