Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 314 Layout Digging

Chapter 314 Layout Digging
As the grain merchants all escaped from Bingzhou and transferred all the grain, the rumors in Bingzhou became more and more intense.

Although the official warehouse has released food, the people are still anxious.The native people naturally knew how many official warehouses there were in the city of Bingzhou, and how much grain they stored, enough to feed the whole city for a few days.

It is precisely because they know that the people feel uneasy.

The official warehouse is only enough to feed the whole city for more than 20 days, so what about after [-] days?
This kind of panic, like a countdown to life, unknowingly spread throughout the city.

The first to be impacted were more than a dozen grain shops set up by the governor's office in the city. The grain shops sold grain at a low price according to Li Qinzai's order.

There was a rush to buy grain shops in the city, and the people took out their life savings, and some even borrowed money, pawned it, and waited outside the grain shop day and night after getting the money.

Within a few days, the sales volume of grain increased so much that every commoner almost went bankrupt buying grain. More than a dozen grain shops kept replenishing their goods every day, and the supply of grain was still in short supply.

Then there were rumors everywhere, and rumors came from nowhere, which magnified this year's drought infinitely.

Various versions of the rumors are vivid and vivid. It is said that the land outside the city is full of hunger and starvation, and the farmers in the four counties under the jurisdiction of Bingzhou have already left their homeland with their families and are fleeing towards Bingzhou.

Once tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of refugees came outside the city of Bingzhou, the Governor's Mansion had to take care of the livelihood of the refugees, and the food in the official warehouse would stop selling and instead provide relief to the refugees.

Therefore, the food in the official storehouse cannot actually last for 20 days, and the people in the city can only watch helplessly as the refugees eat up their own food.

And if the new Governor Li can't quickly replenish the food in a short period of time, the food in the official warehouse will not be able to feed the refugees. If the food runs out and the refugees have no rice to cook, it will inevitably lead to civil unrest.

Civil uprising means siege of cities and land, murder and arson.

The people in Bingzhou City will be regarded as enemies by the refugees and will be killed indiscriminately.

It has to be said that those who spread rumors are well versed in human nature. These rumors are well-founded and very close to the facts. If the grain storage in the official warehouse is exhausted, the consequences will be really dire.

Such a convincing rumor, the people naturally believed it.

As a result, an atmosphere of panic spread throughout the city like a plague.

Early in the morning, Biejia Wang Shifu rushed to the Governor's Mansion to report that there were successive stampede incidents at the grain shops in the city, and more than [-] civilians were injured.

There are too many people queuing up to buy food, and when the crowd is crowded, it is easy to have a stampede.

In addition, the law and order in the city has become chaotic, and some bandits have sneaked in from nowhere, taking advantage of the gathering of the people to buy food, deliberately provoking troubles, provoking conflicts, and then fighting or even fighting with weapons.

Not only that, several well-to-do families in the city were also broken into by bandits, who robbed a lot of money and left.

In short, Bingzhou City has begun to fall into chaos.

Wang Shifu said with a bitter face: "Inspector Li, in the final analysis, the food trouble is the cause. We have to find a solution quickly. If we let the situation continue, the city will be in chaos before the grain storage in Bingzhou is exhausted."

Li Qinzai's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice, "Those bandits...have you ever captured them?"

Wang Shifu shook his head: "The law and order in Bingzhou City has always been good. I have been in Bingzhou for many years. I haven't seen bandits daring to loot in the city. It's very unusual."

Li Qinzai smiled: "Do you believe it's a coincidence that bandits appeared just at the time when people in the city were panicking?"

Wang Shifu was stunned, and said: "Inspector Li suspects...that gang of grain merchants who escaped from the city ordered them?"

"Otherwise? In the Qingping era of the Tang Dynasty, the Ministry of Criminal Justice only sentenced dozens of cases every year. In the era of great rule where the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, how did the bandits get along?"

Wang Shifu said with a bitter face: "No matter what the source is, the bandits are not important anymore. Inspector Li, the most important thing now is to appease the people."

Li Qinzai thought for a while, and said: "You transfer all the servants of the Governor's Mansion to the grain store to maintain order. In addition, there are more than a hundred of my Li family's trilogy, and they are all transferred to help."

Wang Shifu hesitated: "Order is a trivial matter, food..."

Li Qinzai smiled: "Don't drive me for a few more days, someone will bring food."

Wang Shifu's eyes lit up: "Inspector Li already has arrangements?"

Li Qinzai said sternly: "No, but I plan to invite monks and Taoists to hold religious ceremonies and pray to God to give me food. As long as I am devout, God will surely receive my text messages and respond to my requests..."

Wang Shifu:? ? ?

"Inspector Li, are you... serious?"

Li Qinzai laughed, pushed him casually, and said, "Hurry up and get busy, leave the food to me."

Seeing Wang Shifu leaving hesitantly, Li Qinzai smiled and left the atrium alone.

After a long time, Li Qinzai suddenly said, "Si."

Liu Ahsi appeared in response.

Li Qinzai pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "Send twenty or thirty trilogy, disguised as merchants, to the cities around Bingzhou, and spread the word in those cities..."

"Let's say Bingzhou City is running out of grain, and the governor is devastated by this, so he collects grain from grain merchants in neighboring cities at a high price. As long as they are willing, the governor will buy millet at forty renminbi per liter in the name of the government."

Liu Asi was stunned, and said in surprise: "Forty Wen? Per liter? Wu Shaolang, are your body in trouble?"

"Do you think it's too high?" Li Qinzai said with a smile: "At the beginning, the grain merchants in Bingzhou sold [-] yuan per liter, and I gave them a good beating. Now I pay [-] yuan per liter, do you think I'm crazy? own face?"

Liu Ah Si was stunned for a moment, then said cautiously: "Although it's a bit disrespectful, but... the villain really means that."

"You and I have different brain capacities, and I don't know how to explain it to you. Do as I say, and I have my own plan."

Liu Ah Si had no choice but to agree.

Li Qinzai said again: "Find a few other parts to pretend to be grain merchants from other places, transfer more than a dozen carts of grain from the official warehouse, quietly leave the city in the dark, and enter the city again during the day, and then you will come forward on behalf of the government and buy them at a price of [-] cents per liter Those dozens of carts of food..."

Liu Ahsi was shocked again: "Why is Wu Shaolang?"

"Have you heard the allusion of 'a thousand pieces of gold buy horse bones'? You have to put on a show and show it to some caring people in the city, so that they will believe what I say is true. Remember that money and food must be disclosed to the public. Transaction, let some interested people witness it with their own eyes."

Liu Asi's brain was buzzing, and with his IQ, he really couldn't figure out the intention of Wu Shaolang's operation.

The grain belongs to the official storehouse, and the money belongs to him. If he is left handed to his right hand, it means that he has been taken advantage of by spending a lot of money to buy the grain from the official storehouse.

Not to mention the public news that foreign grain merchants are asked to transport grain to Bingzhou, and buy their grain at a high price of [-] yuan...

Is it possible to use the government army to rob all the grain from the grain merchants in other places?That would be a big problem.

Liu Ahsi suddenly felt deeply powerless. He really couldn't keep up with the way of thinking of the son of the rich and powerful. It seemed that he could never hope to cross the class in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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