Chapter 316
The focus of "making money in national calamity" is to get rich, not in national calamity.

A businessman does not need any moral bottom line or prerequisites to make money. As long as he can make a fortune, he can work in any industry and dare to do any risky things.

The severe drought in the north is an excellent opportunity for businessmen to make a fortune.

Bingzhou Governor's Office purchased grain at forty cents per liter, and the news quickly spread to all directions.

Most of the grain merchants didn't know Li Qinzai, the newly appointed governor, but they knew a lot of information just by asking.

Li Qinzai was a very important courtier of today's emperor. He was also the grandson of the Duke of England, and he was also made a county magistrate by the emperor.

These news are all secondary. For the grain merchants, there is another very important news.

This time Li Qinzai was ordered in danger, and the emperor placed high hopes on him. Before leaving Chang'an, the treasury had allocated sufficient money to Li Qinzai.

No one knows the exact amount of money allocated to him. The only thing known is that this money is a special gift from the emperor to Li Qinzai.

Siwen purchased grain and Siwen sold it to the people of Bingzhou. This completely abnormal business behavior proved that Li Qinzai brought a lot of money from Chang'an, so he had the confidence.

It also proves that Li Qinzai doesn't care about money at all, what he wants is to make the emperor's eyes shine, and it is a great achievement for Bingzhou to survive the drought safely.

So the grain merchants quickly had a preconceived impression of Li Qinzai.

Li Qinzai is not short of money, but needs merit.

And the grain merchants in the north just needed money.

A match made in heaven!

After Bingzhou Governor's Mansion bought the grain in public at the price of [-] Wen, the news spread quickly, and within three days, a miraculous thing happened.

Grain merchants from the surrounding cities of Bingzhou flocked with grain, and the city of Bingzhou, which was originally depressed and depressed, became lively overnight.

Li Qinzai's act of buying horse bones with a thousand dollars finally attracted the grain merchants.

During the whole morning, the motorcades of the grain merchants kept entering the city gate, and the common people gathered around the city gate to watch the excitement. Everyone's face was filled with joy that could not be concealed.

The newly appointed governor is worthy of being a capable minister who is valued by the emperor, and he has brought so many grain merchants back together in Bingzhou city without making a sound.

The food shortage that had been hanging in the hearts of the people for a long time was finally solved.

The people watched the excitement, but there were many sober and rational people among them.

There was no joy on the faces of these people, but a little worry on the contrary.

Grain merchants from all over the world did come, but...Will Inspector Li pay?Forty cents a liter is simply the price of killing a pig. Is the dignified governor really willing to be slaughtered again and again by these grain merchants?

Even if Governor Li is willing to be slaughtered by grain merchants for the livelihood of the people, the question is, is he rich?The emperor did allocate treasury money to him, but that money could never afford such a large amount of grain.


Bingzhou governor's office.

Liu Asi stood in front of Li Qinzai with a worried expression and reported.

"The convoy of grain merchants entered the city, and there were more than ten groups one after another. They came from different cities, and now they are all living in inns in the city..."

Liu Asi sighed, and said: "I heard that they will come to the governor's mansion tomorrow to visit Wu Shaolang and ask when the governor's mansion will pay for the food. Wu Shaolang, what should we do, we don't have that much money."

Li Qinzai lazily said: "What's the hurry? The food has entered Bingzhou City, and they still want to leave?"

Liu Ahsi was surprised and said, "You don't really plan to... steal their food, do you?"

Li Qinzai smiled: "As a notorious dandy, it's not incomprehensible for me to occasionally do a few tricks and plunder, right? Thinking back when we destroyed the Japanese kingdom, how many things six thousand soldiers robbed from the Japanese country..."

Liu Asi said with a bitter face: "Wu Shaolang, that's different. Murder, arson and looting in the enemy's territory are justified, but you can't rob in Bingzhou. The villain heard that someone in Bingzhou complained to Chang'an. Many censors in the court They are about to jointly impeach you."

Li Qinzai sneered: "It's a bit ridiculous to participate in impeachment. If your majesty really listens to those officials and removes me, I will take your majesty's surname."

Liu Ah Si corrected him kindly: "Your Majesty's surname is yours, and your whole family is His Majesty's last name."

Li Qinzai's old face darkened: "Si, you've been a little bloated recently, do you want me to transfer you back to Chang'an, and remake it in front of my grandfather?"

Liu Ah Si hastily begged for mercy.

Li Qinzai sighed, and said, "Of course you can't do it by stealth, and it's a big trouble if you don't have money. How much did your Majesty allocate for me?"

"A total of [-] guan."

Li Qinzai smiled wryly. Putting [-] guan on one's body is indeed an astronomical sum. The prices are low these days, and [-] guan is enough to spend two or three generations.

It can be used for the food and clothing of a city, and this amount of money is simply negligible.

"Tomorrow I won't show up. When the grain merchants come, you can buy grain at the price of [-] Wen, and you will spend all [-] Guan."

"However, Wu Shaolang, at the price of [-] Wen a liter, [-] Guan can't buy much..."

Li Qinzai smiled mysteriously: "It's okay, you can buy as much as you can, and send it to the official warehouse immediately after you buy it."

"That's only enough to buy up the grain of a small number of grain merchants, and the rest of the grain merchants are still waiting, what should we do?"

"Let them wait, and re-seal the grain sent to the official warehouse. You will lead the troops to send the grain out of the city in the middle of the night, and then send the grain back at dawn. After that, you will do this every night..."

Liu Ahsi asked in surprise, "Why?"

"You can't say it, just do it."

Early the next morning, the grain merchants gathered outside the governor's mansion.

Li Qinzai did not show up, and it was still Liu Ahsi who received the grain merchants.

The door of the mansion was opened, and the grain merchants entered. They suddenly found dozens of large boxes piled up in the atrium. After the boxes were opened, they were full of silver cakes and copper coins.

After the grain merchants saw it, their eyes glowed with green light, and they felt relieved.

This is what they think about day and night.

The door of the mansion was opened, and Liu Ah Si meticulously collected the grain and paid the money.

Liu Ahsi's movements were very slow, every bag of grain had to be carefully weighed, and every string of copper coins had to be counted before being paid to the grain merchant.

After dawdling until evening, almost [-] guan was spent, and grain bags as high as a hill were piled up in the yard.

Liu Ah Si announced with a smile that it was time to rest today and continue to harvest grain tomorrow.

Although the grain merchants were dissatisfied with Liu Ahsi's dilatory actions, they were sure that the governor's mansion was really rich, so they didn't care about it for a day or two, and the guests and hosts parted happily.

The grain merchants who had sold out their grain happily counted their money and left Bingzhou overnight.

While this wave of dividends is still there, they have to fly back and continue to raise a batch of grain to sell in the state. It is bustling and profitable. This is the golden time to make money.

On the second day, the grain merchants who had not sold their grain continued to gather outside the gate of the governor's mansion, waiting for the gate to open before selling grain.

Unexpectedly, Liu Asi didn't come out until the sun was high, and then told the grain merchants with an apologetic face that Li Shishi had a cold last night and fell ill this morning. The merchants waited for another day or two, and continued to collect grain after Li Cishi recovered from his illness.

The grain merchants were stunned, and the crowd suddenly became restless.

At this time Li Qinzai came out, with a white scarf wrapped around his head, and his steps were weak and faltering. He was supported by servants from one side to the other. His face was yellow, his cheekbones on both sides were slightly sunken, and his eye circles were dark. He took two steps. Still coughing for a while, a typical image of a sick man.

Standing in front of the mansion, Li Qinzai apologized to the grain merchants, and said that he would continue to buy grain, and asked the grain merchants to wait for two more days, and he would preside over it himself when he recovered from his illness.

The grain merchants looked at each other suspiciously. Although they felt that something was wrong, Li Qinzai looked very sick, so it was hard to suspect anything, so he said a few words of concern in a hypocritical manner, and then dispersed.

In the afternoon of the same day, teams of food trucks entered Bingzhou City.

It is not uncommon for grain carts to enter the city, and we have seen many of them these days.

But this team of grain trucks was different, the guards were guards from the Governor's Mansion, and the grain bags exposed outside were actually sealed with the seals of Jiangnan Luzhou and Jiangning Governor's Mansions.

Grain from the south of the Yangtze River unexpectedly arrived in Bingzhou without anyone noticing.

As grain trucks entered the city, various versions of the news spread throughout the city.

The rumors came from nowhere, and it was said with certainty that the emperor was concerned about the drought in the north, and had decreed as early as two months ago to allocate grain aid from cities in the south of the Yangtze River and send it to the north via the Grand Canal.

The grain that entered Bingzhou City today is just the first batch.

The news spread throughout the city like a plague, and the grain merchants residing in the state city were immediately fried.

(End of this chapter)

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