Chapter 416

Li Ji was already old, and although he had seen all kinds of troubles, he was still very surprised when the head of Jinxiang County, who had never been in touch with him, came to his door.

The lineage of King Teng was not only not valued among the royal family, but was despised by the emperor everywhere. This is a well-known fact throughout the court.

Later, King Teng somehow got in touch with Li Qinzai, so somehow he became the vassal king overseeing road construction, and he also held some power in his hands.

As for the road construction, if nothing else happens, it will be a major project that will be slowly advanced in the next few years of the Tang Dynasty, and the power of King Teng will also increase accordingly.

Of course, Li Ji had heard about his grandson's matter, but the daughter of Prince Teng, the county chief election of Jinxiang, took the initiative to come to the door at this juncture, and Li Ji really couldn't figure it out.

Inviting the county magistrate of Jinxiang into the front hall, Li Ji exchanged greetings with her as an elder.

While exchanging pleasantries, he paid attention to Jin Xiang's expression, living to such a treacherous age, of course, Li Ji could not naively think that the county magistrate of Jin Xiang came to visit the house in a hurry today because he had nothing to do.

After Jinxiang entered the front hall, he treated Li Ji with unreasonable respect. When he entered the door, he praised Li Ji for being hale and hearty, and he would surely live to be 120 years old.

Other licking dogs only licked people, Jin Xiang even licked the objects in the Duke's mansion, that kind of carefulness exuded a strong sense of humbleness, which made Li Ji unable to sit still even more.

There is nothing to show courtesy, could it be that old prodigal son Teng Wang persuaded his daughter to come to borrow money?

Although everyone's surname is Li, our two families really don't know each other well.

Li Ji remained calm, his eyes gradually became a little wary.

You can chat, but you can't borrow money, and you won't borrow money even if you kill yourself.

Jin Xiang was very nervous at the moment, the person sitting in front of him was a famous Tang Dynasty meritorious service, and more importantly, he was Li Qinzai's grandfather.

Li Ji in front of her was sitting in front of her peacefully, like a kind old man next door, with a smile on his face, looking kind and harmless.

But Jinxiang knew that this seemingly harmless old man was just hiding his edge in the scabbard.He is like a peerless master. In this world, there is probably no one or anything that can draw his sword out of its sheath.

The guest and the host had their own thoughts, and exchanged pleasantries for a long time, Li Ji stroked his beard and said with a smile: "It's rare for the county lord to come to the humble house. Forgive the old minister, but does the county lord have something to say?"

Jin Xiang immediately straightened his body and said, "Grandpa Li, your grandson Li Qinzai has been imprisoned in Dali Temple for three days. Are you not in a hurry?"

Li Ji narrowed his eyes, and the majestic county lord mentioned the unicorn beast at home. Could this be the purpose of her visit today?

Then Li Ji hissed, his face turned ugly.

Could it be that that evil beast and the county lord...

The more he thought about it, the more wrong he became, and Li Ji's expression became serious.

"The county lord and my family's bastard..." Li Ji said hesitantly.

Jin Xiangqiao blushed, and hurriedly denied: "It's just a friend, there is no other intention. Li Qinzai helped my father and king, and he was kind to my family. Now that he is in prison, the younger generation is anxious, so I take the liberty to come to the door and want to ask Grandpa Li. Is there anything that the juniors need help with?"

Li Ji snorted, but still looked at her suspiciously.

"That wicked animal is causing trouble all day long, so Dali Temple can lock him up for a few days, I'm not in a hurry."

Li Ji is not in a hurry, but Jin Xiang is in a hurry: "This...he is your grandson after all, how can you not be in a hurry, the prison is dirty and smelly, and he is not allowed to be free, young talents are imprisoned for no reason, it is inevitable to lose their energy, and they are getting worse day by day Depression is not the blessing of the community."

Li Ji stroked his beard calmly, looked at her probingly, and said slowly: "It is not his vigor that is consumed by being in prison, but his edges and corners. It is not a good thing for a young man to be too sharp. This time it can be regarded as a lesson for him, county magistrate Don't worry too much."

Jin Xiang lowered his eyelids, and said softly: "Perhaps this junior is worrying too much, it is really presumptuous to come today."

Li Ji squinted his eyes and said, "When did the county lord meet that evil beast of mine?"

"I met him when I merged with the state in the middle of the year."

Li Ji snorted, and said again: "Did he ever bully you?"

Jin Xiang blushed and said: "He...has never bullied juniors, but he has bullied my father."

A sharp light flashed in Li Ji's eyes, and he said slowly: "You are really just friends?"

Jin Xiang said with difficulty: "Yes."

Li Ji sighed.

Although there is no loophole in the words, but Li Ji is very old, how can Jin Xiang's shy and timid expression fail to see the love for his son and daughter that is trying to hide it?
That evil animal at home has done another good thing!
Murderous intent gradually rose in Li Ji's eyes, and then he silently began to choose weapons in his heart.

"The county magistrate Gao Yi, running for his friends, the old man is very comforted, Qin Zai has made a real friend." Li Ji laughed.

Jin Xiang became more and more uncomfortable. Li Ji's eyes were too sharp, as if piercing her heart, making her childlike thoughts invisible.

Playing tricks in front of this peerless famous general, Jin Xiangwei is too young to be an enemy at all.

Raising his hand to trim his haircut, to conceal the panic in his heart, Jin Xiang murmured: " actually didn't do anything, just saw Li Qinzai entered the prison of Dali Temple, but your house didn't show any sign, and he was puzzled, so he came to the door Come and ask, this junior is rude."

Li Ji said indifferently: "Li Jiaerlang spent a few days in prison, it's nothing, don't save that evil animal, let him reflect in prison. Haha, the county lord is a rare visitor, and he rarely visits the door. He should treat him with wine and banquets. The county Lord don't give up."

Jin Xiang was about to refuse, but Li Ji clapped his hands and ordered his servants to hold a banquet.

Jin Xiang couldn't say no to Li Ji, so he had to thank him with a bitter face.


There was an uproar against Yingtian in the court, and countless courtiers went to impeach Li Qinzai for his evil deeds in attacking Zongzheng Temple.

The melodies flew to the desks of Xu Jingzong and Xu Yushi like snowflakes. The two prime ministers were harassed so much that they had a headache and had to go to the palace to meet the king and ask Li Zhi for instructions.

Li Zhi just dropped one sentence, dragged it on until the limelight passed, and finally let it go.

People have already been put in prison, what else do they want?Is it possible that I will kill the hero for such a thing?
It doesn't make sense.

The two prime ministers breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the emperor's clear instructions.

The leader has spoken, and of course he will execute it meticulously.

As a result, the mountains of ginseng and impeachment memorials were shelved by the two prime ministers and ignored.

At the same time, Niu Fangzhi, a great Confucian from Shandong, entered Chang'an City. On the day he entered the city, Niu Fangzhi went to the Guozijian to give lectures.

Lectures by great Confucians are rare opportunities for students, so the students of the Imperial College flocked to listen to Niu Fangzhi's lectures in a respectful sitting.

Great Confucianism lectures, from easy to deep, from the simple truth to the topic, and gradually touch the profound meaning of the sages.

When Niu Fangzhi talked about Confucius's phrase "a lot of hearing and doubts", Niu Fangzhi suddenly expressed his feelings.

Although a gentleman is well-informed, when encountering something he does not understand, he still has to be cautious and reticent, and speak only after he understands it.

Then Niu Fangzhi made a metaphor.

For example, recently, there was a lot of noise in Chang'an City. Li Qinzai, the county official in Weinan County, led a troupe to attack Zongzheng Temple.

On the surface, it looks like a dandy acting recklessly and offending the imperial prestige, but in reality?

Looking at it from another perspective, if a treacherous official framed and murdered the princess on the basis of the Yansheng case, and Li Xianbo rushed into the Zongzheng Temple to rescue the princess after hearing about it, then should Li Qinzai be rewarded or punished?

The Guozijian students looked at Niu Fangzhi with a dull expression. After a long time, with a bang, the Guozijian exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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