Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 426 Freshmen

Chapter 426 Freshmen
In the morning, Princess Yiyang woke up from her sleep, she still felt very tired.

Her sleep was very bad, she would wake up with a slight movement, and then looked around vigilantly.

Living in Yeting for the past few years, she was always in fear, afraid of being bullied by eunuchs and court ladies, afraid of starvation and cold, and even more afraid that one day eunuchs would give their sisters to death with white silk or poisonous wine.

She lived with Princess Xuancheng for three full years in this kind of life.

Princess Yiyang who had just woken up had a slightly confused look in her eyes. Looking at the strange environment around her, Yiyang was startled and curled up her legs involuntarily, and then her thinking gradually returned to normal.

This is the British government, not Yeting, she and her sister have been rescued.

They were already Li Qinzai's disciples, and they were no longer shrouded in the threat of death all the time.

Staring blankly at the unfamiliar furnishings in the room, Princess Yiyang's eyes turned red.

When I was about to fall off the cliff, I was dragged back by someone. Unless I experienced it myself, I couldn't understand how grateful I was.

Back then at Zongzheng Temple, the glass of poisonous wine from Li Yifu almost reached their sisters' mouths, and it was Li Qinzai who led his men to break in and pull them back from the gate of hell.

As the sun rises, it is renewed day after day, and today is the beginning of their new life.

Beside the couch, Princess Xuancheng was still sleeping, and Yiyang watched her quietly.

Xuancheng frowned, even in her sleep, she still clasped her arms tightly to her chest, this defensive sleeping position has been maintained for many years.

Birdsong can already be heard outside the window, and the sky is bright.

Yiyang gently pushed Xuancheng awake.

Xuancheng opened his sleepy eyes, and just like Yiyang's reaction, he was afraid of the unfamiliar environment at first, and then smiled reassuringly after he realized it.

"Get dressed and freshen up, it's time for us to say hello to sir." Yi Yang said softly.

Xuancheng nodded sensibly, and the two sisters silently dressed and washed.

After getting dressed, the two princesses walked out of the room.

The Duke's Mansion was still quiet, only a few servants were cleaning the courtyard.

The two sisters went hand in hand to the small courtyard where Li Qinzai and his wife lived. Seeing that the courtyard was quiet and the bedroom door was closed, the two sisters hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to knock on the door or to greet Li Qinzai when he woke up.

Both of them lost their minds, and they were too unfamiliar with the British government, so they dared not wander around. They discussed it and decided to wait quietly for Mr. Li to wake up.

This wait lasted for half the morning, until the sun was high, and the door of Li Qinzai's bedroom did not open. Yiyang couldn't help wondering whether this bedroom was occupied or not.

In this era, no matter the rulers or ministers or the rich and powerful, people generally have good living habits. Even the worst villains always go to bed early and get up early to do bad things. The two princesses have never seen anyone who has not woken up until the sun is up.

The longer the sisters waited, the more uneasy they became. Under the threat of death for a long time, they were used to thinking of the worst in everything. The more Yiyang thought about it, the more he felt that Mr. Li who was sleeping in the bedroom would not encounter any accidents, otherwise how could he have slept this far? hour.

So Yiyang hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

After knocking a few times, there was no movement in the room, so Yiyang continued knocking unwillingly.

After knocking for a while, Li Qinzai suddenly yelled in the bedroom: "Fucking reminder! Which bastard is full and full, so I can't get through with me early in the morning!"

"Just stand outside and wait for me, and see if I prick you or not, and you're done!"

Yiyang and Xuancheng turned pale with fright, Yiyang looked down at his hand with remorse, Xuancheng hugged her arm tightly and shivered.

"Sister, did we get into trouble?...Sir, he is so irritable." Xuancheng asked in horror.

Yiyang was also terrified, but he still tried to maintain his composure in front of his sister: "Don't be afraid, even if the master beats us up, at least he won't kill us..."

After a while in the room, the disheveled Li Qinzai opened the door with a bang, and stared at the two sisters outside the door with red eyes.

Yiyang and Xuancheng hugged each other with a cry of fright.

Seeing them outside the door, Li Qinzai, who was so angry at getting up, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and finally restrained his angry expression a little.

"You guys knocked on the door just now?"

Yiyang mustered up his courage, blocked his sister behind him, puffed up his chest and said, "Forgive me sir, it was my disciple who offended me. I don't know if you haven't woken up yet..."

Li Qinzai took a look at her, but his tone was still not very kind: "What are you knocking on the door for?"

"The disciple wants to greet the master." Yi Yang whispered authentically, and added: "The disciple has learned the rules in the palace school, and he must greet the master every day."

"You don't need to!" Li Qinzai blurted out without thinking, and then slowed down his tone, saying: "Under my sect, all red tape can be discarded. Don't bother me before noon. Don't even think about the bad habit of greeting me!"

"In short, every morning, you and I should regard me as dead, and you can mourn silently in your heart. Don't cry and dig a grave, it will disturb me."

The two sisters stared blankly at him, silently enjoying the beautiful moment when Sanguan was shaken by the car.

Li Qinzai yawned, waved his hands at the two girls, and then turned around to go back to sleep.

But Yiyang stopped him, bowed to him first, and said in a soft voice: "I am late in my studies, I am afraid that I have fallen behind in my studies, senior brothers, please also teach me the classics in my school. If you want to study the knowledge of this school, you should hurry up as much as possible." Senior brothers."

Li Qinzai felt very relieved when he heard the words.

Those little bastards in Ganjingzhuang dawdled in their studies all day long, and over time, even Li Qinzai got used to this Buddhist teaching method. Seeing the attitude of the two princesses studying so hard, he was not used to it for a while.

"Don't be too hardworking, or I, my husband, will be ashamed, and too hardworking will disturb my rhythm of life..."

"If you really feel bored, you might as well find something else to do, such as cleaning the yard or something."

Yiyang's eyes lit up, as if he had been granted a sacred mission, he said loudly: "Yes, this disciple will clean the courtyard now, and I will definitely not disappoint you."

"Uh, it doesn't have to be so formal, as long as you don't make a sound, I'll go back to my room to study the way of heaven, so don't disturb me, otherwise I'll go crazy..."

Throwing down a word perfunctorily, Li Qinzai went back to his room and continued to sleep in the cage.

Li Qinzai had no psychological burden to ask the two golden branches and jade leaves to clean the courtyard.

When the two princes were studying, they were often beaten by Li Qinzai to the point of crying and howling. What happened to asking the princess to clean the courtyard?

After noon, Li Qinzai finally got up, stretched out of the bedroom, and saw that the yard had taken on a new look, not even a single fallen leaf could be found.

Just as he was about to ask his servants to pack their luggage and prepare to return to Ganjing Village, Butler Wu came to report and the county lord of Jinxiang came to visit.

Li Qinzai raised his eyebrows: "Oh, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you break in!"

(End of this chapter)

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