Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 431 A Silky Sweet

Chapter 431
Teaching students is actually not an easy task. A teacher should not only teach students knowledge, but also teach students virtues.

Before these bastards become adults, knowledge and virtue should be stuffed into their minds in time, and become the benchmark and bottom line that will affect their lives.

How high the sky is and how thick the earth is, looking up at the stars and wandering in the universe, looking down at the road, the kindness is endless.

Li Qinzai's teaching method belongs to free-range breeding, but there are also rules for free-range breeding. If you put a group of animals together to raise them, you can do whatever you like in this circle, but the rule is that you can't go beyond this circle. The rules must be taught.

He doesn't want his students to be taught as Madonnas of the White Lotus, let alone bullies and thugs. Life must be sharp, and you should be in awe.

The arrival of the new junior sisters added a beautiful landscape to this Luohan class.

In today's class, every student seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and there was a bit of excitement in their well-behaved, especially the students of the Imperial College, they always unconsciously glanced at the two princesses, and then blushed quickly Withdrawing his gaze, he pretended to sit upright.

Standing in the classroom, Li Qinzai could see everyone's expressions and eyes, and sighed helplessly.

Youth full of hormones...

From then on, there will be more and more people who secretly wash their underpants in the middle of the night. At this moment, the two princesses have become a series of dirty numbers in the hearts of these bastards, and the plots are all made up on the spot.

Their grades, which were not so good at first, turned into a pile of shit in the future. If Li Qinzai wanted to improve their grades, he would have to line up and castrate them one by one.

On the first day of the resumption of classes, the troubles of the female students became apparent.

Looking at the two princesses inadvertently, Li Qinzai was also very helpless.

The genes of the royal family are absolutely unquestionable. The two princesses have beautiful faces and smiles. To be honest, even in a normal school where there is an equal number of men and women, the two princesses are also proper school girls.

Being in the same class with two beauties at the school beauty level, it is understandable that the students of the Imperial College are excited.

Within the scope of reasonable compliance, it is allowed to engage in any dramas of the phoenix courting the phoenix, handing love letters, sending flowers and singing love songs.

As long as you don't come up with a youthful trauma plot like a car accident, a terminal illness, and an abortion.

The two princesses were not used to sitting in the classroom. While Li Qinzai was teaching, he gave them two basic textbooks separately, asking them to start by recognizing the numbers of the Tang Dynasty.

The second daughter was a little unconvinced, and tried her best to listen to Li Qinzai explaining the equations to other students. The more she listened, the more confused she became. Finally, she sighed dejectedly, and honestly began to recognize the numbers.

The morning classes ended quickly, and Li Qinzai walked back to the other courtyard with the two princesses.

The school did not prepare a dormitory for female students, and Li Qinzai did not plan to prepare a female dormitory for them. Living among a group of hormone-emitting animals, Li Qinzai could not guarantee what would happen to the group of animals when they were impulsive.

Walking on the country road back to the other courtyard, Li Qinzai said as he walked, "It's not difficult to do calculations. As long as the basics are well laid down, the subsequent courses are profound and easy to understand. In terms of multiplication and division, you must pay more attention..."

The two princesses looked awe-inspiring, and every time Li Qinzai paused in his sentence, they would nod obediently, and they just took a small notebook to write down everything the husband said.

Although they can't see their potential in learning mathematics for the time being, Li Qinzai feels extremely relieved just based on their correct attitude at the moment.

I really want to get those bastards in front of me, let them take a good look at other people's children, then line up and slap them all the way, and tell them sternly that this is what students should be like.

A high-pitched voice interrupted Li Qinzai's sermon.

The three of them raised their eyes and saw that on the rugged country road, a middle-aged shopkeeper walked into the village carrying a load, hawking loudly as he walked.

Zhuangzi is too remote, and there is no small store or anything. The daily necessities needed by the farmers often have to take a bullock cart for more than ten miles into Weinan County to buy, or these small peddlers carry their loads into the village to sell them. Of course, the prices of the two are different. .

The same two-foot cloth sells for three renminbi in the county, and the shopkeeper may charge four or five renminbi, and they also have to earn some errand fees.

Li Qinzai glanced at the shopkeeper, then thoughtfully, then waved to the shopkeeper.

The peddler walked up to Li Qinzai with a burden on his shoulders, saluted first, and then looked at him excitedly.

"What do you want to buy, my lord? The villain is not boasting, what you want, the villain has."

Li Qinzai smiled and said, "I want to buy some snacks, do you have any?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "Yes, there are seasonal sweet dates, apricots and plums in the villa's load, as well as crisp cakes and wheat sugar that the nobles in the city like. What do you want, nobleman?"

Li Qinzai thought for a while and said, "Give me some wheat candy."

The salesman immediately bent down to open the load, and knocked off a piece of wheat sugar weighing half a catty with a small shovel.

Li Qinzai didn't even ask the price, and threw him ten cents. The shopkeeper smiled and bowed to thank him in a hurry.

The salesman went into the village happily carrying his burden and continued to sell. Li Qinzai broke off two small pieces from the candy, turned to look at the two princesses, and said, "Come on, open your mouth."

The two princesses froze for a moment, then subconsciously opened their mouths obediently, their bright red lips parted slightly, the unintentional temptation made the man's mouth dry especially.

Stuffing two pieces of wheat candy into their mouths, Li Qinzai smiled and said, "Try it, you probably haven't tasted folk stuff in the palace."

The two princesses closed their mouths, with candy in their mouths, feeling the sweetness bursting from the tongue buds, flowing down the throat, refreshing the heart.

After staring blankly at Li Qinzai for a long time, Princess Yiyang's eyes turned red and she burst into tears.When Princess Xuancheng saw her sister crying, she also cried.

I don't know why they cry, maybe it's a completely different day from the past, maybe it's the nightmare that lingered like hell, or maybe it's the sweetness in their mouths.

For a person whose heart is full of bitterness, how much sweetness does it take to fill it up?

In fact, all it takes is a touch of sweetness to fill you up.

They never dare to expect too much, a little is enough, enough.

"Try to forget the past," Li Qinzai sighed, "From now on, live a good life and live the way you want."

"Life is bitter, and you can change it yourself. I don't ask you to learn much here, but you must not be choked by fate."

The two princesses wiped away their tears and bowed to Li Qinzai at the same time.

"Thank you for your teaching, sir. From today on, disciples must take control of their lives and live up to what they taught."

Li Qinzai nodded with a smile, and continued walking towards the other courtyard with his hands behind his back, silently giving himself a thumbs up in his heart.

Although my teacher is a little sloppy in teaching, he is still remarkable in teaching and being a person.

Transforming a bunch of bullies into good white rabbits, or a helpless and delicate woman into a fierce tigress is both a challenge and an achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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