Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 500 Urgently Summoning Zhang Jing

Chapter 500 Urgent Recall to Beijing
Not far away, the smoke and dust came from far to near, looking at his direction, it was actually coming straight towards Li Qinzai's carriage.

The situation is not good!

The family of three sat in the carriage and looked at each other. Li Qinzai gritted his teeth and had to react.

So he pushed towards Cui Jie and Qiao'er in the carriage, Li Qinzai said, "Give me a seat."

The couple inexplicably gave way to an open space in the carriage, Li Qinzai brewed his emotions, and fell into the carriage instead.

Rolling eyes, spitting white foam, hands and feet twitching like crazy...

Li Qinzai's expression was on the verge of dying in an instant, dying.

Cui Jie and Qiao'er opened their eyes wide and watched his performance quietly. After a long time, Qiao'er giggled, followed his example and fell to the side, rolling his eyes, foaming, and crazy...

Cui Jie was so angry that she punched him hard, and said angrily, "You have spoiled the child, what are you going to do?"

Li Qinzai patted Qiao'er's buttocks: "Be serious, someone will come over later and say that I am seriously ill and will die soon, you take me up the mountain to find a treasured geomantic omen to bury..."

Cui Jie: "..."

The bastard's words came out of this bastard's mouth, and there was no sense of disobedience.

"Both of you should cooperate and show a mournful expression, Qiao'er, your father is dying, don't be so elated..."

Cui Jie was furious: "How do you know that person is here to stop you from going out?"

Li Qinzai sighed: "Your husband, I am born with a good intuition. Believe me, our poems and distant places are probably in vain..."

While speaking, the knight had come to the carriage, and after confirming to Buqu that Li Qinzai was on the carriage, the knight clasped his fists and said loudly: "Uncle Li, according to His Majesty's order, call Li Xianbo to return to Chang'an as soon as possible. , this is a matter of urgency!"

The curtain of the car was lifted, Cui Jie looked at the knight with a strange face, and Qiao'er's little head came out with a whoosh, grinning, I don't know whether it was crying or laughing, the expression was too heavy.

"My father is dying! We are going up the hill to bury him."

Cui Jie sighed, she was powerless to stop anything from happening.

Unexpectedly, the knight was not surprised at all, and said plainly: "Your Majesty said, any excuses given by Li Xianbo will be invalid, even if he said that he is about to die, he has to meet with the saint, at worst, he will be buried in the Tai Chi Palace."

Cui Jie squinted at Li Qinzai who was pretending to be dead in the carriage, and said, "Have you heard my husband? Stop pretending, you will lose your face."

Li Qinzai also sighed, got up from the carriage, looked at the knight and said, "I have an infectious disease..."

The knight smiled: "It's okay, there are top physicians in the Tai Chi Palace."


The family of three's poems and the distance deviated from the direction, made an abrupt turn, and entered Chang'an City.

Cui Jie and Qiao'er returned to the British government, while Li Qinzai went straight to Taiji Palace.

In Anren Hall, Li Zhi frowned, sitting behind a low table with one hand propping his temple.

Li Qinzai removed his shoes and entered the hall, and was about to salute, but Li Zhi waved his hand lazily: "Jingchu doesn't need to be too polite, come quickly, something happened to the west."

Li Qinzai stepped forward quickly, thought for a while, and said, "But Tubo invaded Tuyuhun?"

Li Zhi nodded and sighed: "That's right, the governor of Liangzhou came here to report at eight hundred li. It's losing ground."

Li Qinzai said: "Can the king of the Tang Dynasty send troops to rescue Tuyuhun?"

Li Healing said sadly: "Master Wang has one, but there is no food, so he can't send troops."

Li Qinzai also became serious: "But Tuyuhun, we can't let Tubo occupy it, it will do great harm to the Tang Dynasty."

"That's right, but it's still the same sentence... there is no food, so the soldiers on the expedition can't let the northwest wind drink?"

"What does your majesty mean?"

Li Zhi stared into his eyes and said: "I was right with Jing Chuzuo last time, and your suggestion is consistent with that of the right minister Xu Jingzong. The Tang Dynasty can squeeze out a little grain from the Jiangnan and Huainan roads. It is not a big problem to support a small battle." , but food takes time to raise.”

"It's a pity that Tubo won't give us time. When we get all the food and the army is ready to go out, maybe the whole territory of Tuyuhun has been taken by Tubo..."

Li Zhi thumped the table bitterly, and said angrily: "The Tubo thieves are good at calculating. They have calculated that this year's great drought in the north of the Tang Dynasty, the food in the official warehouses in various places can only be freed up to help the people, and they have no spare time to go to war, so they dare to brazenly Invade Tuyuhun."

Li Qinzai sighed and said: "Lu Dongzan is a character, he is very accurate..."

Li Zhi sneered: "He is a person, but I am not a mediocre person. Even if the Tang Dynasty is short of food, I will make Tubo's plan come to nothing!"

"Have you reached an agreement with the courtiers?"

"Yes, I sent an envoy to Tuyuhun to mediate the battle between Tubo and Tuyuhun in the name of the Emperor of Tang, and slow down the pace of Tubo's attack on Tuyuhun. We will hurry up to raise food in the rear. Once the food is enough, I will order to send troops and send the king's division. Expel the Tubo thieves."

Li Qinzai nodded: "It's a way. When I played against His Majesty last time, I also had the same idea."

Then Li Qinzai showed regret: "However, the choice of an envoy must be prudent. This person must have extraordinary courage, outstanding eloquence, and a vision of the overall situation. He must be able to bend and stretch, and he must have fearless courage."

"Where the two armies are fighting, the envoys of the third country are often in danger. If they are not careful, they will be chopped up. Your Majesty should think twice."

Li Zhi stared at him without blinking, and remained silent for a long time.

Li Qinzai's back felt cold, and his hair stood on end. At this moment, he finally came to his senses, pointing to his nose and saying in astonishment: "Your Majesty will recall the subject to Chang'an, should it be, should it be..."

Li Zhi nodded firmly: "Jing Chu said it boldly, that's right, that's what I think."

Li Qinzai turned pale with shock: "Your Majesty, think twice! This 'think twice' is serious, you must think twice!"

"I've thought about it, I can't think about it anymore, that's right, it's you."

Li Zhi counted with his fingers: "Jingchu's courage has been revealed as early as when he conquered the Japanese kingdom, not to mention your eloquence. Before every word you say, you seem to have swallowed a mouthful of poison. You can see the overall situation, you can bend and stretch, and you are fearless." Courage, you have everything."

"I've repeated the court several times, and Jing Chu is the most suitable candidate for envoy."

Li Qinzai's whole body was cold, his eyes blinked non-stop, and he was struggling and hesitating in his mind. It's not impossible to consider whether he should act like a froth at the mouth, go crazy with chicken feet, take off his clothes and walk with birds...

Li Zhi sighed: "It's useless, Jingchu, just give up, pretending to be sick in front of me won't help, it's you."

"Your Majesty, this is a narrow escape. How can Your Majesty push this subject into the fire?"

"It's not that serious. No matter how rampant the Tubo is, they will definitely not dare to kill the envoys of the Tang Dynasty. To kill the envoys is to openly declare war on the Tang Dynasty. It's fine for Tubo to bully Tuyuhun a little. They don't have the guts to offend the Tang Dynasty to death."

(End of this chapter)

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