Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 504 Encounter on the way

Chapter 504 Encounter on the way

Business trips also require ostentation. In terms of quality of life, Li Qinzai never wronged himself.

There were more than 1000 horses, and more than a hundred war horses were free. A small half of these war horses were full of Li Qinzai's personal belongings, from luxurious fresh water to exquisite food, and even toilet paper was packed in a horse bag.

Wu Shaolang was so used to it that he used something else to wipe his butt when he coughed.

The accompanying Li family members have long been accustomed to Li Qinzai's demeanor, and they don't care about it, but the Thousand Imperial Guards are a little sideways. The extravagant style of this dude is a bit too much. given task.

The team had only been away for less than a day, and the officers and soldiers of the imperial army were already a little disappointed with him. Most of them thought that this man was just going to mix his qualifications, and he stopped and stopped to play in the mountains and rivers along the way.

When he got to the field, he said a few perfunctory words and left immediately, and went back to Chang'an to fool the emperor, describing the experience of this trip as a near-death experience, with enough qualifications, and a promotion is just around the corner.

In everyone's guess, Li Qinzai would definitely do this.

As a result, inexplicable negative emotions appeared in the team. Just like Li Qinzai's exquisite life, the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army became lazy, and the leaders rushed to mix their seniority.Let's hang out together.

Li Qinzai also saw the performance of the imperial guards, but he didn't say much.

On the way, do whatever you like, just don’t drop the chain when you meet the enemy. People who have lived two lifetimes don’t need to pretend to be impassioned all the time, as if they have beaten chicken blood and shouted the slogan of dying for the country every day That's called dedication.

Departing from Chang'an, to be precise, we headed northwest. After passing through Jingzhou and Yuanzhou day and night, we calculated Guanzhong, and the scenery along the way gradually became desolate.

It is completely different from the prosperous Guanzhong. After leaving Yuanzhou, Li Qinzai and others seem to have come to another different world.There are deserts and yellow hills everywhere here, and even the roads have become extremely rough and difficult. Worried that the horses hurt their hooves, the group of people had to slow down their pace.

After walking for ten days and approaching Lanzhou, the surrounding environment has almost become a no-man's land, only hopping antelopes and various wild animals looking for food, as well as the increasingly barren alpine plains.

At noon, Li Qinzai ordered the soldiers to get off their horses and rest on the spot, and to eat dry food and supplement drinking water by the way.

While the soldiers were eating and drinking, a scout who was exploring the way came galloping and hurriedly reported that there was an enemy situation ahead.

Li Qinzai's heart tightened, so he ordered the soldiers to get on their horses and prepare for battle.

The fighting quality of the imperial army was indeed impeccable. Hearing this, he immediately stuffed dry food into his arms, got on his horse and drew out his weapons, and stared solemnly ahead. Under Sun Congdong's command, the soldiers quickly assembled into an offensive formation.

Li Qinzai rode in the rear, surrounded by the Li family's trilogy.

The son of a daughter can't sit down.Of course, it was impossible for Li Qinzai to charge with the soldiers. Without the diamond, he would not be able to do porcelain work.

After a long time, billowing smoke and dust could be vaguely seen in front of him. A group of people rode horses and ran towards Li Qinzai crazily. Not far behind, a group of people in leather robes were chasing. Let out a maniacal laugh.

Li Qinzai narrowed his eyes, but he still didn't give an order. Before the enemy and the enemy were unknown, he could only let the soldiers stand still.

At this moment, Old Wei turned his horse's head and came closer, and said softly, "Wu Shaolang, the group in front should be herdsmen from the northwest, while the group of people chasing behind are wearing leather robes and felt hats, they seem to be Tuyuhun's army. ..."

Li Qinzai was slightly surprised: "This is Lanzhou, why did Tuyuhun's army go to the territory of Datang?"

Old Wei smiled wryly and said: "The border between Tuyuhun and Datang is too long, and the relationship between the two countries is not friendly. Don't look at the fact that Tuyuhun Khan sends envoys to Chang'an every year to congratulate him. Act of."

"In short, Tuyuhun often plundered, and Datang couldn't stand it and slapped him. Tuyuhun continued to plunder after being honest for a while. The relationship between the two countries is roughly the same."

Li Qinzai's face darkened: "So, the ones being chased ahead are my herdsmen from the Tang Dynasty?"

"The area in the northwest was once ruled by the Turks. After the Great Tang defeated the Turks in the Zhenguan period, many tribes in the northwest surrendered to the Tang. These herdsmen should also be considered the herdsmen of the Tang Dynasty."

"What do you mean by 'it counts'? Since you have surrendered, you are from the Tang Dynasty! Since you are from the Tang Dynasty, you have to treat them as human beings." Li Qinzai said decisively.

Straightening up from his horseback, Li Qinzai shouted sharply, "Listen to your orders!"

The imperial guards drew out their weapons one after another, and stood between their eyebrows, and the blades of the armor clattered and clashed.

"Follow up and wipe out the group of people chasing the herdsmen of the Tang Dynasty!"

Sun Congdong slanted his sword forward and shouted, "Go!"

The well-trained soldiers of the Forbidden Army rushed out on horseback, and quickly changed formations during the run. The 1000 people were divided into three torrents, left, middle, and right, and instantly formed a three-sided encirclement of the Tuyuhun cavalry.

The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty are invincible in the world, this is not boasting.Before the government military system collapsed, Datang's military power was indeed invincible in the world. Regardless of physical fitness or tactics, the Tang army's combat capabilities were second to none in the world.

In the decades since the founding of the country, Datang has conquered all the surrounding countries, except Goguryeo, which is dying, and Tubo, which only dares to make small moves.

The country's prestige is all supported by a sturdy army. With this army, Datang can only speak effectively in neighboring countries.

Li Qinzai finally saw the demeanor of the Tang cavalry on the battlefield today.

A thousand soldiers came forward and quickly surrounded the Tuyuhun cavalry. When the two groups were running wildly, a cavalry came in front of them. They were all wearing armor and holding long halberds. It is Datang cavalry.

The Tuyuhun cavalrymen couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly reined in their horses, cursing and not knowing what to say, while the herdsmen who were being chased seemed to see a savior, and speeded up to meet them.

The Tang army quickly overtook the herdsmen and allowed them to rush to their rear, while the soldiers rushed towards the Tuyuhun cavalry.

Sun Congdong, who was in the lead, took out the bamboo whistle under his neck and blew it vigorously. The three encircled Tang troops suddenly tightened the encirclement and pressed down on the Tuyuhun cavalry.

The surrounded Tuyuhun cavalry was in a hurry. The leader, a middle-aged man wearing a leather robe and felt hat, suddenly put his knife into its sheath, raised his hands and said something anxiously.

Sun Congdong didn't pay attention at all, he received the order to wipe out the Tuyuhun cavalry, it doesn't matter what the enemy said.

Seeing that the Tang army was still rushing forward regardless, the Tuyuhun cavalry turned their horses in fright and waited to flee, but it was too late, the three Tang troops had already completed the encirclement, and Sun Congdong led the way, holding the long halberd in his hand like a sharp dagger. Generally inserted into the center of the Tuyuhun cavalry.

With a shrill scream, the center army of the Tuyuhun cavalry was rushed out of a blank area. Dozens of people were picked off their horses and fell to the sand, howling in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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