Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 527 1 Dance Allure

Chapter 527
Not knowing the reason why Hu Shang brought Kabuki from the Western Regions to visit, Li Qinzai looked at him with a frown.

Hu Shang bowed in fear and trepidation, standing in front of Li Qinzai like a student being scolded.

Li Qinzai raised his eyebrows, pointed to the kabuki performers behind Hu Shang, and said, "What do you mean?"

Hu Shang showed a flattering smile, and said: "I heard that the envoy of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Lixian Boer, is extraordinary, handsome and handsome, and the villain has admired him for a long time..."

"Can you speak human language?" Li Qinzai interrupted him impatiently.

"People say that the villain's caravan encountered a little difficulty, and the officials and people in the city had no way to help them, so they had to have the audacity to visit Mr. Li. The villain is bold and wants to make a deal with Mr. Li. I don't know what Mr. Li thinks?"

Li Qinzai seemed to understand what he meant, pointed to the kabuki behind him, and said, "Is it them you are going to do business with?"


Seeing Li Qinzai's expressionless face, Merchant Hu hurriedly said: "They are kabuki that the villain bought from the countries of the Western Regions. When he bought them, he planned to sell them at a high price, so the villain dared to swear to God that he would never touch them. One hair of their hair, they are all virgins."

Li Qinzai smiled and said: "I heard that you have exhausted your money because of the long detour. If you want to make money in Liangzhou City, you can sell some goods. What does it mean to sell a living person?"

Merchant Hu said unhurriedly: "The villain is a businessman, and profit-seeking is the foundation of a businessman. The goods brought by the villain's caravan this time are very valuable. If these goods can be brought to Chang'an smoothly, there will be a hundred times the profit." profit."

"But these kabuki, to be honest, their value is not as good as the goods I brought, and they have to spend food and water for them to eat and drink on the way. When we get to Chang'an, we might as well sell them in Liangzhou City for money."

Li Qinzai nodded, um, it sounds reasonable. After all, businessmen pay attention to cost performance. For businessmen, boundless beauty is not as attractive as money.

"Why don't you sell them to others, why don't you sell them to me?"

Hu Shang said again: "Uncle Li County, please forgive me. Liangzhou is a border city of the Tang Dynasty. There are not many wealthy households who are really rich. After the villain entered Liangzhou City, Wan Shi inquired about the origin of County Uncle Li."

"I heard that you were born in the British government in Chang'an, and you are also young and romantic. Instead of peddling in the city all day long, it is better to accurately find buyers who are willing and able to buy them. You are the most suitable, Uncle Li. buyer."

"Selling them to Li Xianbo, the villain will get the joy of money, and Li Xianbo will get the joy of beauty, it is the joy of each, and everyone is happy."

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "I'll translate for you. You mean that there are many lesbians in the city, but there are not many rich lesbians, and I happen to be one of them. Sell them to me." This little pervert, you take the money, I enjoy it, and you and I work together to push the majority of women compatriots into the fire pit..."

Hu Shang's expression froze, and he forced a smile and said: "Uncle Li Xianbo's words are not very pleasant... That's right, that's what the villain means."

Li Qinzai looked at him with interest: "How much do you plan to sell?"

Hu Shang bowed: "Uncle Li, let's not talk about the price, the villain is bold, let them dance for you first, how about it?"

As Hu Shang said, he turned around and clapped his hands towards the kabukis. The band standing quietly outside the door had already held various instruments in their hands, and the kabukis also lined up in the hall.

With the sound of a cloud board, the maikos danced in front of Li Qinzai.

The tune of the band was very unfamiliar, with a strong taste of the Western Regions. As the music gradually entered the scene, the maikos stretched their bodies gently.

Gradually, the maikos kept twisting and changing positions, and surrounded the girl with purple pupils in the middle.

The girl with purple pupils is holding a short pipa in her hands. The pipa sometimes rolls and hangs upside down in her hands. The melody of the band outside the door is cheerful and has a bit of the solemnity of Buddhist sounds, and the expression of the girl with purple pupils has also become dignified. .

In an instant, Li Qinzai was in a daze for a short while, the tune, this posture, seemed to have returned to his previous life.The flowing dress and the dancing ribbons of the girl with purple pupils seemed to be about to soar into the sky.

After an unknown amount of time, the music stopped abruptly, and the movements of the maikos also froze in an instant. The girl with purple pupils landed on one foot, held her pipa high, and the ribbons fluttered, as if wandering into the sky.

Li Qinzai was shocked, he finally understood why the dance of the girl with purple pupils had a sense of familiarity.

This is the Feitian Dance. The Dunhuang murals discovered by later generations after more than 1000 years have the same breathtaking movements.

But now it is the Tang Dynasty, Li Qinzai inadvertently enjoyed an authentic Feitian dance.

After a long sigh of relief, Li Qinzai's expression gradually returned to normal.The maikos also stopped their movements and saluted him gracefully.

Hu Shang came over and said with a smile, "Uncle Li, how about this dance?"

Li Qinzai said slowly: "One dance can turn the city."

"Thank you Mr. Li Xianbo for your compliment, now we can talk about the price." Hu Shang said with a flattering smile.

Li Qinzai glanced at him.

This businessman is good, bold and careful, knows how to speak, and also has a deep understanding of the buyer's psychology.

"You make an offer." Li Qinzai said.

Hu Shang smiled and raised a finger at him.

"Okay, ten puns will be ten puns, a deal!" Li Qinzai said happily.

Hu Shang was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Li, the villain doesn't mean that..."

"what do you mean?"

Hu Shang smiled wryly and said, "What the villain means is a hundred guan."

"You're thinking about farting, I'll give you some more, twenty guan."

Hu Shang said bitterly: "Not enough, Uncle Li, these maikos are all stunning women, and those who haven't served anyone before, they can be sold in Chang'an's market, at least fifty can be sold."

"Why don't you tell me how much it costs to feed and drink for them along the way? I helped you reduce the cost, and the price is of course lower than Chang'an."

"Uncle Li, please add more, otherwise the villain will really not be able to sell, it's too bad, why don't you bite your teeth and send them to Chang'an to sell to the rich and powerful."

Li Qinzai sighed, and said: "Thirty strokes, if I add more, I will lose my face."

Hu Shang was still waiting to plead, but saw that Li Qinzai's face had darkened, Hu Shang was startled, and said with a painful face: "Yes, the villain dare not add more, thirty or thirty, I will hand over these dancers to you." You are all hard-working women, and I hope Uncle Li treats them kindly."

Hu Shang took the money and left, while Maiko and Leban stayed behind, standing in front of Li Qinzai nervously.

Li Qinzai smiled: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a good person..."

The maikos grew more and more panic-stricken.

"You stay in the side courtyard first. When I have time, I will call you to dance for me. When I am not free, you will go out and carry bricks and bags for me to earn money. I will try to get back the [-] pens I spent as soon as possible." ..."

The maikos began to shiver and huddle together to keep warm.

Li Qinzai pointed to the girl with purple pupils who was the leading dancer, and said, "You, can you speak human language?"

The girl with purple pupils said in blunt and weird Chinese: "Little girl...can speak a little."

"What is your name?"

"The little girl's name is Zi Nu."

"Are you wearing colored contact lenses? Take them off and show me."


(End of this chapter)

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