Chapter 542

Discovering that a spy actually doesn't need all kinds of intelligence and clues, sometimes as long as you get along with her for a while, many flaws will be exposed naked before your eyes.

In Li Qinzai's eyes, Zi Nu has actually exposed many flaws unconsciously, but she has not noticed it herself.

It was already a big flaw when Hu merchants took the initiative to come to sell dancers.

With Zi Nu's stunning appearance and figure, if he sells it to Chang'an, he will surely fetch an unbelievably high price. Li Qinzai is well aware of the virtues of those bastards in Chang'an City.

But Hu Shang wanted to sell her in Liangzhou City, and he was very happy when bargaining, and he was very easy-going to compromise.

At that time, Li Qinzai became suspicious. The price of thirty guan for such a stunning maiko is almost equal to free gift, which is very abnormal.

Why don't you just say it face to face, I want to send a female spy to your side to try to do something wrong, you can do it according to your plan, so that at least you can feel the enemy's respect for you.

It's a pity that Li Qinzai quietly set up a trap in the house a few days ago, but Zi Nu was not fooled. Obviously, this female spy is smarter than he imagined.

So, what does this female spy want?
If Li Qinzai were younger, he would definitely feel that she just coveted his young and strong body, and would do anything to get close to him in order to get him.

Although it's not realistic to think so, it's... cool.

"Zi Nu, my house is in a mess again, please clean it up later." Li Qinzai ordered.

Zi Nu's hand shook, and he suddenly had an expression of not knowing whether to be angry or terrified.

again?So you plan to set up a set for me to drill, right?

The sound of footsteps came hastily, and Liu Ahsi said outside the door: "Wu Shaolang, the Tubo envoy Lun Zhongcong will invite you to a banquet at the Yangguan Tower in Liangzhou City tonight."

Li Qinzai was taken aback: "Banquet?"

Blinking his eyes, Li Qinzai thought about Zhong Cong's purpose for entertaining him.

Unexpectedly, after a while, there was another sound of footsteps, and Old Wei said outside the door: "Wu Shaolang, Princess Tuyuhun Honghua will invite you to a banquet at Yangguanlou tonight."

Li Qinzai didn't speak for a while.

"What do these two guys want to do?" Li Qinzai murmured.

Could it be that yesterday's drug use was exposed, and they want to get revenge?This is too much, I can drug you, how can you drug me?

Are you afraid that I will go crazy and destroy two missions?
"Tell them, I will go to the banquet tonight." Li Qinzai raised his voice.

The hair has been combed, and Zi Nu's dexterous hands braided a perfectly shaped bun for him. After inserting a hosta, he put on a black gauze hat.

Li Qinzai took a deep look at her, turned and left.

It wasn't until Li Qinzai left for a long time that Zi Nu's eyes gradually showed deep thought.

"He's going to a banquet tonight, it seems... a good opportunity."


When it was time to hold the lanterns, Li Qinzai led a dozen or so performers out the door.

As Princess Honghua said, it is impossible for Li Qinzai to run around with thousands of troops tied to his belt.Usually it is enough to bring a dozen or so parts with you when you go out.

Li Qinzai didn't ride a horse when he went out. Liangzhou City is not big, and the restaurant where he was banqueted tonight is very close. It is the only high-end restaurant in Liangzhou City.

Liu Asi and Lao Wei stood by their side, one on the left and one on the right, and they looked around vigilantly as they walked.

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, this is the city of Tang Dynasty, the two countries' missions should be nervous."

Liu Ahsi said in a low voice: "It's better to be more careful. The villain sees that the envoys of the two countries are not kind people, and they might do something crazy."

Li Qinzai looked at Old Wei: "Do you feel something is wrong?"

Old Wei was taken aback: "No."

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "Look, Old Wei didn't feel anything wrong, which means tonight is a very normal night. After eating and drinking, just slap your ass and leave."

Old Wei hurriedly said: "The villain can't guarantee it. Mr. Liu is right, it's better to be careful."

Li Qinzai looked at him with a smile: "Old Wei, I heard that you are having a good time recently. You have patronized all the secret doors in Liangzhou City? You are getting old, take care of your health."

Old Wei grinned: "I mainly miss Song Widow, but I haven't seen her for a long time. I'm sick of lovesickness. Find a few wives to relieve the pain of lovesickness. Villains are always devoted."

Li Qinzai was dumbfounded: "This reason... is really a new level of scum, and I will have to find a pen and paper to record it later."

Liu Asi snorted next to him, and said, "I admire Lao Wei's ability, but I really can't flatter you when looking for a wife. Wu Shaolang, you don't know what Lao Wei is looking for."

"Those women who trade skin and meat, some are as ugly as pigs, some are full of pockmarks, and there is one who is as strong as a mountain. Old Wei was lifted up and hung on the beam that night by her, and his life almost confessed. It's..."

Li Qinzai gasped, and looked at Old Wei with admiration in his eyes: "I'm old enough to be good at playing, what is the way to hang it on the beam of the house? Please give me your advice."

Li Qinzai's open-minded attitude of asking for advice made Lao Wei feel more and more uneasy, and said coldly: "Boss Liu, you are not bad at playing. I heard that you flirt with a woman who sells silk. She has a husband. Don't cause trouble."

Li Qinzai cast his admiring eyes on Liu Ah Si again.

After a long time, Li Qinzai said slowly: "I figured it out, both of you are people with unique skills, and my trilogy really wronged you two. With your physique, you should be immersed in a pig cage."

Now Li Qinzai finally discovered that it was not only him who had completely let go of himself when he came to this place where the sky was high and the emperor was far away, all the guys around him were let go.

After thinking about it, I have the highest status, but I am much more conservative in life.

Or... go back and deal with that female spy?


There is a road that must be passed from the governor's mansion to Yangguan Tower. This road is very narrow, surrounded by walls on both sides, and trees are planted inside the walls. After nightfall, the road is dark, and there are shadows of trees whirling and rustling. for scary.

Tonight, nearly a hundred members of the Tubo Mission lay in ambush behind the wall, waiting quietly for Li Qinzai to pass by.

It has to be said that the Tubo Mission is very skilled in doing this kind of work, and the time and place are perfectly chosen.Even the clothes they were wearing at the moment had changed, they were all replaced by the warriors of the Tuyuhun mission, with sheepskin robes and sheep horn felt hats.

Obviously, after Tubo planned to assassinate successfully, he threw the scapegoat to the Tuyuhun mission.

As soon as Li Qinzai left the gate of the governor's mansion, scouts quickly reported back, and the warriors of the Tubo mission also knew that Li Qinzai only brought a dozen or so troops with him when he went out tonight.

Nearly a hundred people from the Tubo Mission ambushed, they were caught by surprise, the attack was unprepared, and there were so many people, the chances of winning were very high.

If Li Qinzai died, the situation of confrontation and stalemate among the three countries would open.

Nervous and excited, nearly a hundred Tubo warriors stood quietly outside the wall, each holding their breath, waiting for the moment to strike.

A burly warrior at the head was a little impatient. According to Li Qinzai's footsteps, it was almost here now.

There was no movement on the dark road inside the wall, and the Tubo warrior couldn't bear it anymore. He quietly climbed up the wall, half-lying on the top of the wall, and looked towards the end of the road.

The end of the road was empty and dark, and Li Qinzai still hadn't come.

Don't worry, since he has gone out, he will definitely go this way.

The Tubo warrior was about to come down and wait, when he glanced up inadvertently, then took a deep breath, his eyes widened in horror.

On the other side of the wall, a man wearing the clothes of the Tibetan mission was lying on the opposite wall, looking at the end of the road just like him.

The eyes of the two met across two walls, both of them were taken aback, and their faces turned livid.

"Dog thief! What do you want to do!" The Tubo warrior shouted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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