Chapter 571
In order to improve the quality of life, Li Qinzai made a list for Lu Dongzan, which listed all kinds of luxury goods, as well as cute and charming Tuyuhun girls who were good at singing and dancing.

However, it didn't take long before Lu Dongzan sent someone. Judging from his expression, he probably wanted to tear up the list and throw it in Li Qinzai's face.

Most of the requests on the list were rejected, and it was impossible for the Tibetan camp to have them.

What kind of Persian carpet, what kind of silver pot inlaid with gemstones, Lu Dongzan himself didn't enjoy it, so why give you an envoy from a foreign country?

The only thing he promised was food, and Lu Dongzan happily gave away dozens of live sheep, so the Li family Buqu lit a fire outside the tent and roasted the whole sheep.

Li Qinzai was sitting cross-legged beside the red and thriving bonfire, a dagger kept cutting the roasted leg of lamb in front of him, biting off with one bite, the corners of his mouth dripping with oil.

"Not bad, Ah Si's craftsmanship is getting more and more exquisite," Li Qinzai was full of praise, eating while praising.

"By the way, send a letter to Lu Dongzan in my name, expressing to him the strong protest of the envoys of the Tang Dynasty against Tubo..."

Liu Ah Si was stunned: "What are you protesting?"

"Protest that the Tubo camp is too poor, and that I, the distinguished envoy of the Tang Dynasty, was not well received."

Liu Asi didn't recover for a while, and said in a low voice, "Can I still protest this?"

"In this world, as long as the skin is thick enough, everything can protest." Li Qinzai said sternly: "Of course, protest is just a form, and the main purpose is to disgust Tubo through protest. Who told them to be poor."

After hesitating for a while, Liu Ahsi nodded in agreement.

In the dark night, there was a sudden rush of horseshoes, and the sound came from far to near, as if it was coming towards Li Qinzai's camp.

Liu Asi and the others immediately became vigilant, and subconsciously pulled out their knives. Liu Asi said in a deep voice, "Old Wei protects Wu Shaolang and retreats, and the rest of them form formation!"

Being in the enemy camp, the nerves of the members of the Li family were very tense, and the slightest disturbance could cause them to react violently. In a place surrounded by enemies, any slight deviation could lead to catastrophe.

Judging from the sound of horseshoes, there were only a dozen or so riders coming, but they were coming in a menacing manner. They were approaching the camp and there was no sign of slowing down. Liu Asi's eyelids jumped, and he became more and more convinced that it was the enemy who had launched a charge.

"The bow and arrow are ready!" Liu Ahsi shouted violently.

Old Wei was about to pull Li Qinzai to retreat to the back of the camp, but in the blink of an eye, Li Qinzai had already turned into a cloud of black smoke and rushed out. .

Seeing that Old Wei was still in a daze, Li Qinzai waved to him: "Come here, you are not active in running for your life, are you sick?"

A sense of relief welled up from the bottom of Old Wei's heart.

Meeting such a life-saving master, it is really worry-free and energy-saving, there is no need to persuade him, he hides quickly by himself.

I am most afraid of encountering the kind of person who has no skills but insists on saving face. He keeps his neck stiff and talks hard, saying that he wants to die with the enemy, but his body is very honest and his subordinates drag him away. Since he loves acting so much, he should polish it more. Are you bad at acting?

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer. Liu Asi looked dignified. Just as he was about to give the order to shoot arrows, he suddenly heard a familiar female voice from the opposite side.

"Li Qinzai, you must die!"

Liu Ahsi was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Li Qinzai who poked his head out from behind, trying to tell from his expression whether the visitor was an enemy or Wu Shaolang's unpaid romantic debt.

Li Qinzai looked like a scumbag who started to mess up and then abandoned, with an innocent face on his face: "What are you looking at me for? I don't know her!"

Liu Asi nodded, and just about to give the order to shoot arrows, the sound of horseshoes suddenly stopped, and a dozen figures got off their horses. First, a stunning woman with a fox cloak on her shoulders, her pretty face covered with frost, approached the camp step by step.

Liu Ah Si immediately shouted: "Stop coming!"

Zi Nu ignored him, and still walked towards the camp step by step without fear.

Li Qinzai poked his head out cautiously, and he also recognized Zi Nu, and he was suddenly puzzled.

Didn't you let her go free?Why is she still obsessed with going back to the Tubo Camp?

Could it be that this stupid woman has been praised by Lu Dong as a PUA for a long time and has Stockholm syndrome?
Zi Nu's pretty face was full of evil, and she was getting closer and closer to Li Qinzai. The light from the bonfire reflected her stunning face, but it was full of shame, anger and murderous intent.

As Zi Nu walked, he said coldly: "Li Qinzai, the grievances between you and me are cleared, why did you ruin my reputation and my innocence in front of the Prime Minister?"

Li Qinzai looked at her face carefully by the light of the bonfire, and then suddenly smiled.

"What did I do? I just praised you a few words in front of the Prime Minister, and I'm angry? Is it unreasonable?"

Zi Nu said angrily: "What did you praise me for?"

"Praise you for being white."

Zi Nu was so angry that he immediately drew out his knife and shouted: "Today I will kill you, you will be whiter than me after death!"

After speaking, Zi Nu swung his sword at Li Qinzai.

Liu Asi and Old Wei were shocked, and just about to make a move, Li Qinzai circled around the camp and shouted: "This is a personal grudge between me and her, no one should get involved!"

The trilogy stopped suddenly, looking at each other hesitantly.

Looking at the scene in front of me, it is indeed a personal grievance between a man and a woman, and there are some romantic disputes, it seems... It is really inappropriate to intervene.

After Liu Ahsi and Lao Wei exchanged a quick glance, they decided to stand by and watch.

Being able to be hacked by such a stunning woman, even being a ghost, is also happy.

Li Qinzai ran around the tent more than a dozen times to avoid Zi Nu's pursuit, and finally he suddenly slipped into the tent.

Zi Nu also gritted his teeth and followed the camp with a knife.

After rushing into the camp, Li Qinzai seemed to be a different person. He sat behind the low table and panted for a while. Zi Nu also stopped his movements and stared at him with complicated eyes.

"Okay, I didn't turn a blind eye to the one who should cooperate with you. Now it's just you and me. Let me take a breath."

Zi Nu snorted: "Did you see it just now?"

"Nonsense, with your bad acting skills, who can't see it? It means that the surrounding area is all under your command, and there are no outsiders, otherwise you would have revealed your secrets."

Zi Nu said angrily, "I really want to kill you! Why did you ruin my reputation in front of the Prime Minister?"

Li Qinzai said confidently: "How do I know that you will come back when you speak ill of people behind your back?"

Zi Nu was so angry that his chest was blocked, and he was so stuffy that he could hardly breathe.

This bastard spoke so righteously, those who didn't know thought he had a lot of reason.

When he was hesitating whether to make a fake show or not, and simply chopped him up with a knife, Li Qinzai reminded him kindly: "Talking is talking, you'd better make some noise. In the eyes of outsiders, we are fighting hand-to-hand in the camp." Difficult to distinguish..."

Zi Nu gritted her teeth and slammed a porcelain plate on the low table to the ground, making a loud cracking sound.

Li Qinzai's cheeks twitched. This is a very expensive porcelain plate he brought from Chang'an.

"Tell me quickly, why did you meet me in this way?"

Zi Nu raised his hand and dropped another porcelain plate, and Li Qinzai let out an "Oops" very cooperatively.

Then Zi Nucai said coldly: "I don't know why you wanted to die and came to Tubo Camp on your own initiative, but I want to tell you that Lu Dongzan will not let you go."

Li Qinzai stared at the fragments of the porcelain plate on the ground, and said quietly: "Hurry up, don't talk nonsense, every nonsense of yours is very expensive."

(End of this chapter)

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