Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 584 Harassment and sniping

Chapter 584 Harassment and sniping
Among the 5000 troops, only [-] were equipped with three-eyed blunderbuss, and the rest of the [-] were cavalry armed with halberds and spears equipped with bows and arrows.

The advantage is that the whole army is highly mobile, they are all light cavalry, they come and go like the wind, and the logistics supplies are all based on looting, making it impossible for the enemy to track their traces.

The disadvantage is that it is not aggressive enough.

Eight hundred three-eyed blunderbusses can't really play a big role on a large battlefield. When Li Qinzai destroyed the Japanese country, he had [-] three-eyed blunderbusses, which made him almost invincible.

Once confronted with the main force of the Tubo army, with tens of thousands of people at every turn, the more than 5000 people under Li Qinzai's command could only run away with their heads in their hands, and had to taste the embarrassment of breaking through the Tubo camp again.

All the troops that could be mobilized were assembled, and Li Qinzai finally had some confidence.

The first is to prepare the army. Most of the more than 5000 soldiers and horses are not familiar with Li Qinzai. The soldiers do not know the generals, and the generals do not know the soldiers. This is a taboo on the battlefield.

So Li Qinzai ordered the whole army to rest in place for two days, and Li Qinzai also gave up the exquisite life of a small stove, and ate and lived with the soldiers.

Every day, Li Qinzai ran around in various camps. In front of the soldiers, Li Qinzai happily ate rice balls and drank broth, and talked with the soldiers calmly.

Li Qinzai didn't say anything provocative, and Li Qinzai asked and listened more. Any ordinary soldier Li Qinzai could maintain an equal attitude and talk to them.

In just one day, Li Qinzai was able to call out the names of hundreds of soldiers.

Song Jintu, the captain, was a bit introverted. Li Qinzai had a heart-to-heart talk with him as a political commissar. The topic was a bit off-putting, how many acres of land at home, did he have a wife, did he usually help his children with their homework, and what was so special about the girls in any club in Chang'an City? service, wait.

Song Jintu responded with a few words at first, but the chatter became more and more shapeless, and Song Jintu was too lazy to say anything.

After chatting with him, Li Qinzai also gradually observed that this Song Duwei should be a very responsible person, not very good at communication, but absolutely obedient, without the courage to disobey military orders, and he is down-to-earth.

It's just a little introverted, and I can't make a fart with three sticks.

Such a character will definitely suffer in the officialdom, but in the army, it is worthy of trust.

During the two days of rest, Li Qinzai sent scouts to inquire about the military situation. Two days later, the scouts returned to the camp and brought the whereabouts of the Tubo army's transfer.

The news was summarized, and after they were drawn on the map, Li Qinzai understood Lu Dongzan's intention at a glance.

More than [-] Tubo troops split up and radiated around with Qinghai Lake as a dot.

After Li Qinzai led his troops to break through from the Tubo camp, Lu Dongzan resolutely gave up the pursuit, and instead deployed his forces on how to completely annex Tuyuhun.

An old fox is an old fox. He knows what is important and what is secondary in this great battle about the national destiny of Tubo.

To Lu Dongzan, the soldiers and horses led by Li Qinzai were nothing more than scabies. What Tubo wanted was to swallow Tuyuhun completely before the arrival of the king of the Tang Dynasty.

As for Li Qinzai, in Lu Dongzan's eyes, he was just a small ant, and he ran away as soon as he ran away. In terms of grand strategy, Li Qinzai's troops and horses can't change anything.

It's a pity that Lu Dongzan didn't know that Li Qinzai's soldiers and horses were no longer just a few hundred, but more than [-] people, which was not just "a little" soldiers and horses.

When necessary, he can bite off a piece of Tubo's flesh alive.

Two days later, when the whole army was ready, Li Qinzai gave the order to set off on the wasteland full of yellow sand.

From the intelligence obtained by the scouts, Li Qinzai determined the target of the first harassment.

A Tubo army of about [-] troops is patrolling the border of the Tang Dynasty in the southern part of Dafeichuan, clearing out the remaining Tuyuhun troops in this area.

Li Qinzai had to swallow this piece of meat.

An ambush and sniper battle quietly took shape under the arrangement of Li Qinzai, Sun Congdong and Song Jintu.

After a long time, I rushed to ambush outside a necessary hill, and waited for a long time.

In the evening, as expected, three thousand Tubo troops arrived.They were marching towards the frontier, targeting a fleeing tribe in Tuyuhun.

When passing through the hills, Li Qinzai decisively ordered an attack.

Two thousand soldiers and horses blocked the retreat, two thousand soldiers and horses pressed down the left and right flanks, one thousand soldiers and horses of the Chinese army and eight hundred and three-eyed guns attacked from the front.

There was no suspense about the outcome, and Li Qinzai's troops had an absolute advantage in terms of strength, weapons, and terrain.

The battle ended in half an hour, and the three thousand Tubo army was wiped out.

Li Qinzai ordered a group of Tubo troops to be deliberately let go, and let them flee back to the Tubo camp to report.

The next step is to quickly clean up the battlefield, collect spoils, and take away all food, drinking water, weapons and horses.

Finally, Li Qinzai gave an order, and more than [-] soldiers and horses fled away quickly.

After resting for a day, the scouts found information again that a 2000-strong Tubo army was operating near the Qilian Mountains, with the purpose of clearing out the remnants of the Tuyuhun tribe.

Li Qinzai ordered to send troops again, and it was another unsuspecting ambush sniper battle, and the two thousand Tubo army was wiped out.

The old rule is to let go of a group of Tubo troops and let them flee back to the Tubo camp to report.

After several days and several sniper battles, nearly ten thousand Tubo troops were killed by Li Qinzai's troops.

In the Tubo camp, Lu Dongzan finally couldn't sit still.

Li Qinzai's frequent actions had already disrupted his deployment. From the sporadic intelligence of the Tubo army who fled back, it was known that after Li Qinzai broke out from the Tubo camp, he quietly gathered more than [-] soldiers and horses.

This envoy of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was no longer a mild case of scabies, he had become a confidant of the Tubo army in the process of annexing Tuyuhun.

Lu Dongzan was counting the days every day, counting the time when Su Dingfang's army arrived at Tuyuhun.

Every day is very important to Lu Dongzan. Once Su Dingfang's army arrives at Tuyuhun, the whole battle situation will change again.

Li Qinzai, on the other hand, had already posed a major threat to Tubo. After sitting in the commander's tent and planning for a long time, Lu Dongzan still made a change in deployment.

To get rid of the outside world first, we must first annihilate Li Qinzai's army, then we can annex Tuyuhun and make preparations to resist Su Dingfang's army.

In any case, the backyard cannot be set on fire. The Tubo army has lost nearly ten thousand soldiers and horses in the past few days with Li Qinzai's blunt knife cutting flesh. Lu Dongzan can't stand such a toss.

So Lu Dongzan ordered to end the deployment of the division of troops, gather the troops, and send countless scouts to inquire about the whereabouts of Li Qinzai's troops.

After he gathered the superior force, he would deal a devastating blow to Li Qinzai.

Not only that, Lu Dongzan ordered an additional [-] troops from Tubo.

The loss was too great. Originally, Tubo's [-] soldiers and horses destroyed Tuyuhun. Lu Dongzan thought it was a sure thing, but after Li Qinzai's change, the [-] soldiers and horses had become more than [-].

Lu Dongzan has increasingly lost confidence in his plan to annex Tuyuhun, and he feels at a loss.

Back then in the Tubo camp, Li Qinzai held his head high and said in front of him that he wanted all of Tuyuhun.

Now it seems that Li Qinzai's words are actually his psychological base price. He has this strength, and Datang also has this strength.

When Tubo's superior forces were assembled, with a total of more than [-] troops ready to go, Lu Dongzan in the commander's tent felt disheartened for a while.

The two countries are at war, in fact, long before the war, the coaches of both sides actually have a rough idea in their hearts, whether they will win or lose, each knows clearly.

It is a so-called "general trend" that cannot be explained clearly, a pure human intuition.

Today's Lu Dongzan has this intuition.

He found that Tubo, who had been dominant in the early stage, had gradually turned towards Datang after Li Qinzai's disturbance.

Lu Dongzan experienced this deep feeling of powerlessness many years ago in Songzhou in the Tang Dynasty, which was one of the few major defeats of Tubo.

The [-] Tubo army assembled, with an invincible momentum sweeping the world, set out from the Tubo camp, and pursued and killed more than [-] Li Qinzai.

However, Li Qinzai led his troops out of the territory of Tuyuhun without hesitation after the scouts found Tubo to concentrate their forces, and more than [-] soldiers retreated to Shanzhou in the territory of the Tang Dynasty to replenish food and water.

Hey, let me ask you if you are angry.

Lu Dongzan was not angry at all, he just threw a bunch of pots and jars in the handsome tent, and by the way he drew his sword and killed a blind guard.

In the city of Shanzhou.

Li Qinzai patrolled the camp in armor, assigning tasks to the governor of Shanzhou as he walked.

"Our soldiers and horses rest in the city for two days. Within these two days, we will call all the blacksmiths in the city to make the three-eyed gun. It will take at least a thousand rods. If you can't make it, hang your head on the tower to ward off evil spirits."

(End of this chapter)

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