Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 591 Fighting in the Dust and Smoke

Chapter 591 Fighting in the Dust and Smoke

After the first battle at Jishishan, this was the second time that Li Qinzai's troops fought head-on with the Tubo army.

This was a relatively sudden encounter, without prior formation of troops, and no cheers from horns and drums.

The scouts of the two armies met and fought against each other. They learned about each other's movements, and then assembled their troops and started to fight.

Two thousand soldiers armed with three-eyed guns lined up in front.

The three-eye blunderbuss is a typical arquebus gun, each of which is fired by igniting the matchlock to detonate the gunpowder.

The disadvantage is that the firing process is relatively slow, and each shot needs to be ignited.The advantage is that each soldier can fire three shots in a row, then quickly dodge, and the second row will fill his position, and continue to fire three shots in a row.

Two thousand rods and three-eyed blunderbuss fired at once, the lethality is astonishing.

Li Qinzai once destroyed a country by relying on six thousand three-eyed guns. Although the [-] Tubo army in front of him was much more powerful than the Japanese army's massed charge, the Tang army was still able to hold its ground against the enemy's thousands of troops. Reap the lives of enemies without mercy.

When the Tubo army charged, Tang Jun stood firmly in front of the formation, and there was a loud noise in front of the formation, and bursts of white smoke filled the air.

In the flames of war, when tens of thousands of Tubo troops charged within a hundred paces, the casualties increased, and the morale of the troops became more and more low.

But the Tubo army was not defenseless, and within a hundred paces was also the range of their bows and arrows, so after suffering heavy casualties, the Tubo army's arrow rain finally came.

After a round of salvo, the black arrow rain was like black clouds all over the sky, covering Tang Jun.

In just one round of arrow rain, hundreds of people in the Tang army fell down crying.

"Refill!" Sun Congdong yelled with angry eyes.

The wounded Paizes were carried to the rear by the soldiers, and the musketeers took up the wounded Paoze's place without saying a word, and continued to fire the three-eyed pistols under Ling Qi's command.

Sun Congdong commanded the firecrackers, while Song Jintu commanded the cavalry.

Seeing that his formation was within the range of the enemy's bow and arrow, Song Jintu drew his sword and pointed at the sky, and shouted: "Fight to the death of righteousness, serve the country with loyalty, Datang, ten thousand victories!"

"Flag up! Cavalry up! Outflank the Chinese army to the left and right, and cut the enemy line!"

The black command flag waved down, and more than [-] cavalry rode out, bypassing the charging enemy army in the middle, and piercing through the central army of Tubo from the left and right flanks.

Song Jintu took the lead and rushed to the forefront. This usually taciturn man, on the battlefield, looked like a god of death descending from the sky, fiercely leading the soldiers into the battle.

In the Chinese army's formation, the gunners suffered hundreds of casualties, but the remaining one thousand people were still able to hold their ground, because during the charge of the Tubo army, the gunners fired round after round, and the Tubo The army suffered heavy casualties.

When thousands of horses are running together, once the front row is shot off the horse, not only will the end be tragic, but the charging speed of the entire charging team will be slowed down.

Whether it is trampling on the body of Paoze in front of him, or jumping over by a prancing horse, it will seriously affect the speed of the galloping horse.

The enemy army slowed down, but Tang Jun's three-eyed blunderbuss did not slow down. They still braved the rain of arrows recklessly and fired round after round.

Both sides come and go, but in this era, firearms still occupy an absolute advantage after all.From the comparison of casualties between the two sides, it can be clearly seen that when the wheel of history rolls forward, those who try to stop it will eventually be crushed into mud.

The Tubo army suffered thousands of casualties. However, when they were a hundred steps away from the Tang army's front line, when their charging speed had to be slowed down due to the fall of Pao Ze, even greater casualties came.

The gunners of the Tang army were nailed to the position like nails, without retreating a step.

The Tubo army waved their scimitars and let out roars, but rounds of firearm bullets still ruthlessly penetrated their bodies.

Li Qinzai has been watching the battle from the back.

Commanding battles is not his strong point, he has resolutely handed over the command to Sun Congdong and Song Jintu.

But he could see the changes in the situation on the battlefield every moment.

Seeing that the Tubo army's charge was getting slower and slower, and there were even signs of turning around and fleeing from the rear, a big stone in Li Qinzai's heart finally fell to the ground.

If the center line is stable, this encounter will not suffer a big loss.

The focus now is on the charge of the cavalry under Song Jintu.

Looking around, the more than [-] cavalry led by Song Jintu had galloped away, circumvented Tubo's front line from the left and right sides, and stabbed fiercely into Tubo's central army like two sharp swords.

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang army has been invincible in the world, and the greatest advantage of the Tang army's invincibility lies in plain warfare, especially the brave and brave cavalry. Looking at the world today, there are few neighboring countries' troops that can compete with the Tang army's cavalry.

The cavalry of the Tang Army relied on their bravery to charge. Once the cavalry was launched, they often sacrificed their lives. The enemy army was not defeated and charged endlessly.

Song Jintu's more than [-] cavalry were originally the brave Tang frontier army, and they were much stronger than the Tubo army in terms of combat experience and fierce aura.

Following Song Jintu's lead, the cavalry officers and soldiers were divided into left and right groups, and quickly inserted into the center of the Tubo army.

In the chaotic army formation, dust and smoke billowed, Song Jintu and his soldiers quickly melted into the dust and smoke, and they were no longer seen.

Li Qinzai watched from a distance, his heart arose, and he looked around uneasily.

While commanding the gunners, Sun Congdong was also constantly observing the movements of Song Jintu's troops. Seeing more than [-] soldiers disappearing in the dust, Sun Congdong was also a little anxious, and shouted loudly: "The gunners, come in!"

More than a thousand gunners finally took a step forward. Every few steps, the first row squatted down and fired two rounds of volley, and then moved on.

When Li Qinzai was in a hurry, he suddenly saw a cloud of yellow dust rising from the direction of Shanzhou city, and was rushing towards the Tubo army, he couldn't help feeling tense.

"Ah Si, hurry up and call Jin, and order Sun Congdong and Song Jintu to retreat!" Li Qinzai ordered decisively.

The trilogy hurriedly blew the golden trumpet. Sun Congdong, who was attacking, was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't dare to disobey before the battle, so he ordered to retreat and fire.

Not long after, Song Jintu's troops also withdrew from the dust and smoke, and rushed towards Li Qinzai.

Sun Congdong ran up to Li Qinzai and said in astonishment, "Uncle Li, why are you asking for gold?"

Li Qinzai raised his chin, motioned to the yellow dust in the direction of Shanzhou City, and said: "The enemy's reinforcements are coming, we must withdraw."

In today's encounter, the Tubo army had about 2 troops against the enemy Li Qinzai's troops, and another [-] were still surrounding the city of Shanzhou. Perhaps it was because the fighting Tubo army showed signs of being exhausted. Ten thousand Tubo troops were dispatched as well.

Li Qinzai was not sure and would not do such a stupid thing when the gradually exhausted army fought against the newly added reinforcements, so he decisively ordered a retreat.

Song Jintu's troops soon joined Li Qinzai. Under Li Qinzai's order, thousands of soldiers and horses turned around and retreated westward, while Tubo also followed closely. The horse turned back.

(End of this chapter)

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