Chapter 596

Obviously victory was in sight, but Li Qinzai felt a strong uneasiness.

Just like Lao Wei's itchy ears when he was in danger, Li Qinzai's feeling of uneasiness was unreasonable, but Li Qinzai believed in his intuition.

There must be some kind of crisis, quietly lurking somewhere in the near future, to deal him a killing blow.

That's why Li Qinzai accidentally sent a trilogy to investigate four directions when the Tang army was victorious and chasing and defeating the army.

He was not dazzled by the victory. Once he felt complacent on the battlefield, it meant that a greater failure was waiting for him. At this time, he and his robes were still surrounded by the enemy, and he was not the winner who had the last laugh. .

"There is no need to chase after the defeated army when you send an order to retreat," Li Qinzai said solemnly, "Let's change the direction, instead of going east, we will turn to the south."

More than a hundred miles south of Shanzhou are Hezhou and Taozhou, which are also border towns. They are said to be two cities, but they are actually smaller than the county towns. Therefore, Datang's garrison in the two prefectures is less than a thousand people.

Li Qinzai chose to change his course because he realized that Lu Dongzan could not leave a loophole so rashly and let him escape the encirclement.

Going east to Lanzhou is the place he must pass through. More than [-] people can't stop him. That is to say, if he continues to go east, there will be more ambushes ahead.

Therefore, diverting to the south is the most sensible approach.

Lu Dong praised his resourcefulness, but Li Qinzai was not stupid either. The old fox and the young fox fought each other, calculating each other's hearts. It is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

Sun Congdong and Song Jintu's troops quickly withdrew, and the Tubo army fled north after being defeated, but Li Qinzai decided to ignore it.

The Tubo army fled for their lives, and Li Qinzai wanted to flee even more. Everyone fled to his own place, and each fled to his own place.

It is not the time to do things like chasing down the poor.

The soldiers and horses regrouped, and Li Qinzai ordered an inventory of the losses. This battle was still an encounter. Due to the rapid engagement, the enemy generals were beheaded, and the enemy's defeat was also fast. The losses in this battle were not much, only [-] More casualties.

After cleaning up the aftermath, cleaning the battlefield, and burying Pao Ze's body, Li Qinzai ordered to march south immediately.

The horseshoe is rumbling, looking south and north.

There are only [-] soldiers left, and every encounter is a life-and-death farewell to Pao Ze.

Li Qinzai's heart was heavy, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, for fear of affecting the morale of the army.

The bitter cold wind whizzed past the cheeks, and only the whistling sound of the cold wind could be heard in the ears. The whole world seemed to be stagnant in the sound of the wind. There was only one soldier and horse running wildly alone on the vast and desolate plain.

After traveling for tens of miles, Li Qinzai's horse did not slow down, and suddenly shouted: "After five miles, the whole army will change course again and march southeast."

Sun Congdong and Song Jintu took orders. They didn't understand why Li Qinzai's face was so solemn, and they didn't understand why he temporarily changed his route during the march.

But since Li Qinzai entered Tuyuhun, he has made every calculation without leaving any plans. His decision has its own reasons. Sun Congdong and Song Jintu chose to obey unconditionally.

Five miles later, the whole army diverted to the southeast, and the soldiers had no time to rest and eat at all. They were all galloping on their horses, and hurriedly took out dry food to cushion their hungry stomachs.

As for the war horses, they were even more exhausted. Many of the war horses were already foaming from their mouths, and their panting intensified. Li Qinzai became more and more anxious, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

In response to the song of later generations, "It's Not That Simple".

Yes, Li Qinzai was almost certain that Lu Dongzan was not that simple.

After running a few miles to the southeast, a scout rushed towards him, and Li Qinzai could see the panic on his face from a long distance away.

"Report! Uncle Li, there are traces of enemy troops ahead, and there are about [-] soldiers and horses in black, lined up twenty miles away."

Li Qinzai's heart sank, and just as he was about to order another diversion, another scout came running from behind.

"Report! Uncle Li, there are enemy troops coming from the northwest direction. There are about [-] soldiers and horses, all of them are cavalry. The enemy troops are coming very fiercely, and they are only more than ten miles away from our army."

Li Qinzai sighed. In order to annihilate his army, Lu Dongzan really didn't care about anything. It is estimated that all the Tubo troops in Tuyuhun were dispatched by him, and he used Shanzhou City as a conspiracy to lay a net for him.

Although angry, but understandable.

The existence of Li Qinzai's army is the biggest variable in this war. If he is Lu Dongzan, he will be wiped out at all costs.

Su Dingfang's frontal battlefield is not terrible, what is terrible is that his unpredictable guerrilla army, once a slight flaw is exposed and Li Qinzai catches it, it will change the outcome of the war.

Riding on the horse, Li Qinzai looked around the wilderness, sighed bitterly, and said, "If there is no accident, there should be Tubo troops in all four directions."

Sun Congdong clasped his fists and said sharply: "Uncle Li, the last general is willing to lead an army to fight to the death to cover Uncle Li from the encirclement!"

The taciturn Song Jintu also said: "The cavalry led by the last general is more suitable to cover Li Xianbo's breakout, it's just a battle to the death."

Li Qinzai sneered and said, "You are so great. You sacrificed yourself to help others. I became a green leaf to set off your valor, right? You are all heroes who died bravely, but I became a deserter, huh!"

Li Qinzai's expression became more and more severe, and Li Qinzai's tone increased, and said: "Although I, Li Qinzai, are a little greedy for life and afraid of death, but if you want me to leave Brother Paoze and run away alone, I still can't do such a dishonorable thing, and I won't be ashamed to flee back to Chang'an Son of Heaven, you have no face to see my grandfather, wife and children."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to fight to the death, fight to the death!"

Li Qinzai looked around and saw a high mountain a few miles away, so he pointed in the direction of the mountain and said, "Let's not run away, but stay on this mountain and guard. If our lives are good, we might be able to wait for reinforcements. If our lives are not good , Paoze brothers are all here, they are companions on Huangquan Road, and they are not alone!"

The eyes of Liu Asi next to him turned red, and the old Wei also showed a look of determination, and he laughed boldly: "Five young man, the old man is not sure whether he will survive this time, I can only guarantee that the old man's head was chopped off by the enemy army Before, Wu Shaolang was still intact, without hurting a single hair."

Sun Congdong drew his sword and pointed it at the top of the mountain, and said sadly: "Occupy that mountain, the whole army prepares for war,...a battle to the death!"

The soldiers raised their fists and shouted in unison: "Fight to the death! Fight to the death!"

The morale of the army, which should have been depressed and collapsed in the desperate situation, was unexpectedly high at this moment, as if a spark had splashed into the gunpowder barrel and exploded instantly.

Li Qinzai clearly felt the scorching heat wave that hit his face.

His eye sockets couldn't help turning red, and he sighed: "They're all great men of the Tang Dynasty, they're all great men, I'm really sorry for your parents, wives and children..."

When Li Qinzai led the soldiers to occupy the mountain, the scouts sent from all directions also returned.

Seeing the scouts returning, Sun Congdong was so angry that he kicked them one by one, pointing at the scouts' noses and yelling at them.

Others might not be able to escape, but the scouts clearly had a chance to escape the encirclement, but they ran back foolishly.

A scout who was kicked staggered and looked straight at Sun Congdong, this time he was not afraid of the general.

"Brothers in Paoze live and die together, why leave the villain alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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