Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 649 Nestorian Past and Present

Chapter 649 Nestorian Past and Present

The Tang Dynasty was an open and inclusive dynasty that could accommodate everything in the world.

As long as it exists, it is reasonable and it will be accepted.

The exotic headgear, makeup, and clothing colors have all become the objects of imitation by women in the Tang Dynasty.

Those costumes, headgear, and makeup that were not unusual in foreign countries have become a fashion that competes across the country after traveling across the ocean to the Tang Dynasty.

In terms of dressing, customs and human relations, Datang never rejects new things, and even has a welcoming attitude.The new means scarcity, means being the center of attention.

This is the self-confidence of a big country.

The source of self-confidence is that Datang has an invincible army in the world. These exotic new things are not obtained by Datang, but prisoners of war who came to Datang with ropes and lined up. The headgear is good, the clothes are good, let's use it as a reference.

The same goes for religion.

Under the enlightenment and tolerance of Datang, the people of Datang did not reject foreign religions.

For example, Buddhism is actually a foreign religion, but they are very sensible. After coming to the Tang Dynasty, they never put on airs, actively changed the religious rules to cater to the people of the Tang Dynasty, and created the purpose of reincarnation to cater to the rulers.

Therefore, Buddhism, a foreign religion, thrived in the Tang Dynasty and was able to compete with the national religion Taoism.

Nestorianism is also a foreign religion, and its influence is not small.

In fact, in the early Tang Dynasty, there were not two major religions but three major religions active in the land of Tang Dynasty, and Nestorianism was one of them.

Nestorianism is the predecessor of Christianity, which was born in the Assyrian Empire, which is the later Syria.It has been more than 200 years, and was later tolerated by the Roman Church, so they fled to the Persian Empire. Under the protection of the King of Persia, Nestorianism, Manichaeism, and Jackoism were collectively known as the three major religions in Central Asia.

Because of its great reputation in the Western Regions and the wide number of followers, in the ninth year of Zhenguan, Nestorian messengers traveled across the Western Regions and came to Datang.

It has to be said that when Nestorian came to Datang, he started with a pair of peerless cards, two kings plus four twos.

When Nestorianism first arrived in Chang'an, Li Shimin, the prime minister at that time, Fang Xuanling, and all civil and military officials went out of the city to welcome the envoys. Li Shimin was overjoyed and gave the Nestorian envoys a Chinese name, "A Luo Ben", which means "A messenger sent by God".

Later, Li Shimin approved the emissary to build the Daqin Temple in Yiningfang, Chang'an City. There are 21 believers allowed in the temple, and the development of believers in the Tang Dynasty will spread its branches and leaves. The imperial court also allocates funds every year to help the development of Nestorianism.

Today, the emperor and the prime minister went out of the city to meet them in person, allocated land and funds, and tolerantly allowed them to develop themselves, and even didn't mind them sharing the cake of Taoism and Buddhism.

This hand is good enough, but if you fight a little bit, you may be the biggest competitor of Buddhism and Taoism now.

It's a pity that a good hand of cards caused them to beat it themselves, which is extremely bad.

Buddhism guides people to be good, exorcise evil spirits and eliminate disasters, Taoism teaches people to maintain longevity, and if you take a medicine and get lucky, you may be able to become a god.

The two religions each have their own purpose and style, no matter which one, in the ears of the common people, isn't it somewhat moving?This bodhisattva is able to get along, this old gentleman is worth paying, and Pidianpidian will send money and make a wish.

As for Nestorianism, since they appeared on the land of the Tang Dynasty, their first step was wrong.

They set their sights on developing the believer market on businessmen.

Since Nestorianism was founded, including its later development in Central Asia, most of its followers were local businessmen.

The merchants had money, and the Nestorian Church took money from the Christian merchants and used it to win over the common people.

The purpose of Buddhism and Taoism is to benefit the people, while the purpose of Nestorianism is to develop the economy, referred to as "making money".

In terms of purpose, Nestorianism fell behind, and the development of Nestorianism in the Tang Dynasty involved many shady and nasty methods, such as buying low-level officials, using quackery to attract people, and so on.

In the current year of Linde, Nestorianism has been in the Tang Dynasty for decades, but the development of the sect is not as good as each year.

The exclusion of Buddhism and Taoism is one of the reasons. Many officials have seen the essence of Nestorianism and have disgusted it. The bigger reason is that the means of Nestorianism to make money are becoming more and more disgraceful. The common people at the bottom started to hate it too.

At this moment, the young man downstairs and shopkeeper Wu are obviously an unpleasant confrontation between the sect and the believers.

To join the sect is to pay money to the sect. Shopkeeper Wu is a Nestorian believer, but the Nestorian price has increased this month.

In the world of the Western gods, there is probably inflation.

After listening to Sun Congdong's talk about the past and present of Nestorianism, Li Qinzai's frown deepened.

Foreign monks can chant scriptures, but the premise is that you don't disturb others when you chant scriptures.

Downstairs, shopkeeper Wu was already a little angry: "This teaches me not to enter, quit!"

The young man smiled contemptuously: "Do you still remember the oath you made when you joined the Church? Now that you have joined our Nestorian Church, it is not easy to quit. Come and leave as soon as you say it, do you think our Nestorian Church is your benefactor? "

Shopkeeper Wu also smiled: "Don't forget, this is the Tang Dynasty, where there are kings and laws!"

"Believe it or not, if I don't break the king's law, I can stop your brothel from opening?" The young man laughed wildly.

Shopkeeper Wu blushed, but stopped talking.

He knew that the young man wasn't threatening him, and that Chang'an city's tricks and indiscriminate methods would indeed make his brothel difficult to open.

Throwing dung, releasing snakes, blocking doors, spreading rumors, they dare to do anything, and many times the government has nothing to do with them because there is no evidence.

Upstairs, Li Qinzai leaned on the railing, his face getting colder.

"This gang of bastards, can no one deal with them?" Li Qinzai asked.

Sun Congdong smiled wryly: "No one can really cure it, unless the emperor speaks and drives Nestorian out of the Tang Dynasty."

"Who gave them confidence?"

"Hou Yuemo of Li County has rarely heard of Nestorianism. In fact, Nestorianism is also very smart. They not only win over merchants and common people, but also have their followers in the court."

Li Qinzai was slightly moved: "At court? What rank of officials?"

"As small as the chief minister, as big as the assistant minister, there are also some idle county men. After meritorious service such as the county uncle, they all joined the Nestorian Church."

Li Qinzai didn't say a word, and watched coldly as the confrontation downstairs became more and more intense.

Squinting at the young man in the lead, Li Qinzai became more and more displeased.

Shopkeeper Wu was speechless, obviously intending to swallow his anger, the young man saw his thoughts from his expression, couldn't help becoming more arrogant, turned around, laughed and left.

"Shopkeeper Wu, at this time tomorrow, I will come to withdraw money again. I wish you a prosperous business and no disease or disaster, haha!"

As soon as the words were finished, a black wine jar suddenly fell from upstairs, hitting the head of the rampant young man impartially.

There was a loud bang, and the young man screamed loudly, and blood gushed out of his head immediately. The young man was dizzy from the impact, and his body shook a few times. Several accomplices behind hurriedly supported him.

"Who? Who dares to plot against me?" The young man looked around with red eyes.

Everyone looked upstairs, but saw Li Qinzai leaning against the railing, staring blankly at his hands, and murmured: "What the hell, my hands slipped..."

Sun Congdong behind him gave a chuckle, and praised: "The Marquis of County Li is really good at skating!"

(End of this chapter)

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