Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 657 Chapter Zhuang

Chapter 657
Li Qinzai can't be the Virgin of the White Lotus, he won't show kindness for no reason.

He's not bad, but he's not that kind. He doesn't hesitate when it's time to do good deeds, and he doesn't need to care about gains and losses. When it's time to stand by and watch, he likes to watch the excitement more than anyone else.

If it was a friend who asked him for help, Li Qinzai would definitely not care about the pros and cons, and would even draw his sword to help without reservation, regardless of black and white.

But Yi Duo was not familiar with him, and Yi Duo was not like an honest person, so Li Qinzai's kindness was naturally a bit stingy.

We're all grown-ups, it's okay to cause trouble, but the premise is that there are enough benefits, otherwise I'm full and cause trouble for a stranger for no reason?

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Qinzai decisively chose to give up Yiduo.

Patting Yi Duo on the shoulder, Li Qinzai pointed to the distance, and said enthusiastically: "Look, you have been walking eastward, crossing mountains and seas, and also passing through mountains and crowds. Everything you once owned has disappeared like smoke in a blink of an eye..."

"Walk all the way to the sea, spend some money to hire a boat, go east to Japan or Silla, and settle there from then on. If there are no accidents, you should be able to live to the end of your life."

Yi Duo's face was ugly, he didn't want to leave Chang'an at all, let alone Li Qinzai, a nobleman.

Judging from the number and skills of his subordinates just now, this nobleman obviously has the strength to protect him, and judging from Li Qinzai's clothes and demeanor, this nobleman may have a high official rank in the Tang Dynasty.

A ready-made big thick leg can be hugged, why did he go to Japan?

"Your Excellency..." Yi Duo was anxious.

"Stop talking, let's say goodbye, Zi Nu, you also say goodbye to this uncle who is traveling with you." Li Qinzai greeted.

Zi Nu's eyes were full of Li Qinzai, and he had no nostalgia for Yi Duo, waved at him perfunctorily, turned around and boarded the carriage holding hands with Cui Jie.

Li Qinzai ordered Buqu to leave a bag of money for Yiduo, then turned around and rode on the horse, and continued towards Ganjingzhuang under the guard of Buqu.

Yi Duo knelt on the ground blankly, watching Li Qinzai walk away, his expression became more panicked, hesitating for a long time, Yi Duo gritted his teeth, got up and chased in Li Qinzai's direction.

In order to save his life, Sapo and Roll must stay by that nobleman's side!

In the carriage, Cui Jie and Zi Nu were still holding hands. It took less than an hour for the two girls to go from being strangers to laughing and laughing.

Women's friendship is really strange, it is efficient, fast, but not so reliable.

In the carriage, Qiao'er, who had been catching up on sleep, finally woke up, sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes, and looked curiously at the woman who suddenly appeared in the carriage.

She looks pretty, and her eyes are actually purple.

Qiao'er opened her ignorant eyes, staring at Zi Nu without blinking.

Zi Nu turned her head and smiled at him, Cui Jie rubbed his head and said with a smile: "What are you doing, call Er Niang quickly."

This address made Zi Nu feel ashamed and anxious, and hurriedly said: "I'm not..."

Qiao'er said honestly, "Meet Erniang."

Zi Nu blushed, not knowing whether she should agree, but Qiao'er asked curiously, "Is you my father's second wife?"

Cui Jie scolded with a smile: "If you don't learn from your father, what kind of mother-in-law, it's so ugly."

Qiao'er is very curious about Zi Nu, especially the color of her eyes.

"Er Niang, where did you meet my father? Are you married? Why didn't you call me at the banquet? Why are your eyes purple? Are there gemstones in them?"

A series of questions made Zi Nu a little overwhelmed.

After finally dealing with Qiao'er, Zi Nu looked at him carefully, and then sighed with a smile: "You and your father really look alike, as if printed from the same mold."

Qiao'er sighed, "But I'm not as promising as my father...he already has two wives, but I don't have any."

The second daughter laughed, Cui Jie grabbed his ear and laughed and cursed: "The time will be ten years later, isn't it too early for you to worry about it?"

Zi Nu covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Not only does he look alike, but his temperament is also very similar to his father, one big and one small...huh!"

Cui Jie helped her fill in the remaining words: "They are all bastards, big bastards and little bastards."

The two daughters were sitting in the carriage, and Cui Jie asked about Zi Nu's experiences over the years, from the destruction of the Loulan Kingdom, to living under the Tubo Prime Minister's family, and to traveling all over the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty after parting with Li Qinzai.

Not long after Zi Nu's words, Cui Jie had already experienced the customs and customs of the countries in the Western Regions, and her expression could not help but show a little envy.

"I really envy you. My daughter's family can travel all over the great rivers and deserts. This life is really worth it. Unlike me, I was raised in the backyard of a deep house since I was a child. The most outrageous thing in my life is to escape from marriage and run away from home. In the end, I took the initiative. Send it to that bastard's mouth and be swallowed by him..."

Zi Nu was startled and asked why.

Li Qinzai and Cui Jie's story, he never told Zi Nu, and Cui Jie didn't hide it, so he told all the experiences of her running away from marriage.

After hearing this, Zi Nu chuckled: "Ma'am, you are really running away from marriage..."

Cui Jie was also a little ashamed, and said with a wry smile: "At the beginning, I was too young and inexperienced, so I took the initiative to send it to my door by accident, and he still makes fun of it."

Zi Nu took the initiative to hold her hand, and said: "You and Li Xianhou are destined by nature, God was destined to die in your previous life, and you can't escape."

Cui Jie hummed, lifted the curtain sweetly, and glanced at Li Qinzai who was riding outside the carriage.

Outside the carriage, seeing Cui Jie sticking her head out of the carriage inexplicably, Li Qinzai slapped her on the forehead: "Back back!"

It was already sunset when the group arrived at Ganjingzhuang.

Riding on the horse, looking at the familiar mountains and rivers and fertile soil, the smoke rising from the village, and smelling the aroma of food from the farmer's house, Li Qinzai took a deep breath.

"This is my place, my destination." Li Qinzai murmured.

Zhongding mountain forests have different natures, and the world will not be shocked by favor or disgrace.

After the turbulent waves, it finally returned to calm.

A farmer walked past the entrance of the village carrying farm tools. Seeing Li Qinzai and his followers, the farmer was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. Before Li Qinzai could greet him, the farmer yelled loudly.

"Wu Shaolang has returned to the village!"

As if a drop of water fell into the frying pan, the whole Ganjing Village boiled instantly.

Numerous farmers came out to welcome them, men and women, old and young, women and children. The farmers quickly gathered at the entrance of the village, saluted Li Qinzai together, and surrounded him joyfully.

Li Qinzai had already dismounted from his horse, and hurriedly returned the salute to the farmers, and greeted every familiar face warmly.

The householders obviously knew about Li Qinzai's deeds in Tuyuhun. In addition to greeting him, more people congratulated him and congratulated him on being the Marquis of Jin County. In addition to the Duke of England, the Li family has another Marquis, and the family business will last for a hundred years. , and they, the farmers of the Li family, are naturally prosperous.

With capable masters, everyone has a good life, and the values ​​​​of the dealers are so simple.

A group of people surrounded Li Qinzai and his family and walked slowly towards the other courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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