Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 673 Confrontation

Chapter 673 Confrontation
Thousands of believers left the city and went straight to Ganjing village.There is obviously someone instigated behind this.

It is easy for believers to be incited, and it is too easy for the head teacher Yang Shuen.


Li Qinzai sat in front of Yi Duo with his legs crossed, and there was a lot of food and wine between them.

The two parts stood behind Ido, staring at him.

These days, Yi Duo was living in hell. In order to get the whereabouts of the new grain, Li Qinzai tried every means against him.

There are not only all kinds of torture instruments, but also the more torturous tired interrogation method, as well as the psychological destruction method learned from previous life film and television dramas. They even found two beautiful brothel women from Chang'an City, and the beauty tricks were used. .

Yi Duo's strength surprised Li Qinzai.

I don't know what kind of mental hypnosis he has for himself. Regardless of any interrogation method, Yi Duo never confides a word, accepts all the food and drink, and the beauty falls asleep.

In the end, Li Qinzai felt helpless towards him.

This is a ruthless character, ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to himself. Such a person, what he committed in Tocharo is not easy. The humility and misery he showed in front of Li Qinzai is almost certainly an act.

Today Li Qinzai changed his face again, asked Yi Duo to be untied, and served him with good wine and good food.

Yi Duo was wounded all over, but when he was untied, he stretched out his hands quickly, not even using chopsticks, he grabbed the food with both hands and devoured it, and took a gulp from the flagon from time to time.

Li Qinzai looked at him calmly and did not stop him, but his eyes became more and more serious.

He realized more and more clearly that Yi Duo was very difficult to deal with.

At this moment, he is not hungry because of hunger, but to accumulate energy for the next endless torture, that is to say, he has made up his mind to stick to the end and never let go.

The few plates of food on the low table were quickly swept away by Yi Duo. Li Qinzai didn't move, but Yi Duo hiccupped.

Wiping the oil on his mouth fiercely, Yi Duo simply stopped pretending at this time, with a bit of fierceness and madness in his eyes, he said coldly: "I will never tell the whereabouts of the new grain, you can continue Use torture on me to see if I can do it."

Li Qinzai smiled: "There's no need for torture, I know those things won't work on you, and if you are killed by me, wouldn't the clues to the whereabouts of the new grain be cut off from now on?"

Yi Duo also smiled: "It is my only bargaining chip. If I confess, this life will probably be over. I am not stupid, and I will not completely ruin my life for the sake of my body's temporary endurance."

Li Qinzai nodded: "It's human nature, understandable. It would be the same if I were you. I just admire your perseverance. It's not easy to survive until now. In this respect, I am far inferior to you."

Yi Duo said evilly: "I only regret, why did I come to Chang'an with Zi Nu? I thought that Tang Dynasty was a place that pays attention to etiquette and respects Confucianism. After coming here, I can spend the rest of my life in peace. I fell into your palm, this step is my wrong step."

Li Qinzai shook his head and said, "You took a wrong step, and I was wrong too. I admit that I underestimated you before, thinking that after I tortured you, you would immediately explain the whereabouts of the new grain, but I have used it on you several times. After the execution, I found out that you are a ruthless person. Your identity in Tocharo should not be a businessman, right? I have never seen such a spineless businessman."

Yi Duo sneered: "You want to trick me?"

Li Qinzai said seriously: "No, it's pure curiosity. I won't force you to explain the whereabouts of the new crops today, and I won't use any instruments of torture on you. You see, treat you with good wine and good food. Just treat it as if you were drinking and chatting with friends. If you don’t want to touch the secrets of the new grain, you don’t have to say it, how about it?”

The corners of Yido's mouth raised slightly, with an indescribable mockery on his expression.

"I would like to know, if I have been refusing to reveal the whereabouts of the new grain, and you have nothing to do with me, how will you deal with me?"

Li Qinzai thought for a while, and said: "Probably... I will hand you over to Yang Shuen, after all, you are of no value to me, and it is useless to keep you. And I can use your life to help me resolve the enmity between me and Nestorian .”

Yi Duo's eyes dimmed, and he said, "Have you completely given up on the whereabouts of the new grain?"

Li Qinzai smiled: "Yiduo, you may not know me very well. I really hate torture. Torturing you is just to save time and energy. Even if you refuse to confess, I still have a way to get new crops, but It’s more troublesome to spend a lot of money.”

Yi Duo sneered and said: "I am the only one who knows the whereabouts of the new grain. I killed the whole family of the businessman who brought the new grain back. I also destroyed the remaining new grain. Only So how many plants, do you have other ways to get them?"

Li Qinzai smiled, his conjecture was indeed correct, killing the whole family for the sake of new crops, this Yiduo is obviously not a kind person.

I tortured him these days, and the remaining so-called guilt of "being pregnant with a jade" disappeared immediately.

What happened to Yi Duo after he came to Chang'an can only be described as "unhappy retribution".

Li Qinzai asked Buqu to remove the food and drink, and brought paper and pen.

Under Yi Duo's astonished gaze, Li Qinzai scribbled on the paper with the pen in his hand, and a moment later, a world map including oceans and land appeared on the paper.

Li Qinzai drew another dotted line with a brush, and said slowly: "This is Tochara. The businessman you mentioned set out from Tochara, went south to Tianzhu, hired sailors and ships along the coast, and then headed south all the way. , after bypassing the South Asian continent, and then turn to sail west..."

"After several months of rough seas, the ship arrived at this land. It has not yet been discovered by human civilization. Only the local natives who drink blood and blood live on the land. The Tocharian businessman came to this land by accident. Immediately board the ship and flee after getting the new grain..."

"This continent, after many years, will be landed again by Western navigators. At first it was named 'New World', and later it was renamed 'American Continent'."

"Oh, by the way, the new grain you hid is called 'sweet potato'. It is a good thing with a yield of thousands of catties per mu. It is really worth the risk to get it. It is very important to a country."

Li Qinzai put down his brush and smiled at Yiduo: "Look, I actually know everything. I even know the exact location of new grains. I can also draw a complete route map."

"I said just now that if I want to get new grains, I will just spend more time and energy. This sentence is true."

"And getting the whereabouts of the new grain from you just saves me trouble. If you don't want to tell me, I don't care. The new grain is there, and the shipbuilder recruits sailors to get it."

Li Qinzai's smile gradually faded, and he stared at Yi Duo like a knife's edge, and said slowly: "Now, do you still feel that you are important? Are you still so confident?"

(End of this chapter)

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