Chapter 7
From time travel to now, this is the first time for Li Qinzai to meet the famous grandfather Li Ji who has been famous for thousands of years.

All I saw was his back, and he led the whole family to receive the order.

It wasn't until the eunuch who announced the decree left that Li Ji turned around slowly.

Li Qinzai was among a group of unworthy descendants, and finally saw his grandfather Li Ji clearly for the first time.

Li Ji was less than 70 years old, and he was quite burly, wearing a lavender casual robe, with white beard and hair, a lion nose and wide mouth, wide face and big ears, with a majestic expression without speaking or smiling.

The eyes glanced at random, but it was like a sharp sword sweeping through thousands of troops, which made people feel awe and inexplicable.

The demeanor of a famous general is really extraordinary.

After sending off the eunuch Xuanzhi, Li Ji turned around slowly, his eyes first fell on Li Qinzai.

There are five grandchildren of the Li family, a litter of unworthy descendants, but Li Qinzai, the fifth grandson, can be said to be the best among the unworthy grandchildren, and it is difficult for others to flatter him.

His perverse and domineering temperament can be seen since he was a child, and the consequences become more and more unmanageable when he grows up, and he has encountered countless disasters since he was a child.

Li Qinzai's grandson is ranked fifth, and he is the youngest of his grandchildren. Although he has done a lot of evil things outside, he is good at flattering his elders with his sweet lips. He knows how to show courtesy to his elders during the New Year. In the past, Li Ji pampered him quite a lot.

However, the doting of the elders of the family and his own lack of restraint finally led to an irreparable catastrophe.

Staring at Li Qinzai's eyes slightly, Li Ji remained silent with a cold face.

After a long time, looking away from his face, Li Ji said coldly: "The decree has been issued, and it is impossible to return to heaven. There are officials waiting outside the door. Qin Zai, pack up and go with the officials..."

After a pause, Li Ji sighed and said, "In the next few years, can do it for yourself."

The eyes of Li's elders and brothers gathered on Li Qinzai's face, the eyes were different, complicated and difficult to understand.

Li Qinzai's expression was calm, he was already mentally prepared for this result.

A man in his twenties next to him patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "Don't be afraid at the beginning of Jing, my grandfather is still in a fit of anger, and the discussions in the court are also in the air. After the wind subsides, I will help you to plead with your grandfather. Let you be released and return to Beijing early..."

Li Qinzai was silent.

The person who spoke was Li Jingzhen, the third grandson of Li Qinzai, the cousin of Li Qinzai, and the son of Li Zhen, the eldest son of Li Ji.

"Jingchu" is Li Qinzai's watchword. Men who have read some books are usually given by their elders after they have passed the weak crown. The "Jingchu" watchword was taken by Li Ji himself.

Biaozi is generally called by brothers and friends of the same generation, while elders can call their names or Biaozi, depending on personal habits.

Judging from Li Jingzhen's comforting words, the grandchildren of the Li family are quite peaceful and friendly.

——Maybe everyone is the same bastard, Li Qinzai is just better in the circle of bastards.

Not far away, his father Li Siwen was watching him steadily.

Li Qinzai suddenly felt something in his heart. He glanced up and met Li Siwen's eyes.

Li Siwen quickly looked away, turned and left with a sullen face, but he didn't bother to say a word to him.

Li Qinzai smiled wryly.

Well, the blame is on your head, so you have to admit it.

Li Qinzai returned to his bedroom silently, tidied up his clothes briefly, and opened the door.

Outside the door, the butler Wu Tong was waiting for him. Seeing him coming out, Wu Tong handed over a few silver cakes weighing ten taels with both hands, and stuffed them into his luggage.

While stuffing it, he chattered with red eyes, this piece of silver cake was secretly given by San Shaolang, and that piece of silver cake was sent by the old man...

Your father also secretly gave away a piece of silver cake, but he reminded you not to say that it was from him. The cold and hot appearance makes people feel distressed...

Wu Tong rubbed his eyes and instructed again that the officials escorting him outside the door had already been dealt with, Wu Shaolang Road would definitely not be wronged, no one would dare to let the young master of the Li family suffer.

If Shaolang has any requests on the way, he can just order the officials to do it.

With a wry smile, Li Qinzai picked up the burden and left. The burden was a bit heavy, mostly the weight of silver cakes.

Wu Tong cried and sent him off, nagging and exhorting all the way from the bedroom to the main entrance.

Outside the main gate of the Duke's Mansion, there were really two officials waiting. Seeing Li Qinzai coming out, the officials stepped forward to salute respectfully, and took the initiative to take the baggage from Li Qinzai's hand.

Migration returns to migration, but Wu Shaolang of the Li family is still Wu Shaolang.

Even if he was sentenced to be exiled for thousands of miles, he would never dare to treat Li Qinzai as a prisoner with his humble status as an official post.

Li Ji and Li Siwen returned to the inner house, but everyone in the Li family gathered at the main entrance to see them off.

Li Qinzai looked around the door expectantly, but he didn't see the figure of the military supervisor craftsman. Obviously, the strong bow with double the shooting range he invented had not yet been made.

I was a little disappointed in my heart, but the decree had been made, and there was no delay.

Li Qinzai stepped down the stone steps outside the main entrance, and was about to move, but suddenly stopped, thought for a while, turned around and bowed to the lintel of Li's house, then smiled at the people who saw him off, and turned to go on the road.

Two hours later, it was noon.

At this time, Li Qinzai had already left Chang'an City and headed south under the escort of the officials.

All the way is walking, and the sentence of "migration" cannot make him too relaxed. Walking is the basic operation, and riding a horse or a car is even impossible.

This is a conviction, a punishment, not for you to pursue poetry and distant places. From Chang'an to Lingnan, it is a distance of one or two thousand miles, so you can walk slowly.

After walking out of Chang'an City and getting farther and farther away from the city gate, the majestic walls of Chang'an City have shrunk in sight, blurred until they disappeared, Li Qinzai was finally completely disappointed.

Did that damn craftsman really let himself go?


After noon, the craftsman of the military supervisor finally appeared at the door of Li's house staggeringly.

Li Qinzai's drawings are very detailed, but it is not so easy to turn the drawings into reality. Many parts need to be carefully molded and built, and nothing can be sloppy.

The craftsmen worked all night and morning, and finally made the strong bow designed by Li Qinzai just after noon.

Li Qinzai's threats from yesterday were still in his ears, the craftsman didn't dare to delay, he hurried to the door of Li's house after not sleeping all night, begging to see Wu Shaolang.

Unexpectedly, the staff guard at the gate told him that the order came from the palace in the early morning, and Wu Shaolang had been escorted out of Beijing and fled to Lingnan.

The craftsman was shocked, and then his hands and feet became cold.

Yesterday, Wu Shaolang threatened that if he fled to Lingnan, he would definitely take the craftsmen with him.

Now that Wu Shaolang is already on the road, will the Li family really charge him with a crime and drag him on the road together?
Craftsmen love Chang'an, and craftsmen don't want to go on the road...

Holding the strong bow just made in both hands, the craftsman plopped and knelt outside the main entrance of Li's house, crying loudly: "The villain has been entrusted by Wu Shaolang! The villain has offered Wu Shaolang a sharp weapon for the country !"

Buqu outside the door was startled, seeing the craftsman holding up a strangely shaped bow and arrow in both hands, kneeling at the door with a look of lovelessness, Buqu looked at each other in blank dismay.

The team named Liu Ahsi frowned, and stepped forward to ask the craftsman.

The craftsman knelt on the bluestone slab and wept uncontrollably: "This thing was created by Wu Shaolang. Its range is far beyond that of a strong bow. Not only can it reach [-] paces, but it can also keep its head straight. The villain has tried it, and what Wu Shaolang said is true. , It is indeed a sharp weapon of the country, I ask the general to learn from it, this thing should be able to offset Wu Shaolang's crime!"

The craftsman didn't know Li Qinzai well, so he shouldn't have spoken good words for him, but he was afraid that the Li family would find a reason for him to flee thousands of miles, so he decided to save himself.

Self-help must first save Wu Shaolang. If Wu Shaolang is revoked from the crime of exile, the craftsman will be safe.

When Liu Ahsi heard that Wu Shaolang's crime could be borne, his face tensed immediately, and he hurriedly took the strong bow from the craftsman's hand, looked it over, turned around and ran towards the door decisively.

Soon, the newly made strong bow fell into the hands of the housekeeper Li Ji.

Liu Asi stood in front of Li Ji respectfully with his hands down. Li Ji looked up and down this strong bow with a pair of majestic eyes, curious about its strange shape.

Hearing that Liu Ahsi said it was created by Li Qinzai, his eyes were even more inconceivable.

"Can you go two hundred steps away? Can you still keep your head on target? Oh, what a joke! I have been in the army all my life and have experienced countless battles, but I have never heard of it." Li Ji shook his head and smiled wryly.

Liu Ah Si stood in front of Li Ji, but he didn't dare to say another word.

Li Ji's eyes still did not leave this strong bow, and he said indifferently: "Qin Zai took great pains to get rid of the crime, but he is very naive. How can such an excuse that can be easily broken by poking it out help him get rid of the crime?"

Liu Ahsi couldn't bear it anymore.

Yesterday Li Qinzai condescended to talk with him, although the chat between the two was a bit dry and not harmonious.

However, Li Qinzai's temperament changed suddenly, and Liu Ahsi was quite pleased with his new, approachable image, and his impression of Li Qinzai naturally rose sharply.

For such a kind and amiable young master, Liu Ah Si sincerely hoped that he would stay in Chang'an, so that he would not suffer the crime of traveling thousands of miles.

So Liu Asi couldn't help but said: "The general knows the lesson, the villain is stupid, and I also know that this thing looks like an unusual crossbow, and the added parts are quite ingenious. Maybe... the general can try it. Being able to double the range of the bow and arrow is a great joy for Datang!"

Li Ji raised his eyes to glance at him, and Liu Asi suddenly broke out in a layer of cold sweat, and stood upright with his head bowed.

After looking at this strong bow for a long time, Li Ji suddenly said: "Si, find a spacious place in the backyard, I will try this thing."

Liu Ahsi was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly responded.

On a vacant grassland in the backyard of the Li family, a group of tribal soldiers stood standing. Liu Asi measured the distance of [-] paces with his feet, then stood still and raised his arms, signaling to Li Ji who was holding a bow [-] paces away.

Li Ji narrowed his eyes to measure the distance Liu Asi was standing, then slowly raised the bow, put a feathered arrow into the groove of the mechanism, and slowly pulled the spring.

Liu Asi stuck a green leaf on the trunk of a poplar tree, and then took a few steps back.

Li Ji's face sank like water, and his strong bow was drawn to the full moon. Li Ji was already old, and it was difficult to draw the strong bow of eight stones.

It's just that the strong bow created by Li Qinzai is quite exquisite. The bow string is buckled on the machine spring to pull it, which saves a lot of labor, and a strong bow can be drawn to its full capacity without any effort.

Adjust the breathing rhythm, aim, and release the arrow.

With a whoosh, the arrow fell to the ground like a meteor and shot out.

Between lightning and flint, there was a muffled bang, the arrow hit the leaf straight, and pierced through the poplar tree for more than a foot, leaving only half of the feathers and the arrow tail trembling, obviously there is still power left.

As soon as an arrow was shot, the surrounding tribes couldn't help cheering and cheering, and they all drank the mighty general.

Li Ji was stunned. He lowered his head and stared at the strong bow in his hand for a while, then raised his head to look at the plume arrow that had penetrated more than a foot away from the tree two hundred steps away. His eyes gradually became shocked and he could not believe it.

Two hundred steps away, passing through Yang.

What Li Qinzai said was true, he really doubled the range of today's bows and arrows, more than doubled.

What's more, he was able to accurately hit the leaf two hundred steps away, so the shooting range was doubled, and the arrow did not miss the target.

The shooting range has been increased by a full hundred steps. If the two armies confront each other on the battlefield, how much of an advantage the extra shooting range will take!

Whether it is a siege battle or a plain encounter battle, doubling the range can increase the winning rate of the battle by [-]%.

Hearing the cheers of the trilogy in his ears, Li Ji had a calm face, and raised his hand to stroke his long gray beard habitually, but the hand that stroked the beard trembled slightly, showing that he was very restless at the moment.

After a long silence, Li Ji suddenly said: "Ah Si, this thing... really was created by Qin Zai?"

Liu Ahsi suppressed the joy in his heart, bowed his head and said: "The craftsman outside the door said that this thing was indeed created by Wu Shaolang, and the craftsman just built it according to the picture."

Li Ji waved his hand, and said in a deep voice: "I called the craftsman here, the old man has something to ask him."

(End of this chapter)

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