Chapter 739
Watched by his disciples, Li Qinzai stood in the courtroom and walked slowly into the Tai Chi Palace.

The court meetings of the Tang Dynasty are not held every day. According to the diligence of the reigning emperor, there are court meetings every three days, and there are also court meetings every five days.

In the early days of Li Zhi's ascension to the throne, he was basically once a day. Whether he was a diligent person or sincerely worked hard to govern, in all fairness, Li Zhi was indeed more diligent than his father when he was in power.

The Shuowang Chaohui is a big court meeting. The so-called "Suo" refers to the first day of each month, and "Wang" refers to the fifteenth day of each month.

The so-called "large-scale" means that in the two court meetings in Shuowang, all officials above the sixth rank in the capital, as well as envoys from various countries, local officials who came to Beijing to report on their duties, as well as various dignitaries, lords, generals, etc., all participated .

In such a large-scale court meeting, as long as anyone makes any abnormal behavior at the court meeting, it will be a major event that shocked the world.

Enter the Hanguang Gate and enter the Taiji Hall.

Taiji Hall is the main hall of Taiji Palace, where most of the court meetings of the Tang Dynasty were held.

After entering the hall, Li Qinzai stood in the courtroom and looked left and right. Unexpectedly, the inspector censor who was not far away gave him a fierce look, and then... took out a small notebook and wrote something on it.

A familiar voice came from behind: "Nizi, don't look around, don't give Yu Shi an excuse to impeach you!"

Li Qinzai turned his head in astonishment, and found that his father Li Siwen was standing behind him, his eyes were as fierce as those of the supervisory censor.

Of course, Li Qinzai's movement of turning his head was also written down in a small notebook by the supervisory censor...

Li Siwen stood behind Li Qinzai, gnashing his teeth angrily. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to jump up and give this evil beast a rabbit kick.

Li Qinzai was a little embarrassed. He found that his position in the court was higher than that of his father.

But there was no other way, Li Siwen was transferred from Runzhou Inspector to Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but Li Qinzai had a title, so his position in the court was naturally much stronger than his father.

"Father, what's the name of that vile animal who keeps a small notebook? I'll take care of him later." Li Qinzai said, staring at the supervisory censor not far away who was writing quickly.

There used to be a guy named Cui Sheng, and I don’t know what bad things were written about him in the daily record. What happened afterwards?
Later Li Qinzai slept with Cui Sheng's own sister, not only that, but also made her belly bigger.Really put the mantra "Day you sister" into practice.

Those who dare to memorize small books, this is the end.

——I don’t know if the censor who keeps a small notebook has a younger sister...

With Li Qinzai acting like this, Li Siwen trembled all over, and burst out two words from between his teeth: "Shut up!"

"Turn back, old man, get rid of you bastard!"

The bell sounded again from the Bell and Drum Tower, echoing melodiously in the deep palace.

The emperor came to court, and all the officials bowed down.

Li Zhi, who was wearing a formal bright yellow robe, wearing twelve crowns and imperial crowns, and holding a small jade ruyi, walked slowly into the Taiji Hall amidst the roar of the ministers.

Sitting on the exclusive dragon chair, Li Zhi first glanced into the hall, and then inevitably saw Li Qinzai in the crowd.

Li Zhi's eyes were startled for a moment, then his eyes sank slightly, and he quickly glanced away expressionlessly.

Li Qinzai stood calmly in the courtroom, his eyes were clean and clear, and he looked directly at Li Zhi quietly.

First of all, envoys from various countries came out to sing praises to Li Zhi and express their loyalty and admiration to the Tang Dynasty on behalf of their respective countries.

Then the left and right ministers came out to report their duties to Li Zhi. For all the recent government affairs, they would make a concise outline in front of the monarch and ministers. Today's court meeting is to discuss around the outline of the left and right ministers.

It has to be said that the imperial court in the early Tang Dynasty was still very pragmatic. Neither the monarch nor his ministers would engage in those formalistic cutscenes full of flowers, and they basically just discussed the facts.

Today's class is right minister Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong took out a report from his bosom, from the spring sowing conditions in various states and counties, he talked about river control in the south, farming and mulberry in the north, merchants in the western regions, and so on.Various matters are listed in great detail.

After Xu Jingzong finished speaking, he put away the note and went back.The next step is the process of discussion between the monarch and his ministers.

Li Qinzai stood in the courtroom, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It's interesting, Xu Jingzong didn't say a word about such an important matter as Fengchan Taishan. Are he and Li Zhi afraid that someone will ruin the situation?
The monarchs and ministers discussed one by one around the program proposed by Xu Jingzong, and the atmosphere in the hall included dissatisfied quarrels and harmonious jokes.There is harmony between the monarch and his ministers, but it is not as tense as in the legend.

Li Qinzai stood in the crowd without saying a word.

Li Qinzai didn't understand many of the government policies proposed by Xu Jingzong.

Li Qinzai never talks too much about things he doesn't understand, it will only make him appear arrogant and superficial, and harm the country and the king.

This grand court meeting lasted from early morning to noon.

Not long after, there will be a temporary adjournment, and the officials will walk out of the Tai Chi Hall, stand under the corridor outside the hall, and enjoy the hot food brought by the palace people. This is the famous "corridor food" in the Tang Dynasty.

After eating in the hallway, the ministers will enter the hall again to continue discussing the government affairs until all the items listed by Xu Jingzong are implemented and agreed, and today's court meeting is almost over.

The process of the court meeting was probably like this, but Li Qinzai didn't want to wait any longer.

Everyone is very busy. I, a person who has nothing to do with the government, don't need to waste my life here. Let's continue after finishing my business.

So Li Qinzai seized the short moment of silence in the hall, stood up decisively, bowed to Li Zhi and said, "Your Majesty, minister, Li Qinzai, Marquis of Weinan County, has something to play."

Li Zhi, who was smiling all over his face, was stunned, and then his face quickly sank.

The hall was silent.

There have been a lot of rumors in Chang'an City recently, most of which are about Feng Chan and Li Qinzai. In the Golden Palace today, although everyone is discussing government affairs within their duties, everyone's eyes are inadvertently glanced at Li Qinzai in the crowd.

They seemed to be waiting for Li Qinzai to replenish blood and mana, and make a big move.

From the moment Li Qinzai appeared outside the palace gate today, the officials knew that the protagonist of today, the center of the storm in today's court meeting, must be Li Qinzai.

At this moment, Li Qinzai stepped out of court, and the storm finally came.

The hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard, and everyone did not dare to breathe, all eyes were on Li Qinzai.

Li Qinzai stood in the center of the hall, raised his head neither humble nor overbearing, and looked straight into Li Zhi's eyes.

Li Zhi's face became gloomy, and after a long time, he said calmly: "If the Marquis of Li County has a performance, stop for a while and wait until the court is over, then come to Anren Hall and talk to me alone."

Li Qinzai heard that Li Zhi wanted to escape, but he couldn't back down, because the facts proved that Li Zhi would never give him another chance to say what he wanted to say alone.

I can only say what should be said in the public at this moment.

So Li Qinzai pursed his lips, bowed and repeated: "Your Majesty, my minister Li Qinzai has something to play."

Li Zhi frowned: "Li Qing, didn't you hear what I just said clearly?"

"I heard clearly, but what I want to say is extremely urgent, and I must say it now."

"Li Qinzai, step down!" Li Zhi was furious.

Li Qinzai raised his eyebrows, his eyes showed a long-lost look of unruliness, and was about to continue, when he suddenly saw Wang Changfu hurried into the hall, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the Duke of England is here."

(End of this chapter)

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