Qiao'er is young, but he is a senior brother.

Origin is very important, Qiao'er had already reserved the position of senior brother when she was in the mother's womb.

If the Ganjingzhuang Pheasant Academy were a little more serious, Qiaoer would be the future Master of Shaoshan, who would earnestly inherit his father's mantle of knowledge and the school's fixed assets along the way.

Li Sujie and other disciples are also very aware of this, so they never dared to be contemptuous of Qiao'er because of his young age, and have always been very respectful to him.

Most of the time, Qiao'er doesn't have the temperament of a senior brother. Apart from studying and doing problems, he just tries to figure out how to play and how to play tricks.

It was only at this moment that Li Sujie said that Qi Bizhen had been beaten, that Qiao'er frowned.

"Junior Brother Qibi, whose father is a great general, would anyone dare to beat him? Besides, Qi Bizhen is so strong that ordinary people can't beat him, right? Who has such great ability?"

Li Sujie shook his head: "I don't know too well. I just received the news from Chang'an City in the morning. Sir, I have been with my father these two days. There is no class in school. Qi Bizhen sneaked back to Chang'an City to play. I don't know who I was with last night. Got into a fight and got punched."

Qiao'er let out an oh, then lowered her head and continued to work on the question.

Li Sujie also just said casually, seeing Qiao'er continue to work on the question, he stopped bothering her.

After a while, Qiao'er suddenly raised his head again and asked, "My father said, I am the senior brother in the school, and you are all my juniors and juniors..."

Li Sujie was taken aback, and said, "That's right."

Qiao'er sighed, and said, "I'm obviously the youngest, how can I become a senior brother..."

Li Sujie said with a wry smile: "Senior brother is Mr.'s own son. He was destined to be a senior brother from the womb. There is no way to dispute that."

Qiao'er held her fleshy chin and sighed: "My father also said that senior brother is not only a title, but also a responsibility to take good care of the younger brothers and younger sisters... I am still a child, and I can't even take care of myself. How can I take care of you?"

Li Sujie tried hard to keep up with senior brother Qiao'er's thoughts, and said softly, "Brother, we can take care of ourselves..."

Qiao'er grimaced and said: "But, brother Qibi was bullied by others, is my brother pretending to be deaf and dumb? If I really do this, who will obey me as a brother in the future? You call me respectful on the surface, but you scold me in your heart. I can't stand it."

"Uh, no, senior brother is still young, so there's no need to help junior brother Qibi stand out. I'm the prince, and I have someone in my hand. I'll avenge junior brother Qibi's revenge."

Qiao'er looked at the sky outside the school, and said, "You have horses and carriages, right?"

Li Sujie was confused, but still said: "Yes, there are guards and horses outside the school to protect us, and there are carriages..."

Qiao'er stood up, stretched out her hand to show her stature, and said seriously: "I'm still young, I haven't grown up yet, and I don't know how to ride a horse, so I can only take a carriage. My family's carriage is afraid of being used. My father knows, I can only use yours."

Li Sujie was shocked: "Uh, brother, what are you going to do?"

While packing up the books, Qiao'er said, "Prepare the carriage and go to Chang'an City to have a look."

"But sir..."

"My father is probably still asleep. The morning class is wasted as usual. As a good student with excellent grades, I occasionally skip class. Isn't it too much?"...

"Let's start now, hurry up!"

Seeing Qiao'er's rare decisiveness, Li Sujie was at a loss for what to do.

It feels like this youngest brother is going to do something...

Li Sujie's first reaction was to report to her husband, after all Senior Brother Qiao'er is his heart's love, and if he enters Chang'an City, who knows what trouble he will cause.

However, Qiao'er seemed to know what Li Sujie was planning, so he said: "Don't tell my father, otherwise our brothers and sisters will have nothing to do."

Li Sujie's thought of reporting the letter suddenly died down, thinking that he is the prince, and Chang'an City has some power, no matter what kind of trouble Brother Qiao'er caused, he, the prince, should be able to help him.

So Li Sujie said sternly: "Senior brother, who do you think I am? Senior brother loves brothers like brothers. There is no reason to tell the truth behind my back. Senior brother, can you still trust my character?"

Qiao'er glanced at him, and said slowly: "Not to mention, I forgot, since you took the initiative to mention your character... from now on, you must follow me every step of the way, or you will definitely inform me."

Li Sujie: "..."

Qiao'er and Li Sujie got up and left, and the disciples in the classroom looked around curiously.

After a while, Li Xian and Shangguan Kun'er followed.

Qiao'er didn't explain, since he came out, he invited everyone to board the carriage. Li Sujie was worried, and summoned a hundred guards to follow.

The crowd then drove to Chang'an City.


While Li Qinzai was still sleeping soundly in the other courtyard, Qiao'er and all his juniors had already arrived at Chang'an City.

After entering the city, Li Sujie immediately asked people to inquire, and the results were soon obtained.

Yesterday Qi Bizhen sneaked back to Chang'an, and invited a few cronies to get drunk in a restaurant. He didn't miss any of the things that the rich and powerful's children like to play, and he got them all.

Qi Bizhen, a fresh-haired and energetic young man, is not very old, but he plays like a fool. I don't know if he spent too long in Ganjingzhuang Pheasant Academy, and once he returns to Chang'an City, he looks like a hooligan. After entering the women's restroom, the whole person was completely released.

With a wave of his hand, the entire restaurant is fully booked, all irrelevant people are driven out, all the pretty girls stay, and all the food and wine are served.

This kind of grandeur naturally made the shopkeeper of the restaurant smile, but the drinkers who were driven away were not happy. Although the restaurant invited them to a meal for nothing, there were many rich and powerful children among them. They are short of money for your drink?
Getting kicked out halfway through eating and drinking is not a matter of money at all.

So, the conflict happened like this.

Qi Bizhen finally went back to Chang'an City, and was in a hurry to go out to drink and have fun, and didn't bring any part of the team, and the other party was also a son of the rich and powerful, with a strong background, so he happened to bring a lot of people.

Therefore, Qi Bizhen and his friends are outnumbered, no matter how brave their personal force is, they cannot escape the fate of being kicked.

Knowing the outline of the matter, but still not finding out the culprit who kicked Qi Bizhen last night, Li Sujie thought about it, so he sent a message to General Qibi Heli's mansion.

Half an hour later, the limping Qi Bizhen came out with a cloth strip wrapped around his forehead to meet the disciples.

"Who did it?" Qiao'er went straight to the point in the first sentence when they met.

Qi Bizhen was covered in wounds, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's a relative named Wu Minzhi, the nephew of the present empress."

Everyone was taken aback, even Li Sujie, who was a prince, hesitated a little.

Foreign relatives are nothing, but the queen's nephew seems to be a little...not to be offended.

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