Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 77 Modified version of "Family Surname"

Chapter 77 Revised Version of "Hundred Family Surnames"

All of Cui Jie's wise analyzes were overturned.

The person in coir raincoat and bamboo hat who presided over the scythe-opening ceremony on behalf of the Li family was actually Li Qinzai, the fifth young man of the Li family!
Cui Jie's face was pale in the crowd, and she only felt the darkness for a while.

She ran away from marriage through untold hardships, encountered all kinds of twists and turns along the way, and finally got away from the fire pit. Although life was a bit hard, there was always something to look forward to in the future.

However, she never expected that she would finally meet that dandy, the person she was trying to escape, who was only a few feet away from her at this moment, and was proudly accepting the cheers of the farmers.

For some reason, Cui Jie felt a sense of horror as if she had strayed into a magic cave.

Suddenly, many frightening images appeared in his mind. For example, Li Qinzai found out her identity, forced her to get married, beat her three times a day after getting married, and silently endured his endless humiliation.

Her natal family didn't pay any attention to what happened to her, and she became the only victim of the family marriage.

Cui Jie couldn't help but shivered, gritted her teeth, and pulled Cong Shuang to turn around and leave.

After leaving the ridge of the autumn harvest, Congshuang, who was shivering, came back to his senses.

"Girl, didn't you say the day before yesterday that he could never be that dude? Is what you said accurate?"

Cui Jie's pretty face flashed a bit sullen, and her loyal little follower began to question her, and her prestige of many years was about to collapse.

"Man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. I finally miscalculated. It was my negligence." Cui Jie admitted honestly.

"That man is really the fifth young man of the Li family. We had a face-to-face with him a few days ago, and he even punished us for catching fish... woo woo woo, he really is a bad guy." Thinking of how hard it was to catch fish, Cong Shuang couldn't help but Sadness comes from it.

Cui Jie frowned slightly, and murmured, "It's such a coincidence, why did the Li family send him to Ganjing Village to preside over the autumn harvest? Could it be that the Li family already knew that we were temporarily staying in Ganjing Village, and deliberately sent that dude to arrest us? "

Congshuang trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice: "Have we... been exposed? Girl, let's run, or the servant will be beaten to death!"

Then Cui Jie shook her head again: "It's not right, if you said that the dude came to catch us, when we met him a few days ago, he should have ordered the trilogy to take us down, why only punish us for catching fish? Keep quiet and let us stay at Granny Liao's house?"

Cong Shuang also asked doubtfully: "Yes, if he found out our identities, he would have taken us down long ago. Why didn't we see any movement from him?"

Cui Jie's beautiful eyes once again shone with wisdom: "There must be some unfathomable things in it. Maybe we didn't reveal our identities. It's all a coincidence. He just happened to be sent to Ganjingzhuang, otherwise it would be too much. It doesn't make sense anymore."

Cong Shuang agreed without admiration this time, and her wisdom towards the eldest lady has been shaken.

"Girl, no matter what, let's run away, this place is too dangerous to stay for long." Congshuang murmured.

Cui Jie nodded: "That's right, we have to leave, no matter whether that dude finds out our identities or not, this place can no longer live, and things will change over time."

Congshuang was overjoyed immediately, jumped up and said with a smile: "Your maidservant, go and pack your luggage now!"

"Wait! Are you stupid? Even if you want to leave, it's not today, not this time."


Cui Jie gave her a blank look, and said: "Didn't you see that dude brought a lot of personal guards? If we left without saying goodbye in a panic, it would definitely arouse his suspicions. We didn't doubt us, but we exposed ourselves." How far can we escape if he makes the trilogy come after us?"

"Then when shall we leave?"

"Wait a little longer. It's best to wait for him to leave Zhuangzi first. If he just came to preside over the opening ceremony of the autumn harvest, he will definitely return to Chang'an after the ceremony. How can a dude live in such a poor and remote place?"

The light of wisdom flashed through her beautiful eyes again, Cui Jie was like a general commanding tens of thousands of people on the battlefield.

"When he leaves Zhuangzi, we will flee in another direction. This time I will not be able to make a mistake!"


The ceremony is over, and the mission of this trip has been completed.

The weather was fine and the sun was shining.

In the field outside the other courtyard, countless laborers worked hard to harvest the crops, and there was a joyful atmosphere inside and outside the farm. From time to time, farmers suddenly sang loudly in the field, singing Guanzhong slang tunes.

Li Qinzai sat in the yard, listening with great interest.

The minor tune can barely be understood, and the content of the singing is nothing more than the matter between men and women, such as "the fragrance of acacia flowers in the mountain nest, and the forehead misses the mother-in-law on the mountain ridge".

The content was a bit vulgar, but it attracted a burst of applause from the farmers, while the women outside the field ridge pointed at the singing man and cursed viciously.

The ambiguity and joy that belonged exclusively to the mountain village happened right in front of Li Qinzai.

This is the taste of life. When people are alive, they have to live on the ground. The gods live too high, and they can't smell the fireworks in the world, so there is no fun.

The corner of Li Qinzai's mouth showed a smile. He fell in love with this place a little bit. The mountains are good, the water is good, the farmers are simple, and the village girls are so beautiful...

Liu Ahsi came quietly and asked Wu Shaolang when he would return to Chang'an in a low voice, so that he could prepare the carriages and horses.

"I won't leave for the time being. I'll stay for a few days. It doesn't matter whether I go back to Chang'an or not. Where should I lie down?" Li Qinzai said lazily.

Liu Asi scratched his head, turned and left after getting the answer.

Li Qinzai closed his eyes again, enjoying the golden breath of autumn.

In comparison, Zhuangzi is more comfortable.At least there are no elders in Zhuangzi who don't like him, and beat him with a stick every now and then.

How nice it is here, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the old man can't beat him even if he wants to.

A small figure came, holding a bowl of boiling water in his hand.

"Father, Qiao'er brought you water..." Qiao'er awkwardly placed the water on the low table.

Li Qinzai opened his eyes, stroked his little head, and said with a smile, "Qiao'er is so filial to be a father..."

He casually took a piece of paper from the low table, and the paper was densely filled with words.

Li Qinzai said slowly: "Although you are still young, in addition to playing, you should not waste your studies. From now on, you should spend a little time reading every day. This is an enlightenment book carefully compiled by me. I will teach you. You should memorize it as much as possible." .”

"what is this?"

"It's called "Hundred Family Surnames". It has four characters and one sentence like a thousand-character text. It collects most of the surnames in the world. It is barely enough for enlightenment."

Qiao'er asked curiously, "Did Father personally compose this?"

Li Qinzai said without shame: "Of course I compiled it myself. You don't know anything about your father's strength."

Then Li Qinzai said solemnly: "Considering the objective fact that you are semi-literate, I will teach you to read it myself. Knowing shame is almost brave. You'd better learn to read as soon as possible, and don't tire your hardworking, simple and kind-hearted old father."

Qiao'er saluted politely: "Yes, Qiao'er will learn to read as soon as possible."

Clearing his throat, Li Qinzai raised his voice and said, "Li Sun, Zhao Qian, Zhou Wu, Han Yang..."

It took a lot of effort to compile the surnames of hundreds of families, and Li Qinzai changed them severely.

Today's Tian family has a sensitive relationship with various families, especially the leading Guanlong and Shandong gentry. Their surnames such as "Xingyang Zheng's", "Fanyang's Lu's", etc., were all pushed back by Li Qinzai.

It's just an enlightenment book for children. If you accidentally make Li Zhi unhappy, you will lose a lot. If you want to live a peaceful and peaceful life, it's best not to embarrass the emperor.

The world is peaceful, the emperor is sage and minister is virtuous, and being a loyal and obedient minister in a prosperous age is quite satisfying. Except for the quality of life, Li Qinzai does not want to change anything about the status quo.

Hundreds of surnames were freshly released, Li Qinzai read a sentence, and Qiao'er followed.

This time, Li Qinzai witnessed Qiaoer's learning ability with his own eyes. What surprised him was that the little guy's memory was very good. He could basically remember it after reading it once, and some complicated ones could be read twice at most.

Genius?Could it be that he is the real protagonist, and I'm just a green leaf to set off him?
Looking back on his previous life, Li Qinzai, who only scored more than 400 points in the college entrance examination and whose IQ was around the average per capita, couldn't help feeling a little frustrated at this moment.

Whether it is the protagonist or not, Li Qinzai decided not to let him go.

"Qiao'er..." Li Qinzai smiled kindly.

"What's the matter, Father?" Qiao'er asked with a bewildered expression.

"When you grow up, give my father money to build a big house, build a big carriage, send a hundred stunning beauties, plus travel around the famous places in the Tang Dynasty every year, and let me eat and drink hot food for half my life, okay?"

Qiao'er said earnestly: "Grandma has taught filial piety, and it is Qiao'er's duty to honor Father. As long as Father asks for something, Qiao'er will do his best to satisfy Father."

"You have to keep your word. I'll go write a note right now. You draw a bet and press your fingerprint."

(End of this chapter)

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