Chapter 780
The Yu family belongs to the Heluo clan, which was a well-known clan as early as the Sui Dynasty.

Yu Yin's father, Yu Su, used to be a prince's servant. After Li Zhi ascended the throne, Yu Su died of old age, and his son Yu Yin served as Jiazhou Sicang and joined the army.

After Yu Su got old, he left Chang'an and returned to his hometown, and the Yu family gradually moved away from the center of power. However, the Yu family was a big family after all, and the clan members' official positions seemed low, but they still had some influence in the court.

From King Teng's point of view of choosing a son-in-law, a mere Sicang joined the army, and of course a sixth-rank official would not catch his eye. The reason why he was willing to marry was because he liked the status of the Yu family's aristocratic family.

In the whole world, it has become a common practice for all the upstarts in the court to marry with the old aristocratic families. Whether it is Cheng Yaojin or Su Dingfang, including Li Qinzai, they all marry the daughters of the aristocratic families.

It is precisely because of the Yu family's family status that the Yu family has the hope of marrying the daughter of the vassal king.

But just as Yu Jia and King Teng were about to finish the six ceremonies and were about to formally give the dowry, Yu Yin couldn't sit still because of the news from Chang'an.

The mother-in-law hadn't gotten married yet, but she ended up having scandals with other wild men. Even ordinary people couldn't bear such humiliation, let alone Yu Yin, a son of an aristocratic family.

After hearing the rumors in the market, Yu Yin's face turned green with anger, and he gritted his teeth and remained silent until he returned to the wing of the posthouse, where he became furious and smashed countless things.

"Too much deceit!" Yu Yin's throat twitched, his voice hoarse, like a cornered beast.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, as the rumors spread infinitely in Chang'an City, the rumors became more and more ugly. In the end, even the rumors of Li Qinzai and Jin Xiang's private tryst were said vividly.Yu Yin lost all face as a man, not only that, but also the Yu family.

A person is put on a green hat without even going through the door. If they get married, how will they live?
There was a knock on the door of the wing room, Yu Yin sat in the room without making a sound, staring at the broken pieces all over the floor with a livid face.

After knocking for a while, the people outside simply opened the door and came in.

The name of the visitor was Han Sui, a down-and-out scholar. After joining the Yu family, he temporarily became a guest of the Yu family, waiting to be recommended by the Yu family to become an official one day.

Han Sui accompanied Yu Yin to Chang'an to propose a marriage. The Yu family attached great importance to this marriage. The marriage between the Heluo clan and the royal family is of course beneficial to the development of the family and must be taken seriously.

Originally, everything went smoothly. After the name asking process was completed, both Yu Yin and Han Sui planned to leave Chang'an and officially marry the county head of Jinxiang at the end of summer.

Unexpectedly, in Chang'an City, the scandal between the county magistrate of Jinxiang and Li Qinzai broke out inexplicably.

The room was pitch-black, and seeing Yu Yin sitting alone in the darkness like a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, staring at him indifferently, Han Sui couldn't help being startled, and approached cautiously.

"Shaolang Jun, don't be angry, the rumors are true or false, it won't be too late for us to make a decision after we distinguish clearly." Han Sui persuaded in a low voice.

Yu Yin said coldly: "Is the fire in Prince Teng's mansion real? Is it true that King Teng went to the palace to file a complaint? Is it true that when Li Qinzai was involved in the victory-wearying case, the county magistrate of Jinxiang asked the great Confucian Niu Fangzhi to rescue him?"

"Now tell me, which of the rumors is false?" Yu Yin stared at Han Sui with red eyes.

Han Sui was choked, then sighed, and said: "Your Majesty, do you mean to retire? After all, Prince Teng is the uncle of the clan. If the Yu family proposes to withdraw the engagement, the face of the Tian family will be damaged. will offend the Son of Heaven."

Yu Yin said angrily: "If you don't abide by women's virtues, and have sex with others before you leave the court, do I want to marry her in and humiliate myself?"

Han Sui said without moving his eyebrows, "But, the Yu family needs this marriage."

In a word, all legitimate reasons and anger of Yu Yin were blocked.

The sorrow of a wealthy family, it doesn't matter who you marry, it doesn't matter what virtue you marry, what matters is the marriage of the two families.

Yu Yin was born in a family, so of course he understands this truth better than anyone else.

Han Sui saw that he was silent for a long time, and couldn't help laughing: "You should marry and you have to marry. You might as well offer her up when you marry home. You can play as you want outside, Mr. Shaolang. It's like going to a Taoist temple to invite her." Respecting the statue of Laojun, it is enough to keep burning incense every day, and the days go on as usual."

After a long time, Yu Yin gritted his teeth and nodded: "That's right, I have to marry if I should, I just pretend I didn't hear the rumors about Chang'an City."

The two were talking when they suddenly heard someone outside the house calling Yu Yin's name loudly.

Yu Yin was taken aback, got up and went out, but saw an arrogant eunuch holding a roll of yellow silk in both hands, looking at him neither salty nor indifferent.

"Jiazhou Sicang joins the army and Yu Yin receives the order." The eunuch shouted sharply.

Yu Yin and Han Sui were shocked, but they still knelt down facing the direction of Taiji Palace without saying a word.

The eunuch unfolded the imperial decree and proclaimed it in a rhythmic tone.

After the introductory remarks that were hard to understand by Qu Quya, the eunuch changed the subject and finally got to the point.

"...I am exempted from the post of Jiazhou Sicang to join the army, and changed to the chief secretary of the Shuzhou governor's office. I will leave Beijing to take up the post today, Qin Zai."

After finishing speaking, the eunuch received the imperial decree, handed both hands to Yu Yin, smiled at Yu Yin, turned and left.

In the courtyard of the posthouse, Yu Yin and Han Sui didn't come back to their senses for a while, they looked at each other dully, eyes full of astonishment and bewilderment.

After a long time, Han Suiyu helped Yin up, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, but his face became more and more ugly.

"Mr. Shaolang, something has changed, please send someone back to Yu's house to report."

Yu Yin said in a trembling voice, "The Son of Heaven...why did you suddenly give me this decree? I joined the army at the sixth rank, but the Son of Heaven directly bypassed the officials and transferred me to Shu Prefecture. What is going on?"

Han Sui looked solemn, pondered for a while, and then sighed: "I don't know if you have noticed, the emperor has changed you to be the chief secretary of the governor's office in Shuzhou. The chief secretary is only an eighth-rank official. You originally joined the army at the sixth rank. It's... I demoted you."

Yu Yin trembled all over, and said: "Yes, so why? What did I do wrong? Why did the emperor demote me?"

Han Sui shook his head and said, "It's unusual to demote an official for no reason. Did you notice the last sentence of the imperial decree? 'Leave Beijing to take office today'. The emperor wants you to leave Chang'an immediately."

"Since the eunuch who announced the decree could find the posthouse, it means that the emperor knows that you are in Chang'an City. More precisely, the emperor knows that you are here to propose marriage to King Teng. Jing, don't you think Mr. Shaolang has figured out the meaning of this?"

Yu Yin thought for a while, then said in shock: "Heaven, he..."

Han Sui was silent for a long while, then said softly: "If my guess is correct, the Son of Heaven... I'm afraid I don't want to see Yu's family marry King Teng."

(End of this chapter)

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