Chapter 790
After coming to this world, Li Qinzai seldom used those famous works in his previous life to show off.

His background is extraordinary, which is already extremely prominent, and famous poems and poems are just icing on the cake for him.

If you are in awe of history, why not leave a way for those poets and scholars who should have been brilliant in the history, let them return to the track of history, and continue to bloom the light that should belong to them.

But this time, Li Qinzai really had no other choice. Besides, it was so appropriate for the occasion to give the "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" to King Teng, and he couldn't help showing it out.

Of course it is my own originality, which is beyond dispute.

Wang Bo?He was still a child of twelve or thirteen years old, and he was probably reading under his father's stick at this time, and he might occasionally shoot birds with a slingshot.

Therefore, the author of this first parallel essay through the ages is Li Qinzai, the Marquis of Weinan County, the grandson of the Duke of England.

Isn't it normal for someone from such a noble family to write the first parallel essay in the ages?
King Teng sat alone in the hall and wailed loudly. Every word in the "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" touched his soul.

The helplessness of indulging in mountains and rivers for a lifetime, the pain of being underappreciated for a lifetime of talents, and the grievance of being displaced for a lifetime, this "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng" has it all.

Like a sharp knife, it severed the disguise that King Teng had hidden for many years, and ruthlessly exposed his humiliating experiences from birth to the present to the sun.

Yes, Teng Wang was also an ambitious person.

He is not just an old dude who only knows how to eat, drink and play. He used to be very knowledgeable. He is good at music rhythm, calligraphy, and calligraphy.

In addition, he was still a courtier who wanted to serve the country, so even though he had no worries about food and clothing, he had to lower his stature and asked Li Qinzai to help lobby Li Zhi and arrange errands for him.

He didn't want to be squeezed out of the power center of the court, and he was eager to do something for Datang by himself, even if it was just a small change.

It's a pity that he is only the result of Li Yuan's indulgence. Since he was born, he has been inevitably connected with the Xuanwu Gate, killing brothers and killing brothers, forcing Gaozu to Zen, and other disgraceful scandals in the Tian family. In his fate, Doomed not to be in Li Zhi's eyes.

A "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" expresses all the grievances and sorrows of King Teng.

After crying alone in the hall for a long time, King Teng carefully put away this famous article, then lifted a jar of new wine in front of him, raised his head and poured it down.

After a long time, the county magistrate of Jinxiang rushed over after hearing the sound, only to find that King Teng was already drunk, lying on the cold ground like a puddle of mud, hissing sharply.

Jin Xiang was terrified, and hurried forward to shake King Teng's body: "Father, what's wrong with you?"

King Teng opened his eyes bewilderedly, his pupils were bloodshot and red, staring at his daughter's terrified pretty face, King Teng twitched his lips, and sighed: "Daughter, Li Jingchu is indeed a great talent in this world, he is a great talent!"

After speaking, King Teng closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Jin Xiang looked at King Teng in astonishment. She didn't understand why she was still drinking with Li Qinzai just now. She could clearly feel the tense atmosphere between the two sides even though she was hiding behind the screen.

But why in the blink of an eye, my father was not only drunk, but also praised Li Qinzai as a great talent in the world. What happened in the short time after she left?
In desperation, Jin Xiang was about to order his servants to carry King Teng back to his room, but he inadvertently saw a corner of a page protruding from King Teng's inner lapel.

Curiously, Jin Xiang took out the piece of paper, on which was impressively written "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng". Seeing the familiar messy and ugly handwriting, it was actually written by Li Qinzai himself.

Jin Xiang hurriedly read it up and down.

After reading it once, Jin Xiang's eyes were dull and his mind was buzzing.

This parallel essay... was he written?

Knowing him for two years, she thought that Li Qinzai was proficient in arithmetic, and the heavenly families and dignitaries in the world looked up to him, and sent their children to learn art from teachers one after another.

However, Jinxiang did not expect that besides arithmetic, Li Qinzai also had such a remarkable literary talent. This parallel essay was obviously written for her father, and every single sentence in it was a beautiful poem.

Especially in the second half of the article, I feel deeply about my life experience and the injustice of being unrecognized for my talents, and then turn straight to the top. The sentence "poor and strong, never fall into the blue sky" sublimates the article to another realm of inspiration and unyielding.

The more Jin Xiang read it, the more he felt that this parallel essay was actually Li Qinzai's sympathy and comfort to King Teng.

It's no wonder that after Li Qinzai left, his father was drunk alone, and it's no wonder that he still said that Li Qinzai was a great talent when he was drunk.

"Sure enough, he is a great talent. There is no one in the past, and there will be no one in the future. For thousands of years, only this parallel prose can be called the first." Jin Xiang muttered to himself, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

From this parallel essay, Jin Xiang saw not only Li Qinzai's talent, but also his indomitable spirit and dignified gentleman's demeanor.

She felt more and more that she had seen the right person, and that he was worth rushing for regardless of her own safety.

King Teng was carried back to his room by his servants, but Jin Xiang held the parallel essay in both hands, as if carrying a peerless treasure, and walked briskly back to his bedroom.

She wants to transcribe this parallel essay, so that the world can see his talent, and let the world see that her choice is right.

If we say the biggest shortcoming of this parallel prose, it is that...the writing is too ugly, it looks like the graffiti of a five-year-old child. ?

A very miraculous parallel prose appeared in Chang'an City.

Parallel prose was originally handed down and recited among literati. Later, more people read it, and the article was gradually spread out. Until the high-ranking officials in the court, and down to the market peddlers, they all heard about this remarkable article. article.

In this day and age, well-written articles can really be famous, and they are famous.

Numerous literati have written a poor scripture and thought hard, but they also want to write an article or poem that catches the eye, which is used to invest in the bank account of the powerful and powerful in exchange for a promotion. The quality of an article can basically determine a person's life. fate.

"Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" became famous.

The most amazing thing about it is that the Tengwang Pavilion in Hongzhou mentioned in the article is still just a foundation, but the sequence of this pavilion has already come out.

The article expresses feelings because of the scenery. After reading it, countless scholars have already had an incomparable longing for the Tengwang Pavilion in Hongzhou. Many people even left Chang'an resolutely after reading it. Go, in order to pay homage to the castle in the article.

Few people know that this pavilion has not been built at all.

However, the article has been handed down.

(End of this chapter)

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