Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 805 The hero is surnamed Tang, abused to the point of sadness

Chapter 805 The hero is surnamed Tang, abused to the point of sadness

It was a great joy for Li Qinzai to make new friends in the prison.

Although the place of making friends is not quite right, but... it is a good thing after all.

"Go and visit your new friend, drink with him, and whore with him," Li Qinzai looked at him with burning eyes, his eyes full of expectation: "...Don't come to harm me, okay?"

Wu Minzhi glanced at him sideways: "No way!"

Li Qinzai's eyes dimmed instantly.

For Wu Baiguan's sake, let's treat him as a distinguished guest for the time being.

Wu Minzhi took a sip of wine, raised his sleeve, wiped the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "The man in the prison of Dali Temple is really interesting..."

"The man was originally an official, and his father was the governor of Daizhou. After the emperor was abolished many years ago, thousands of officials in the world were involved. His father was also involved, so he was dismissed from office and the whole family was exiled in Qiannan."

"On the way to exile in Qiannan, his father's political opponents paid a lot of money to the escort officials and smothered his father to death in the middle of the night. It is said that the night his father was smothered to death, he did not fall asleep at all and pretended to be asleep."

"He saw his father die in front of him with his own eyes, and he remembered the struggle of his hands and feet, but he gritted his teeth and did not make a sound. When he woke up the next day, the officials argued that his father died of a serious illness. The matter has been reported to Qiannan."

"That man is also really ruthless. He didn't make a sound all the way, as if he had accepted the fact that his father was suddenly ill."

"It wasn't until the official sent him and the rest of his family to Qiannan that he quietly stole the official's knife in the middle of the night and wiped the official's neck. The three escorted officials were divided into hundreds of dollars by him. Tsk, that's enough cruel."

Li Qinzai became interested when he heard this, and said, "What happened next?"

"Later, of course, the Dongchuang incident happened. Officials were involved. The Criminal Ministry transferred the matter to Dali Temple. His family was left in Qiannan, and he was escorted back to Chang'an. He has been squatting in the prison of Dali Temple for four or five years... ..."

Li Qinzai asked curiously: "Let's not talk about right and wrong. That man killed three officials. Dali Temple should have sentenced him to beheaded a long time ago, right? Why hasn't he been punished after four or five years in prison?"

Wu Minzhi said with a smile: "The man's father had political opponents in the officialdom, but he also had friends. He was the only male in the family. The old friend couldn't bear to see the old man die, so he used tricks with Dali Temple."

"Maybe it was a favor, maybe it was a bribe. In short, the man survived, but no one dared to let him go, so he simply remained in the prison and ignored him."

Wu Minzhi said again: "The day before yesterday I was taken into the big prison of Dali Temple and squatted for a night. It happened that the prison next to him lived in that person. I was bored, so I chatted with him all night. After knowing the whole story , I have to admire that this man is a man."

Li Qinzai nodded.

Yes, it is indeed a man.

Moreover, he has a firm heart and is decisive in killing. He is able to remain calm in the face of the murder of his father and enemy. How do you feel.

After pondering for a moment, Li Qinzai suddenly had a thought.

King Luo Bin's suggestion from the day before yesterday could not help but echo in his ears.

With Li Qinzai's current status, he really needs wings. To put it bluntly, he needs the kind of talent who can help him with the dirty work.

Isn't the guy in prison just the right person?

Although I have never met him, and I don't even know his name, but if Wu Minzhi's description is not adulterated, such a talent is really suitable to be included in the account.

The question now is whether Li Qinzai has this charm to win people's hearts.

"What's that man's name?" Li Qinzai asked suddenly.

"My surname is Tang, and my name is Tang Ji. It is said that my ancestors had some distant relatives with Tang Jian, Duke of Ju, one of the heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. The Tang family was involved in the case of abolishing the empress."

Li Qinzai nodded, and after pondering for a long time, he suddenly grabbed Wu Minzhi's arm and said, "Go, accompany me to Chang'an City."

Wu Min was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"Suddenly miss the prison in Dali Temple, and want to revisit the old place."

Wu Minzhi sighed: "You lied to me again, did brother Jingchu be moved to cherish talents and want to take that Tang Ji away?"

"you know me!"

"Brother Jingchu, give it up. That Tang Ji is rebellious and has a cold and hard look to everyone. If Brother Jingchu wants to accept him, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky."

Li Qinzai asked curiously: "I heard you speak so mysteriously, why is he willing to tell you his life experience? He explained so clearly, very approachable."

Wu Minzhi sneered: "That's because he was hungry and full in the prison. I asked the jailer to bring in good wine and food, and invited him to drink with him. Tang Ji was drunk, so I confessed his life experience. He didn't talk so much when he was sober."

Li Qinzai blinked: "It doesn't matter so much, go see him first."

"Brother Jingchu, I haven't eaten yet."

"I don't have time to wait for you, go to Chang'an City and eat again, people won't die from starvation."


Chang'an City, Dali Temple.

Tang Ji sat cross-legged in the cell covered with hay, looking up at the small half-foot-square window with empty eyes.

The small window was the only light source in the prison, and only through this small window could he know the rising and setting of the sun and the cold and heat.

Since he was put into this prison four or five years ago, this small window has become the only way for him to understand the world.

The sun is just right today, and the temperature is a little bit hot. Presumably spring is coming to an end and summer is coming.

The prison uniform on his body exuded an unpleasant sour smell, and there were many lice growing on his hair and body. Those lice were jumping up and down on his skin and devouring blood. They often bit him awake in the middle of the night, and his skin festered piece by piece.

This life may be coming to an end, even if Dali Temple does not sentence him, he still feels that he will not live for too long.

He was just not reconciled, he was not reconciled to dying like a bedbug in a dark prison, he was too useless.

The bloody feud has not yet been repaid, his father's political enemies are still playing around in the officialdom, and the Tang family is completely in ruins.

Winners and losers, family fortunes rise and fall, there is nothing to talk about.But his father's vengeance has not been avenged, but it is difficult to rest in peace.

The sound of small footsteps came, and the familiar voice of the jailer could be vaguely heard in his ears, but the usual domineering tone of the jailer seemed particularly flattering and obedient today.

The footsteps stopped outside Tang Ji's prison.

Tang Ji opened his eyes, looking calmly at the outside of the cell.

Li Qinzai also looked at him calmly, and the two of them met through the prison gate, neither sad nor happy.

Wu Minzhi, who was standing next to Li Qinzai, pointed to Tang Ji and introduced, "Brother Jingchu, he is Tang Ji."

Li Qinzai nodded, and then looked at Tang Ji carefully.

Tang Ji didn't avoid his gaze, and kept cross-legged, sitting in the prison and allowing him to look at him.

After a long time, Li Qinzai suddenly said, "I'll help you regain my freedom, and you'll help me with my work for five years. Do you want to do this deal?"

Hearing this, Tang Ji said without hesitation: "Don't do it, get out!"

Li Qinzai's eyes lit up: "High-end goods, I like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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