Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 812 Late Summer

Chapter 812 Late Summer
The scene was very weird. Li Qinzai, as the absolute authority of the Pheasant School, had treated these little bastards with kindness and power over the past few years, but he had never seen them be so afraid of him.

It wasn't awe at all, it was pure terror.

In the middle of the classroom, Wu Minzhi showed him a harmless smile, in stark contrast to the students huddled in the corner.

Li Qinzai glanced again, and found that Qiao'er and the two princesses were sitting quietly at the side of the classroom. It was obvious that although Wu Minzhi was a crazy critic, at least he had basic eyesight to know who could provoke him in the school. , who can't afford it.

For example, Qiao'er was an existence he could never afford to offend.

Li Qinzai wondered what Wu Minzhi had done to the bastards to make them so afraid of him.

"Disciple pays homage to Mr., Mr. has worked hard in teaching." Wu Minzhi got up and bowed to him.

Li Qinzai frowned, the more refined the more perverted, the film and television dramas in his previous life were not in vain, Wu Minzhi's appearance at this moment reminded him of the Human Meat Barbecue Restaurant, Tuen Mun Devil, Silent Lamb and so on.

Too lazy to return the courtesy, Li Qinzai looked at the group of terrified bastards and said, "What's wrong with you? What did Wu Minzhi do to you?"

For a long time no one dared to speak.

After Li Qinzai got a little impatient, Li Sujie hid in the crowd and said sadly and angrily: "He, not a human being!"

Li Qinzai looked at Wu Minzhi in astonishment: "Did you eat shit in front of them?"

Wu Minzhi's smile froze: "Why do you ask such a question, sir?"

Li Qinzai said slowly: "If you eat shit in front of me, I will be afraid of you, but I will silently respect you as a man..."

After thinking for a while, Li Qinzai added: "Whether it's just a little taste or a big meal, I respect you as a man."

Wu Minzhi's face turned blue: "This disciple is crazy, but no matter how crazy he is, he would never do such a disgusting thing. Don't blame me, sir."

Nodding, Li Qinzai didn't bother to ask any more questions, but glanced at the little bastards who were still shivering in the corner.

"On weekdays, there are five or six of us, all of whom are extremely domineering. Wu Minzhi is just an ordinary person with a mortal body. Look at the rotten faces of you who will kill yourself if you do many unrighteous actions! If you have the ability, join forces Fuck him."

The little bastards still didn't dare to speak out, and they didn't know what Wu Minzhi had done to them, so that their fear of him seeped into their bones.

"Wicked people still need to be tortured by wicked people, Wu Minzhi. From now on, you will be my class representative. Whoever is not serious about studying, you can help me improve his status. Make sure he is full of energy and full of emotions. Immersed in the ocean of knowledge and cannot save himself."

Wu Minzhi got up and responded with a smile, with a gentle and humble appearance like jade, very much like the perverted villain big boss who only revealed his true colors in the finale.

In the corner, a group of little bastards looked dull and felt that the sky above their heads was about to collapse. They realized that their pleasant school career would probably come to an end from today.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Li Qinzai sneered secretly.

If you want to keep a group alive and competitive forever, the best way is to put a catfish in it, hey, everyone should be more energetic and move.


The days that followed returned to the long-lost peace and tranquility.

The court hall was surprisingly calm, and Li Zhi didn't have any problems. He could eat whatever he wanted and sleep with whomever he wanted.

Whether he and Empress Wu are in love or conflicts, the couple's affairs can't go out of the harem, at least in the eyes of outsiders, this couple of the Tian family is very loving, and they are getting more and more loving, they are like glue.

Tang Ji lived in Ganjing Village, Li Qinzai did not arrange work for him, and he also sincerely hoped that Tang Ji would not have any work, because once Tang Ji was used, it meant that Li Qinzai was in trouble and Tang Ji had to go Help him do things he can't see.

It's okay, of course you stick to what you want, the world is peaceful.

The strange thing is that the group who intercepted Tang Ji halfway that day, since Li Qinzai taught him a lesson, there has been no movement so far, as if the so-called master has forgotten this incident.

The years are quiet and good, no disease and no disaster.

Unknowingly, at the end of summer, there is no coolness in the air, and the dogs in the village have no energy, and they don’t even bother to bark. They hang their tongues weakly and look at the fertile fields whitened by the sunlight.

The cicadas were singing on the tree, as if they knew that summer was coming to an end, the cicadas became more and more hysterical, and their singing became more and more crazy, which made people feel irritable.

In the backyard of Li's house, Cui Jie's belly became more and more pregnant, bulging, like an altar envoy who just stole the offerings.

Cui Jie's meals were personally arranged by Li Qinzai. After a whole summer, Cui Jie became rounder than before, with a little baby fat on her face, white and tender, especially alluring.

On this day, a group of distinguished guests came to Ganjingzhuang.

Early in the morning, a eunuch rushed to the door and asked Li Qinzai to do the reception work.

In the morning, at the end of the village entrance, banners can be seen blocking out the sun. The imperial guards of the Habayashi held all kinds of ceremonial utensils in their hands. The court ladies held high their nine-winged screen fans. , Jingfan and so on, slowly walking towards the entrance of the village.

Behind the imperial chariot of the emperor, there were countless courtiers driving, and the group of people was mighty and mighty, stretching for several miles, and the momentum was very grand.

Li Qinzai, who led the students to greet him at the entrance of the village, was stunned, and murmured, "Why do you make it so formal?"

The ostentation is indeed a bit big. In the past, when Li Zhiyu came here, he would basically do it lightly, and he would not treat himself as an outsider when he entered Zhuangzi. Anywhere in Zhuangzi, including Li's other courtyard, he would occupy the magpie's nest and sleep when he took off his shoes. , as if returning to his own home.

Although this kind of Li Zhi seemed a bit rude, and Li Qinzai occasionally had the rebellious idea of ​​chasing away customers, but compared to Li Zhi's ostentation today, Li Qinzai still missed the rude but low-key him.

The imperial chariot came to the entrance of the village and stopped in front of Li Qinzai.

Li Qinzai led a group of students and householders to salute, the beaded curtain of the imperial chariot was lifted, and Wang Changfu helped Li Zhi and Empress Wu step down from the imperial chariot.

"Minister Li Qinzai, I pay my respects to Your Majesty." Li Qinzai bowed.

Li Zhi is in a very good mood today, with a little bit of excitement and apprehension in his joy.

"Excuse me, Jingchu, I heard that you have been very leisurely recently. You have been hiding in the Zhuangzi for several months without going out. Even I have rarely seen you. Haha, I almost forgot what you look like... Eh ? Wait a minute, Jingchu seems to be a little rounder..."

Li Qinzai's smile froze.

What is mellow?What is "again"?Have you eaten your rice?

Empress Wu glanced at Li Qinzai, nodded and said with a light smile, "Your Majesty is right. The concubine has indeed become rounder and fairer when she saw Jingchu. It seems that hiding in the remote mountains and being a hermit is really leisurely."

(End of this chapter)

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