Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 84 Unintentional Credit

Chapter 84 Unintentional Credit
"Hundred Surnames" is only an enlightenment reading, but from the day it came into being, it has had a very profound impact on the world.

In ancient times, there was enlightenment, which is the study of enlightenment.However, the history of China spans thousands of years from top to bottom, until the braid dynasty. There are only three kinds of real enlightenment books, "Hundred Surnames", "Thousand Characters", and "San Zi Jing".

In today's Tang Dynasty, before Li Qinzai, the Three Character Classic and the Hundred Family Names had not yet been published, and the only thing children read for enlightenment was "Thousand Character Classic".

A foolish monarch hopes that the people will be ignorant, because ignorance is easy to manage, easy to incite, and easy to fool.

But for a wise monarch, what he hopes to see is the popularization and dissemination of knowledge and scriptures.

Because reading is the only way to understand reason and morality, to know propriety, righteousness and shame, and there will be fewer people who commit crimes and fewer people who rebel. This will not only maintain the order of the world, but also consolidate the rule.

Everyone has books to read, and everyone has skills to practice. This is what is called the Great Harmony of the World.

Li Zhi is undoubtedly a wise monarch. He quickly saw the value of a hundred surnames, not only in terms of enlightenment, but also in politics.

"Hundred Surnames"? It's just in time." Li Zhi squinted and smiled.

Empress Wu was puzzled and said, "Your Majesty means..."

Li Zhi said leisurely: "Two years ago, my uncle, eldest grandson Wuji, passed away. The Guanlong family and the Shandong gentry treated me obediently on the surface, but there was a lot of resentment behind it. When my father was alive, these family members were loyal to my father." Geng Geng, but after the death of the father, they became a little restless..."

Empress Wu was able to fight in Li Zhi's harem, abolished Empress Wang and succeeded in ascending to power. Her political sense is also very sensitive, and Feng's eyes brightened upon hearing this.

"Your Majesty is saying that you will use "Hundred Surnames" to continue suppressing aristocratic families?"

Li Zhi picked up the paper on the table, densely filled with words, it was the full text of "Hundred Surnames" written by Li Qinzai.

Flicking the thin paper with his fingers, Li Zhi said leisurely: "When the emperor was alive in the past, he ordered Gao Shilian to compile the "Clan Records".

"In the clan annals, my Li family's royal family ranks first, my relatives rank second, and the families of the major families rank third. Father's actions have severely beaten all the families in the world."

"Why can't I do what my father can do?"

Empress Wu's phoenix eyes lit up, and she said in a low voice, "Your Majesty wants to revise the "Clan Records"?"

Li Zhi smiled but did not answer, staring at the hundreds of surnames in front of him, he suddenly sighed: "This grandson of Duke Ying is a great talent!"

Empress Wu covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I heard that it was to enlighten his children, but she felt that the thousand-character prose was too profound and difficult to understand, so she simply compiled "Hundred Surnames" by herself."

Li Zhi was stunned, and said unexpectedly: "Li Qinzai has a child? I haven't heard that he is married..."

Empress Wu snorted, and said: "The concubine asked someone to inquire, and Li Qinzai is not a cheap lamp. The child is almost five years old. He was born in an affair with a maid in the mansion in the early years. He is nameless and even a concubine. No, but he loves the child very much."

Li Zhi smiled indifferently, and said: "Men, it is inevitable that when you are impulsive and lose your mind, I was not with you..."

Empress Wu blushed, pushed him lightly, and said angrily: "Your Majesty, it's in broad daylight, and it's above the main hall, so don't get carried away with nonsense!"

Li Zhi laughed, then suddenly frowned, pressed his head with both hands, and moaned in pain.

Empress Wu panicked, stood up hastily and said, "Has Your Majesty suffered from wind disease again?"

Turning her head to look outside the hall, Empress Wu said in a deep voice, "Come here, hurry up and declare the imperial physician!"

Li Zhi groaned for a moment, then waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I'm better."

Empress Wu looked at him worriedly, and sighed: "Your Majesty's wind attacks have become more and more frequent recently, and all the famous doctors in the world can't cure them, but what should I do?"

Li Zhi smiled bitterly, and said: "I ask myself that I have never done anything to harm Zhongliang and poison the common people, so I don't know why I was punished by heaven."

Pointing to the hundreds of surnames in front of him, Li Zhi continued: "The imperial examination is going to be carried out, and there is great resistance from the family. "Annals" echo? I have to say, this is God's will."

Empress Wu also nodded. In terms of hating the powerful family, she actually hated Li Zhi even more.

When Wang Liwu was abolished back then, the representatives of the aristocratic family headed by Changsun Wuji criticized her verbally and in writing. That time she competed with the queen, and whoever lost would die.

Later, Queen Wang was defeated, and she died as expected.

As for Empress Wu, it was as if she had walked through the gates of hell. All these were given by the aristocratic family, how could she not hate the aristocratic family?
"Your Majesty wants to promote "Hundred Surnames" to the world, so as to knock down the powerful families?" Empress Wu asked immediately.

Li Zhi nodded, and said in a deep voice: "I have to use and guard against powerful families. Since I ascended the throne, I have decided to promote the imperial examination and open the way for children from poor families to become officials. If the powerful families block me, I will Hit them from time to time."

"This "Hundred Family Surnames" is on the surface an enlightenment for children, but if it is popularized throughout the world, the ranking of surnames on the Hundred Family Surnames will be known to everyone, and the effect will be countless times better than the "Clan History" written by the emperor back then. "

Empress Wu glanced at "Hundred Family Names" again, and said with a sweet smile: "This Li Qinzai is really talented. The Hundred Family Names compiled are not only catchy, but also deliberately rank the names of the world's famous families at the bottom. Could it be that he is Deliberately catering to His Majesty's mind?"

Li Zhi laughed and said: "This young man is not only intelligent, but also has a good heart, which is very suitable for me."

As he spoke, Li Zhi looked solemn, and said: "The decree is passed on to the Ministry of Finance to promulgate the "Hundred Surnames" to the world. The governors of all states, county magistrates, and doctors of academic and political affairs must post the "Hundred Surnames" in all states, counties, and townships." , Tell Shang Shusheng that this move is only for the enlightenment of children in the world, and has no other intentions."

Empress Wu pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

The reason is very strong, like deception.Is it necessary to post it everywhere just for children's enlightenment?Even rural villages are posted, why don't you post the "Thousand Characters" which is also an enlightenment book?
Empress Wu's eyes flickered, and she said softly: "Your Majesty, have you ever counted how much the British grandson has contributed to the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then murmured thoughtfully: "God's arm bow, horseshoe, hundreds of surnames, both literary and military, and each of them is a great achievement. This grandson of the British public is not simple. Great talent..."

Empress Wu nodded, and said again: "Your Majesty, such a talented person must be reused, but he can't really let him be lazy and dissolute. The good talents are left at home to eat and die. It is great for the country and the emperor. loss."

Li Zhi smiled wryly and said, "Have you ever speculated on the meaning of passing the British Duke?"

Empress Wu opened her eyes wide: "Isn't it a good thing that my grandson has made a fortune?"

Li Zhi shook his head: "The Duke of England has made great achievements. In fact, he doesn't want his grandson to be entrusted with important duties. He is afraid that the tree will show up in the forest, and he is even more afraid that the Li family's power will be too powerful, which will arouse my suspicion."

Empress Wu frowned: "Your Majesty is not a narrow-minded person, how can the old Duke..."

"There is the car in front of the Duke of Wei, Li Jing, how can the British Duke not take it as a warning?"

Empress Wu suddenly realized that Li Jing, Duke of the State of Wei, was the first official in the Tang Dynasty to defeat the Turks in the East, and it was precisely because of his defeat of the Turks that his military prestige reached its peak.

Even someone as broad-minded as Li Shimin had to worry about it. After Li Jing's class teacher returned to the court, the courtiers not only did not praise his achievements, but also impeached Li Jing and plundered them one after another. It is hard to say whether Li Shimin's secret instruction was behind it.

Later, Li Shimin and Li Jing closed the door and had a deep chat.

It is not known what the monarch and his ministers talked about, but since then Li Jing has surrendered his military power and thanked guests behind closed doors. He never participated in military affairs or government affairs until his death.

From the emperor's standpoint, Li Shimin's handling of it like this cannot be said to be wrong.After all, the existence of Li Jing did pose a threat to the imperial power. It was because his reputation in the army was so high that he could help him overthrow the soon-to-be-founded Tang Dynasty with just a call from the top.

Li Shimin did not kill him, but let him live until his death in peace. In fact, it also shows that Li Shimin is indeed a broad-minded emperor, and it is not easy to achieve this level.

Empress Wu finally understood the psychology of the British prince Li Ji.

He was afraid of following in Li Jing's footsteps, and he didn't want his grandson Li Qinzai to hold too much power because he was in awe of imperial power.

A family that respects the imperial power can live a long life, and the family business will prosper for a hundred years.

People get better with age, and Li Ji is undoubtedly a shrewd and intelligent old man.

After finding out what was going on, Empress Wu smiled and said: "Li Qinzai is full of talent and ability, and he is at the age where he can show his sharpness. If the old Duke stopped him once or twice, can he still stop him for a lifetime?"

Li Zhi hesitated for a moment, and said: "The compilation of hundreds of surnames is also a great achievement, and the merit must be rewarded, but for the sake of the British Duke's concern, I can't reward you..."

"Written a decree for the housekeeper, Li Qinzai of the Jin Dynasty can advise the doctor, and give a horse to ride in the palace, a goldfish bag, and a purple gold jade belt."

Speaking of which, Li Zhi paused, and then said: "That son of Li he an illegitimate child?"

Empress Wu nodded: "The child born from an affair with a maid is indeed an illegitimate child."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "He loves the child so much, and he has helped me a lot by compiling "Hundred Surnames" for the child himself. It stands to reason that the illegitimate child must be rewarded."

"Let's give that child the false title of 'Captain of Light Vehicles'. If he grows up to be a talent, I will reuse it."

Empress Wu smiled and said: "Your Majesty is benevolent and generous, and my concubines bow down to me."

Li Zhi smacked his lips, and suddenly said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I miss Li Qinzai a little bit. After meeting him last time, I realized that he is also a second person, and chatting with him is also rewarding."

Empress Wu nodded and said: "The concubine has also heard His Majesty chatting with him, and there is indeed something to be said. However, the concubine heard that Li Qinzai is now in the Zhuangzi in Weinan County. After presiding over the Li family's autumn harvest, Li Qinzai stayed in the Zhuangzi and did not return. Chang'an."

"Then let Sheren go to proclaim the decree, and then bring him to Chang'an. I want to play against Li Qing."

(End of this chapter)

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