Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 941 New Errand

Chapter 941 New Errand

Li Qinzai's guess was correct. After the invention of landmines, the Pingdong strategy originally planned by the court may have to be completely changed.

Landmines appear in this era, and the biggest magical effect is that they are hard to guard against.

It can be buried in any place, on any road, as long as there are enough of them, it can form a man-made Shura field, and if it enters the minefield, there will be no life or death, even if it is tens of thousands of enemy troops, it will be enough to trap them to death.

In addition to killing and wounding, landmines also have a role, that is, to cause an indelible psychological deterrent to the enemy on the battlefield.

For example, someone hit a mine in the front and killed one person, and the people behind will only feel endless fear. This kind of fear can easily spread and magnify in a large army.

Once the fear exceeds the limit of psychological tolerance, it is normal for the enemy army to roar at night, and the morale of the army plummets, and the combat power drops rapidly. The Tang army is as simple as cutting tofu.

As for how the enemy will clear the mines, Li Qinzai has already predicted.

If the army wants to clear mines, it can only choose to drive war horses. The mountainous terrain of Goguryeo and the barren state of its country are destined to not have too many war horses in the Goguryeo army.

If you use soldiers to form death squads to clear mines, the effect is not great. Not to mention, this method is more likely to cause fear among the soldiers in the army. Before the mines are cleared, the army has already mutinied.

Li Zhi and the veterans obviously also thought of this, and they didn't worry about the enemy's demining at all.

Besides, the Tang army's strategy has been established, and the army is squeezing the living space of the Goguryeo army step by step. How can they have time to clear mines.

Li Zhi witnessed the power of the landmine with his own eyes today, and he attached great importance to it. After carefully checking the radius of the explosion, Li Zhi looked up at Li Qinzai.

"Jingchu, is the manufacturing process of this thing complicated?"

Li Qinzai immediately obediently took out a few blueprints from his arms, and offered them with both hands: "Here is the secret recipe for making landmines, and I would like to present them to Your Majesty."

Li Zhi smiled with satisfaction, this guy is obviously sensible.

At this time, there is no need to pretend to be humble, in case the goods are really not given.

So he took the blueprint and the secret recipe unceremoniously, and Li Zhi put it in his arms without looking at it.

"Sensible! Bring me some beef later, the beef in the palace is finished." Li Zhifu whispered in his ear: "Has the cow on your farm unfortunately sprained its foot recently? I tell you, it must be sprained." ,do you know?"

Li Qinzai blinked blankly, what logic?Shouldn't sensible people be rewarded with something?Why do you have to take the beef yourself?So, after being sensible, you have to be more sensible to be worthy of the emperor's grace?

You should give me some kindness.

"Your Majesty, the process of making landmines is not complicated. It is enough to call blacksmiths to make molds and make a few exquisite parts. As long as there are enough people, the landmines can be used by the military within two or three months."

Pointing to the direction of the Weishui River at the east end of the village, Li Qinzai said again: "Your Majesty once made a hydraulic machine. Your Majesty might as well ask the craftsmen to imitate it. This thing can be used to make molds and moulds, which can get twice the result with half the effort."

Li Zhi's eyes lit up: "I almost forgot about the hydraulic machine. That's right. I can make an order to build a few workshops in the Weishui River, so that the craftsmen can fully produce landmines, so as not to delay the army's eastward march."

"By the way, I seem to remember that I once served as the young supervisor of the Firearms Bureau. Did Jing Chu forget that he still has this official position? I haven't seen you inquiring about the Firearms Bureau in the past few years, huh?"

Li Qinzai's eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I just want to be a teacher. For the mass production of landmines, please ask Your Majesty to appoint another talented person."

Li Zhi looked at Li Ji with a wry smile and said, "Look, Mr. Ying, your grandson is obviously capable, but his temper is too lazy. Others can't get an official in his life, but he is better. He doesn't take official positions seriously. He hides everything he can. Pulling donkeys are not as difficult to control as him..."

Li Ji calmly said: "Your Majesty's words are true, why don't you... the old minister kill him now?"

Li Qinzai was innocently frightened and looked at Li Ji in astonishment.

What the hell, is it necessary to be so ruthless?Isn't he his own, an orphan picked up by Li Ji from outside during the war?
Li Zhi laughed loudly: "Don't make trouble, Duke Ying, how can such a person be killed, I will use him again."

Speaking of which, Li Zhi looked at Li Qinzai, and said, "You can't hide from hiding. Don't you feel guilty for taking the imperial salary for nothing every year?"

"Jingchu, I have arranged an errand for you. Recently, envoys from various countries came to Beijing to congratulate you. They sat in the Honglu Temple and made a fuss over and over again. They said that they would go to the palace to see me. Most likely they wanted to gain something."

"There is also Tubo, probably still unwilling to give up on Tuyuhun, I will hand over the envoys of these vassal states to you, and you and the minister of Honglu Temple will receive them. If you want to benefit, and those who do not give up on Tuyuhun, you go talk to them , send them as soon as possible.”

Li Qinzai's face changed, and he blurted out without hesitation: "Your Majesty, I have suddenly suffered from a serious illness, and I am afraid that time is running out..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked hard on the buttocks, and he knew who the murderer was without looking back.

Li Qinzai had no choice but to change his words sadly: "Yes, I obey the order."

Li Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, it turns out that there is someone in the world who can cure you.


Li Zhi took away the secret recipe of the landmine blueprint, and this matter has nothing to do with Li Qinzai.

As for mass production, Li Zhi didn't expect Li Qinzai to do it. Now that there are manufacturing drawings, mass production of landmines is a trivial matter.

As usual, the monarch and his subjects were arranged to have a sumptuous dinner in the other courtyard, and Li Zhi and the veterans left contentedly the next morning.

The reason why they are "satisfied" is not only that they got landmines, but also because each of them got a gift when they left.

That's right, for some reason, another cow in Ganjingzhuang unfortunately sprained its ankle last night, and the sprain was inexplicable.

Then the next day, the monarchs and ministers each carried dozens of catties of beef and left happily.

Li Zhi was the happiest. After all, the emperor's treatment must be high-standard. Li Qinzai gave him nearly a hundred catties of beef, and it was all beef tendon meat. It was very strong, enough for him to eat for several months.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Li Qinzai sighed sadly until their cavalry team disappeared at the end of the road.

"I always feel that something is wrong...why do I feel a sense of grief and indignation after being robbed?" Li Qinzai murmured.

The blueprint of the landmine that I worked so hard to give away...

Zhuangzi also lost a cow, which was divided up by the great powers...

The leisurely life of a teacher in a mountain village is inexplicably assigned an errand, and he has to go to Chang'an to deal with those wild monkeys...

Then, what did Li Qinzai get?
By the way, Niu sprained his feet and couldn't live anymore, the Weinan County Government will send officials to the door and fine him two hundred coins...

One after another, they were all taken in by losses.

"I feel a little unlucky recently, I have to find a god to worship..." Li Qinzai looked up to the sky in silence.

The Great Priest of the Shaolin Temple Office in Wudang Mountain, Lama Wang... In short, no matter what kind of god it is, as long as it works, if it doesn't work, their temples will be demolished.

The incense money is given as it should be, and I have to do things for me after taking the money, there is no reason for it to be wasted.

Holding the second child in the family, I feel that the second child is born to attract wealth. Maybe it is blessed with spiritual power and the fortune is even more prosperous.

By the way, next year's tuition fees should be doubled, little bastards!Let your family carve up my beef unscrupulously!


Li Zhi made an order and dared not disobey it.

The next day, Li Qinzai led the trilogy, reluctantly rode away from Ganjing Village, and headed for Chang'an City.

This time there were many envoys from various countries who came to Beijing to congratulate them. In addition to Tubo, Japan and Silla, there were also many small countries around them.

Li Qinzai was regarded as an imperial envoy of the emperor, and he received envoys from various countries on behalf of the emperor.

This errand is not considered a fat job. After all, small countries are poor, and there is nothing to squeeze out.

Tubo can focus on taking care of it, and Waguo and Silla seem to be able to barely squeeze out a little bit.

Li Qinzai and his followers entered Chang'an City, and after thinking for a while, they went straight to Honglu Temple.

Honglu Temple specializes in dealing with the affairs of various countries, which is equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Tang Dynasty.Of course, formal activities and ceremonies between the two countries require the participation and leadership of the Ministry of Rites.

Enter Yanping Gate, pass Changshoufang, and turn to Zhuque Street.

A few miles away from Honglu Temple, I suddenly saw a crowd gathering in front of me, but I heard someone scolding loudly from a long distance away.

Li Qinzai blinked, suddenly a little excited.

It is the nature of Chinese people to watch the excitement, and Li Qinzai, who is the most respected county magistrate, is not exempt from it. Where does his life experience come from?Of course it comes from watching the excitement, otherwise?It is impossible for a person to personally experience every strange thing.

"Si, clear the way." Li Qinzai ordered immediately.

Liu Asi knew Wu Shaolang's nature well, so he led the trilogy and slapped passers-by with a scabbard, instantly opening up a spacious and uninhabited road for Li Qinzai.

The arrogant and rude way of clearing the way caused dissatisfaction among passers-by, but seeing the murderous looks of the trilogy, they had no choice but to restrain their temper and hide aside obediently.

In order for Wu Shaolang to watch the excitement, Liu Ah Si worked very hard, and opened the way to the center where the crowd gathered, leaving Li Qinzai the best viewing spot.

Li Qinzai walked over swaggeringly, stood in the inner circle of the bustling center, and began to watch with his arms folded.

In the open space among the crowd, several parties involved were making a fuss, but Li Qinzai, the onlooker, couldn't help but look at Li Qinzai blankly.

"Go on, don't care about my feelings." Li Qinzai ordered.


Of course we don't care about your feelings, but do you care about our feelings?
Can't fix it for us, you know?

Li Qinzai looked at several parties involved in the incident separately, then narrowed his eyes, and found that someone looked familiar. He recalled it carefully for a while, but still didn't remember it.

"Pause, you, don't look around, it's you, the one who looks shabby and wears shabby clothes... Come here, do I know you?"

The shabby-looking and shabby-clothed person was indeed an acquaintance. Hearing this, he smiled wryly, and bowed to Li Qinzai.

"Student Wei Zhenzai, pay homage to County Lord Li."

Li Qinzai blinked, then realized: "So it's you!"

They are indeed acquaintances, not too familiar.

When Li Qinzai was the chief examiner of the imperial examination last time, it was also on this Suzaku Street. Wei Zhenzai, a student of the Imperial Academy from a poor family, had a dispute with a certain dude from a certain family. Who has a better chance of high school.

Li Qinzai vaguely remembered that this Wei Zhenzai got good grades in the examination of Mingjing, he seemed to be in the top [-] of the second class.

Facts have proved that Wei Zhenzai, who was born in a poor family, is very competitive, and his talent cannot be concealed without shady and black-box operations.

Li Qinzai looked at Wei Zhenzai and said, "It's you again, why is it always you? What happened to you this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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