Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 971 Huge hidden danger

Chapter 971 Huge hidden danger
The gentleman does not stand under the wall.

Although Li Qinzai was not a gentleman, no matter whether a gentleman or a villain, he was not very willing to stand under a dangerous wall.

After entering the workshop, Li Qinzai found himself in a huge gunpowder barrel, with mountains of gunpowder not far away, while officials and craftsmen continued to produce calmly.

Li Qinzai's expression changed.

Is there no one to care about such a huge security risk?

Liu Shenli accompanied Li Qinzai step by step, seeing Li Qinzai standing far outside the workshop, desperately refusing to take another step inside, Liu Shenli couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Master Liu, I have a question..." Li Qinzai said slowly.

"Mr. Li County just asks, but the lower officials will tell you everything."

Pointing to the messy environment of the workshop and the gunpowder piled up under the wall, Li Qinzai said, "You guys did it like this... hasn't something happened?"

Liu Shenli's face froze, he was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Since the day when the Firearms Supervision was established, there have been five accidents in the workshop, two of which were big explosions that killed dozens of craftsmen on the spot, and the other three were accidents. Fortunately, it was extinguished in time and no casualties were caused.”

Li Qinzai's face turned cold: "Since things have happened five times, why haven't you learned your lesson?"

Pointing to the mountain of gunpowder, Li Qinzai said, "Do you know that we can't survive even a small spark?"

Liu Shenli smiled wryly and said, "Yes, I know my mistake. But these gunpowder are only temporarily stored, and someone from the military arsenal will take it away soon, and the gunpowder is sealed with oiled paper. I don't think it will be..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qinzai interrupted him coldly: "Your thoughts are not important, what's important is that you guys are taking human lives carelessly!"

"Such a huge hidden danger, you, the general supervisor, turned a blind eye to it. There have been several major incidents, and you still don't take it seriously. Isn't the life of a craftsman his life?"

Liu Shenli was in a cold sweat, and was about to explain a few words, but saw an official walking out of the workshop, and said loudly: "Mr. Li, don't blame Master Liu, everything is the decision of the next official."

Li Qinzai frowned and looked at the official.

But I saw this person wearing a scarlet official robe, about thirty years old, with a flowing green beard under his jaw, walking slowly with official steps, every step seemed to be blessed with an aura of justice.

Li Qinzai smiled and cupped his hands: "I haven't asked who this low-level official in scarlet official uniform is..."

The official's face turned cold, and he held back his breath and said: "Fu Youyi, the young supervisor of the firearms supervisor, I pay my respects to County Lord Li."

Li Qinzai was stunned.

At the beginning, Li Zhi appointed Li Qinzai as the junior supervisor of the firearms supervisor, but Li Qinzai was tired and lazy. After becoming the junior supervisor, he seldom performed his duties, and he didn't even know where the door of the firearms supervisor was.

Later, when Li Qinzai returned from Tuyuhun with great reputation, he was granted the title of Marquis of the county, and the position of the firearms supervisor was also dismissed. Li Zhi re-appointed a young supervisor, probably the Fu Youyi in front of him.

Being able to be appointed by Li Zhi as a firearms supervisor, supervising and participating in such a sensitive task of gunpowder manufacturing shows that this Fu Youyi still has Li Zhi's trust.

But Li Qinzai didn't expect this person to act like this, and he could tell from a single word that this person had an arrogant temperament and his eyes were above the top.

After sizing it up, Li Qinzai said coldly: "Since you are a young prisoner, you should know how dangerous gunpowder is. After the production is completed, the gunpowder must be sealed in a safe place. You pile it up under the wall like this, do you think your life is too long? ?”

But Fu Youyi retorted without showing any weakness: "The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry of the imperial court sent personnel to urge them every day, and the craftsmen continued to make gunpowder day and night, and batch after batch of servants in the firearms prison were exhausted, and the craftsmen were also exhausted. , Li Xiangong said lightly, you are not the one who dares to make gunpowder day and night."

"The manufactured gunpowder was piled up under the wall, and within half a day, someone from the Ministry of War took it away. How can there be such a hidden danger? County Lord Li is too precious."

Li Qinzai understood the meaning of his words, and couldn't help being startled: "Night and day? You also make gunpowder at night? What kind of lighting does the workshop use?"

Liu Shenli wiped his cold sweat and said cautiously: "Use a lantern, usually hang a lantern on the beam of the workshop."

Li Qinzai's face gradually turned livid.

The gunpowder workshop is lit with lanterns... why don't you look for shit in the latrine?

"It was your idea to make gunpowder at night?" Li Qinzai asked, staring at Fu Youyi.

Fu Youyi said coldly: "What's wrong? Master Wang is about to march eastward, and the daily production of gunpowder cannot meet the needs of the army. The lower officials are sinners of the court. When they have to rush to work, of course they have to work day and night."

Li Qinzai took a deep breath, so nothing happened. This Fu Youyi obviously had a relatively hard birth date, otherwise there would be nothing left.

Li Qinzai turned his head to look at Liu Shenli and said, "You can understand people's language, so I'll talk to you. The problem with the Firearms Supervision is very serious. We must immediately stop production for rectification, or something serious will happen."

Liu Shenli had a bitter expression, before he could speak, Fu Youyi became excited.

"The Ministry of War is pressing so hard, why stop production? Who can bear the blame for delaying my Wang Shi's eastward expedition?"

Li Qinzai calmed down, seeing Fu Youyi's agitated look, he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Although there are quite a few officials who are patriotic and respectful these days, there is no need to act so fiercely, right?From the moment he saw Fu Youyi, he seemed to be full of hostility towards him.

Why did I dig his ancestral grave?

Pulling Liu Shenli's arm and pulling him aside, Li Qinzai asked in a low voice, "This guy...this guy named Fu Youyi, have I offended him?"

Liu Shenli smiled wryly and said: "Mr. Li has never met him, so why offend him?"

"No, there is something wrong here, Master Liu, tell me the truth, what enmity do I have with him?"

Liu Shenli was silent for a while, before he said in a low voice: "Before Fu Youyi was appointed as the firearms supervisor, he was the supervisor of the Shaofu, and he served under Liu Yuanzhen's family. Last year, Li Yifu committed a crime, and his son-in-law Liu Yuanzhen was also convicted and beheaded..."

Li Qinzai was stunned.

It turned out that there was something to do with Li Yi's mansion. Last year Li Yi's mansion was beheaded and the whole family was convicted. Fu Youyi has no backer since then. No wonder he hates him so much.

Everything has a cause and an effect, the kindness and hatred in the world, after all, has a source.

At this time, he turned his head to look at Fu Youyi's defiant look with his nostrils upturned, um, he was getting more and more twitchy.

Turning around and walking in front of Fu Youyi, Li Qinzai smiled.

"As for me, I was just here to see the progress of the production of gunpowder and firearms. To be honest, I was just going through the motions. I originally planned to take a look and leave. I'm not interested in creating a character set that will devote itself to the country..."

Speaking of which, Li Qinzai's face gradually turned cold.

"However, you, a young prisoner, neglected your duties and neglected human life. Since I have seen it, I can't ignore it. If you think your life is too long, you can pull a rope and hang yourself, but other officials and craftsmen are innocent. You killed other people's lives." .”

"You young prisoner, you can't be a prisoner anymore, I will tell myself in front of the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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