Chapter 980
It is an indisputable fact that Datang is the suzerain of all neighboring countries.

It was no secret that the Tang Dynasty was preparing to conquer Goguryeo this year. The imperial court continued to collect grain, grass, pig iron and other materials from various states and counties. It was impossible to hide such a big move.

The mobilization of Li Qinzai's 1-strong army was of course not a secret. From the day Chang'an City set off, the movement of this army fell into the sight of spies from various countries, and followed them all the way to Dengzhou.

There were countless spies from various countries around the soldiers and horses. Li Qinzai didn't care about it. Since he couldn't hide it from others, he let them see it openly. As long as he didn't hinder his army, everyone would live in peace.

However, the separatist regime of the Japanese warlords made Li Qinzai really worried.

After originally planning to land in the Wa Kingdom, the army went straight to Asuka City, took the leader of the Wa Kingdom to conscript young men, and then boarded a ship and sailed to Baekje, where they joined Li Ji's main force in the Eastern Expedition to form a pincer attack on Goguryeo.

Now knowing that the warlord forces of the Wa Kingdom were separated, Li Qinzai's plan had to be changed.

The separatist forces of the Wa Kingdom must be eliminated first, and then board the ship and go north, otherwise it is easy to catch fire in the backyard.

I led the army to fight in full swing on the Haidong Peninsula. With a click, the leader of the Japanese country changed, and the warlord became the leader. They want to be the masters of the country, they need democracy and freedom, and they have to mobilize soldiers and horses to satisfy them later. How troublesome .

Why don’t we clean them up now? Doesn’t Japan need the culture of the Central Plains today? Spread the Mahayana Buddhism from the Tang Dynasty to them, and teach them what is Nanwu Three-eyed Bodhisattva, what is the six-rooted pure landmine, and what is great mercy The firepower of great sorrow covers...


The rain in Dengzhou was a little lighter, but it was still drizzle. After staying in the humid and rainy weather for a long time, people felt an indescribable irritability.

After waiting for five or six days in the big camp outside Dengzhou City, the weather still had no sign of clearing up. Li Qinzai couldn't stay in the camp any longer, and led his followers into Dengzhou City.

As early as when Li Qinzai's army arrived in Dengzhou, the governor of Dengzhou, don't drive Changshi, to meet the army thirty miles outside the city. The governor even cordially invited Li Qinzai to live in the city temporarily.

Li Qinzai immediately refused. First, the commander of the army should be in the camp anytime and anywhere. On the one hand, he did not want to give people the impression that he was away from the soldiers to enjoy himself alone; on the other hand, Li Qinzai felt insecure without his own army.

As the commander-in-chief of another branch of the Goguryeo expedition, I don't know how many spies and assassins from the enemy country were secretly watching him, always planning to kill him. How could Li Qinzai, who cherished his life so much, commit such a risk lightly.

Today Li Qinzai really couldn't shirk, so he had to go to the city.

Officials from the governor's office of Dengzhou went to the camp several times to ask for an interview, saying that they were hosting a banquet in the city and begging Li Qinzai to take time to attend the banquet.

Li Qinzai refused once or twice, and always refusing was inappropriate after all. Although he didn't care whether he offended others, he still had to understand the ways of the world that people should have in the officialdom. If someone invites you many times, you still have to accept it once.

In the evening, Li Qinzai led the trilogy into the city.

Dengzhou City is far less prosperous than Chang'an, but there are also two cities in the East and West, which are almost the standard configuration of all cities in Datang.

There were also some merchants from Silla and Japan in the city, and their assistants pulled carts full of goods, bargaining with merchants from Datang red-faced.

Of course, there are also some brothels and gambling stalls in the city. In the pavilions, some women who are not considered beautiful, cover their faces with fans in their hands, and smile lightly towards the street. It's an exaggeration, even a prostitute with half-closed doors would not do such a disrespectful thing.

Standing on the railing of the pavilion, he just chuckled a few times, as if he was just looking at the scenery outside the building unintentionally. In the eyes of some men, there are countless amorous feelings in the world. The pavilion is sold overnight.

Li Qinzai walked on the streets of Dengzhou, his steps were very slow, he would stop and observe for a while every shop, every caravan, and every alley on the side of the road.

After traveling through the Tang Dynasty, except for Chang'an City, Li Qinzai has rarely been in other cities, so he is very curious about everything in strange cities.

When they were about to reach the Governor's Mansion in Dengzhou, Li Qinzai and his followers encountered an accident.

Because there were many spies from various countries in Dengzhou City, the trilogy guards were actually very nervous when they entered the city. They were afraid that an assassin in the city would assassinate Li Qinzai, so their nerves were always in a state of high tension.

When Li Qinzai and others passed by an alley, a man came out of it, struggling to pull a cart full of goods.

The cart pulled out of the alley, but couldn't stop for a while, and came straight towards Li Qinzai. The man pulling the cart was a little anxious, his feet were firmly on the ground, but still couldn't stop, so he shouted loudly: "The people in front let you go!" Give way, hit!"

Li Qinzai was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, the Li family's melody started.

Liu Ahsi quickly drew his sword and stood in front of Li Qinzai, while the other members surrounded Li Qinzai, and then looked around vigilantly, especially the commanding heights such as the windows of shops and pavilions on the side of the road.

The rest of the trilogy flew forward, some of them drew their knives to hold the neck of the man who pulled the cart, and the others stopped the cart with all their strength. Just to be cautious, they even overturned the cart, and then slashed their swords without stopping. Keep stabbing among the goods pouring all over the ground, beware of assassins hidden in the goods.

It's a long story, and everything happens in an instant.

As expected of a long battle, the Li family trilogy quickly brought the situation under control.

After searching carefully, it was found that it was really just an accident. It was purely that the man pulling the cart failed to stop the cart and almost ran into Li Qinzai.

Li Qinzai sighed, then glanced at Liu Ahsi lightly.

Liu Ah showed embarrassment on his face, smiled apologetically at him, and waved Buqu to close the team.

"Ah Si, make an apology and money." Li Qinzai ordered, looking at the overturned cart and the dumped cargo.

Liu Ah Si immediately stepped forward, cupped his fists to apologize to the man pulling the cart, and then took out a handful of copper coins from his bosom, which looked like tens of hundreds of coins, and stuffed them into the man's hand.

Li Qinzai saw everything in his eyes and reckoned that the goods poured all over the ground did not suffer much damage, the trouble was reloading, so the compensation of a hundred yuan was probably enough, so everyone continued to walk towards the governor's mansion.

Unexpectedly, just as they started to take a step, the man pulling the cart suddenly stopped them.

"What do you mean? Just give me some money and it's over? Don't you give me an explanation for my truck full of goods?"

Li Qinzai stopped in his tracks, and Liu Ah Si said dissatisfiedly, "Isn't it enough to pay you a hundred cents?"

The man poked his neck and said, "This cart has at least 20 coins, is it enough for a hundred dollars?"

Liu Ahsi laughed angrily: "The goods are not lost, but need to be reloaded. One hundred cash is enough, Wuna man, don't blackmail us, or we will end badly."

The man's character seemed a bit straightforward, knowing that Li Qinzai's group of people were expensively dressed and of extraordinary status, but he was not afraid at all, and stepped forward to shout angrily.

"The shopkeeper said, there are more than 20 pieces of goods in this truck, and you knocked the goods down. How do I know if the goods are damaged? If I don't have enough money, and I can't find you, I will pay for the goods. ?”

(End of this chapter)

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