Chapter 986
Li Qinzai, the head of the marching army of Honzhou Road, whose name is Jingchu, and whose name is Vomiting Layman.

When the fleet docked, Li Qinzai with a livid face was helped off the ship by Luye Zanliang and Liu Asi.

Liu Renyuan and Fujiwara Youno stepped forward to salute.

"Meet Li Shuai!"

Li Qinzai forced a smile and said, "Excuse me, it's been a long time since you two."

"Li Shuai has been away for a long time, and his style is still the same. The last general has received an order from the Ministry of War. After Li Shuai landed in Japan, the last [-] garrisons stationed in this state will be controlled by Li Shuai." Liu Renyuan clasped his fists and said.

Li Qinzai nodded, Liu Ren would like to be stationed in the Wa Kingdom all the year round, with more than [-] soldiers under his command, plus [-] soldiers under his own command, a total of nearly [-] soldiers and horses, and all of them were equipped with firearms, enough to sweep the Wa Kingdom and rule all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Then Li Qinzai looked at Fujiwara Yuno, and said with a smile, "Why did you come to the port to meet me?"

Fujiwara Yuno bowed and said: "My servant, on behalf of the lord of the Wa kingdom, the eldest brother Zhong and the royal family, welcomes the suzerain of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shuai, the head of the army on the Honshu Road of Shangguo. The distinguished guests come from afar. The people of the Wa kingdom go up and down to eat pots of pulp to welcome the king's teacher."

Li Qinzai patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Old Teng, you know how to chat. It's really pleasant to hear."

Fujiwara Yuno said again: "His Royal Highness is far away in Asuka City, and wanted to go out to meet him in person, but the Lord was unable to leave the city, and the minister asked Li Shuai on behalf of the Lord, whether the Lord could be allowed to leave the city and greet him thirty miles away from the city. , in order to comfort the Lord to admire Li Shuai's demeanor."

Li Qinzai stared at his face with a half-smile, and said: "Fujiwara, don't play tricks in front of me. Why did you leave the city to welcome me? If I agree, I will start this way. In the future, your lord will leave the city if he wants to. Wherever you go..."

"Oh, I promised to untie your royal family, but I haven't seen your sincerity, so your king should stay peacefully in the royal palace of Bird City."

Fujiwara Yoshino was not embarrassed at all when he was exposed for his cleverness.

There was no hope at all, but Li Qinzai deliberately tested Li Qinzai's bottom line against the Japanese royal family, and Li Qinzai's refusal was naturally expected by Fujiwara Yuno.

When the fleet docked, ten thousand soldiers and logistical supplies disembarked one after another. The port was a busy scene. The generals shouted loudly and ordered the soldiers to disembark and assemble in line. The luggage was carried off the ship, and the horses were also pulled out.

At the other end of the port, countless Japanese people stood far away, seeming to welcome the arrival of Tang Jun, but there was a sense of reluctance on everyone's face.

Li Qinzai smiled. For an army that once destroyed their country, it is no wonder that the people who lost their country would sincerely welcome them. Most of these people were recruited by Japanese officials.

The people of the Wa country may not welcome the Tang army, but the officials of the Wa country must welcome them. Different classes have different interests.

Those who can become officials under Tang Jun's control are basically Japanese traitors and puppet maintenance presidents. They really support Datang, because everything they have is given by Tang Jun.

Li Qinzai felt that time and space were out of order. The shame of the people of the country after a thousand years was completely reversed now. This shame gave the Wa country a taste.

Glancing briefly at the so-called welcome crowd, Li Qinzai smiled at Fujiwara Yoshino: "You guys really bothered, the scene is very grand."

Fujiwara Youye said with a smile: "Mr. Li will set foot on the land of Japan again, of course he will make you feel at home."

Li Qinzai's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice: "I heard that there are many separatist forces in various parts of the Wa Kingdom. They no longer recognize the ruler of the country, but run their own affairs and call themselves kings. Is this true?"

Fujiwara was startled, and then suddenly his knees softened, and he knelt down in front of Li Qinzai, prostrate with all five bodies on the ground.

"The country of Wa has been torn apart, the royal family is declining day by day, and rebellion is rampant in the country. I implore Li Xiangong to teach the country of Wa!"


That night, the army camped near the port, and Li Qinzai was invited into the post in Qiongpu City.

In front of the slightly dilapidated gate of the posthouse, dozens of Japanese officials knelt down and bowed to the ground to welcome Li Qinzai inside.

The expressions of these officials were respectful, and Li Qinzai was shocked when he saw the attitude of complete submission and loyalty.

Walking into the post house, the architectural pattern inside is very familiar, basically no different from that of the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, the Wa country had no culture of its own at all. No matter the characters, clothing or architecture, they were all copied from the Tang Dynasty. Li Qinzai walked into the post as if he had returned to his own home.

The posthouse has been emptied long ago, except for a few servants, there are no idlers in sight.

The middle of the courtyard is covered with cobblestones, and several white cherry trees are planted on the flat ground on the east side. It is late spring, and the cherry blossoms are blooming in the wind, leaving the ground full of colorful cherry blossoms. The picture is beautiful and full of poetry.

Cherry blossom trees are also a special product of the Tang Dynasty. Around the time of the Sui Dynasty, the country of Wa sent Sui envoys to the Central Plains. They not only learned the culture and architectural style of the Central Plains, but also brought back many species from the Central Plains, including cherry blossoms.

Li Qinzai stood in the middle of the yard, staring blankly at the few cherry blossoms.

It was only after he landed in the Wa country that he realized that the current situation in the Wa country was beyond his expectations.

It was mainly due to the rivalry between the separatist forces in various places and the Japanese royal family, and the royal family was strictly controlled by the Tang garrison and could not exercise royal power and government orders at all.

However, the separatist forces in various places took advantage of this opportunity to divide the country and act independently. Li Qinzai speculated that the appeal of the royal family among the people of the Wa Kingdom may have almost disappeared, and the people of the Wa Kingdom are now obeying the forces of various places.

In this way, it may be a bit difficult to expect the royal family to use their appeal to recruit the young and strong of the Japanese country, unless Li Qinzai leads the army to eliminate all the separatist forces in various places and re-empower the royal family among the people.

Let the royal family with prestige rule the people, while the Tang garrison controls the royal family. In this way, the population and resources of the whole country can be used by the Tang Dynasty, which is inexhaustible.

It's not a big deal, but it's very troublesome to deal with. Clearing up local forces is a protracted and hard work. Under the crushing of large armies and weapons, clearing up local armed forces is not a big problem.

However, the Wa Kingdom was covered with various spheres of influence from north to south, and it took time for the army to attack from north to south. Such a delay may miss the established strategy of attacking Goguryeo with Li Ji's main army from north to south.

How to wipe out the Japanese separatist forces without delaying the established strategy of the Eastern Expedition, Li Qinzai hadn't figured it out for a while, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

Stepping into the entrance of the posthouse, Li Qinzai took off his shoes, pushed the door open and entered.

As soon as he stepped into the room, Li Qinzai was startled and immediately took a few steps back.

There is no danger in the house, no assassins, but there are things more soul-stirring than assassins.

Eight beautiful women wearing Tang palace dresses knelt in the center of the room, bowing respectfully to Li Qinzai.

(End of this chapter)

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