Chapter 998
After many years, in the territory of the country of Wa, the Tang army once again slaughtered the people of the country of Wa.

This time, the name of the Tang Army was the suzerain state, the ruler of the Wa Kingdom was on the decline, and there were many disobedient ministers from all over the country. After the master of the Wa Kingdom sent envoys to plead, the Tang Army coach Li Qinzai thought about it again and again. The teacher, on behalf of the lord of the Wa Kingdom, defeated the ministers.

Under the guise of the suzerain state as the vassal's younger brother, the Tang army under Li Qinzai not only occupied the moral high ground this time, but also possessed an absolute superior force. The combination of the two makes them invincible in the world.

Three days later, Liu Renyuan and Wang Fangyi's troops defeated a total of five local armed forces in the country of Wa, and defeated more than [-] enemies.

In accordance with Li Qinzai's military order, all Wa people who participated in the resistance against the Tang army were beheaded, regardless of whether they surrendered on the battlefield or not, they were all killed without mercy, and no one was left alive.

In addition, half of the local forces who put down their weapons and came to Asuka City were willing to submit to the lord of the country of Japan. So far, almost all the small groups of local forces in the country of Japan have been wiped out by the Tang army.

However, there is no peace in the Wa Kingdom, because there is still a big force that is getting stronger and stronger. After learning that Li Qinzai issued the order of honoring the king, this force was formed by a temporary alliance of four local forces because they did not want to follow Li Qinzai's order. It is said that there are more than [-].

It's a big fish, but it's not enough to look at Tang Jun's firearms.

A large number of people does not necessarily work. Most of these local forces are composed of farmers from all over the country. They have not received strict military drills, nor have they experienced the baptism of swords, lights and swords on the battlefield. .

No matter how many people there are, how many rounds can they last in front of Tang Jun, who holds sharp firearms and has been trained for many years?
Back then, Li Qinzai's battle against the Wa Kingdom almost wiped out the real military power of the Wa Kingdom, which resulted in the combat power of the so-called armed forces in the Wa Kingdom today being more than a notch worse than that of the past.

Camp outside Asuka City.

The big camp was heavily guarded, and there were even more swords and halberds around the commander's tent.

A few candles were lit in the handsome tent, but the light was still a little dim.

A Baiqisi spy stood respectfully in front of Li Qinzai, reporting Baiqisi's recent information in a low voice.

"There are more than a dozen local forces from all over the country who came to Feiniao City to submit to the lord of the Japanese kingdom. The number is about [-]. According to Li Shuai's order, these people put down their weapons and were imprisoned outside Feiniao City. Our [-] General Yu is in charge."

Li Qinzai nodded, motioning for him to continue.

The spies continued: "Most of these forces are mobs, formed by farmers from all over the country. There is another thing. When more than [-] people bowed down to Feiniao City to express their surrender, the king of the Wa Kingdom was having a banquet in the palace..."

"According to the report from the palace eyeliner, the king was very drunk that day, and said that thanks to Li County Lord's generous help, thank you Li County Lord for issuing the decree of respecting the king, the Japanese royal family's prestige will finally see the day of recovery."

Li Qinzai smiled a little: "What else did he say?"

"I said a lot, and they were all good words, and I repeatedly expressed my loyalty to Datang. When it came to the emotional part, I even cried bitterly, and bowed to the ground facing the direction of Datang Chang'an City..."

Li Qinzai said with a half-smile: "A man who is very drunk can speak so clearly, every sentence is pleasant, and the sense of ritual is so touching, do you believe it?"

The spy was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and said: "The villain only inquires about news, and dare not discuss military affairs indiscriminately."

"It's okay, just pretend I'm talking to myself, you don't have to answer," Li Qinzai's smile became more playful.

"The country has been occupied, the army has been disabled, the power has been taken away, and the subjects have disobeyed him. Even he himself has been under house arrest in the palace for many years, and he can't even get out of the palace gate..."

"It stands to reason that we should be his sworn enemies of destroying the country, wishing to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin, but he is so grateful to the enemies of destroying the country, he is more obedient than his own grandson."

"Although it is said that the Wa people have the national characteristics of bullying the weak and fearing the hard, but his performance is too outrageous."

The spy said puzzledly, "What Li Shuai means is..."

Li Qinzai sighed with a smile: "The play, it's over. If he didn't do something like thanking Chang'an with tears of gratitude, maybe I really didn't think about it, but I don't doubt that he can't justify it." gone."

Suddenly, Liu Ah Si's voice came from outside the command tent: "Fifth Shaolang, Wang Fangyi sent a messenger to report the military situation ahead."

Li Qinzai kept his eyebrows fixed: "Let him in."

The messenger rushed in, and after saluting, he said: "Report to Li Shuai, Deputy General Wang, according to Li Shuai's military order, led the army from north to south to wipe out local forces, and wiped out more than [-] enemies in three days."

"However, several forces in the north have formed an alliance. Deputy General Wang plans to launch a surprise attack on this alliance before dawn tomorrow. If there is no accident, they can be wiped out."

Li Qinzai was silent for a moment, and said, "Has this alliance been stationed in the north?"

"No, they formed a temporary joint army. Judging from their marching traces, it seems that they are planning to come towards the bird city, but the aggressive burning, killing and looting along the way is obviously not to submit to the Japanese king, but to attack the bird city..."

Li Qinzai nodded slowly, pondered for a long time, and then said: "Order Wang Fangyi's troops to launch a surprise attack on this alliance before dawn, but only a feigned attack is allowed, and finally pretend to be outnumbered, and lead the army to retreat fifty miles..."

The messenger said in astonishment: "This, why is this?"

Li Qinzai smiled slightly: "Let this alliance army reach Bird City smoothly."

The messenger couldn't help but said: "Shuai Li, we have only three thousand soldiers stationed in Feiniao City, and although this alliance army is a mob, there are more than [-] people, I'm afraid..."

Li Qinzai said firmly: "No, let them come, send the order."

The messenger had no choice but to bow his fists and leave in a hurry.

In the commander's tent, Baiqisi's spies were still standing in front of Li Qinzai, waiting for orders.

Li Qinzai said indifferently: "Let the eyeliners in the palace closely monitor the king's every move. I will find out how many times he came in and out when he was doting on his beloved concubine at night, and how many times he shivered."

The spies saluted solemnly and left.

Li Qinzai was the only one left in the handsome tent, sitting cross-legged in front of the low table alone, looking at the military newspapers on the table, he couldn't help muttering: "Brother Zhong, I hope you don't die, otherwise Little Baga will die in his life." Don't even think about sleeping with me, I am the man she will never sleep with."


On the third day, a horrifying news reached Bird City.

The invincible Tang army was defeated in the northern part of the country of Wa.

At dawn, Wang Fangyi's troops attacked an alliance force with more than [-] people, but they were outnumbered and had to retreat with their troops.

This news greatly boosted the morale of the Wa people. The Wa people who were already desperate for the fall of the country, after hearing the news, their spirits immediately rose, not only came up, but also went up.

Since Li Qinzai led [-] Tang troops to land on the Wa Kingdom many years ago, the Wa Kingdom has been retreating steadily, and has never sought advantage on the battlefield.

However, this time, a 7000-strong Tang army was defeated inexplicably. It has to be said that this is great news for the country of Japan. Also soaring fast.

(End of this chapter)

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