Chapter 1121
Longshan black pottery is divided into three types: fine mud, mud and sand, and the production level of fine mud and thin-walled black pottery is the highest.

The tires made of this kind of fine mud have a wall thickness of only about 0.5-1 mm.

And the thinnest can reach [-] mm.

And the reason why it can reach this level must be the gift of the Yellow River.

It is the existence of such a mother river that deposited a large amount of high-quality clay on the land of Qilu, which laid the foundation for the prosperity of Guantao's pottery industry.

Before, Chen Wenzhe used river mud to make red clay pots, and also used Yellow River mud to make cricket jars, and now he uses this kind of Yellow River red clay.

It is this kind of red clay that has laid a solid foundation for the development of Qilu's pottery and porcelain industry.

Red clay is a kind of soil with pure and fine texture and high soil density.

The production of Longshan black pottery is made of pure and fine red clay.

Afterwards, it has been brushed and discarded by water and wind power, thus becoming a purified "stained soil".

Among them, the content of iron and alkali metal oxides is relatively high, so that it can reach the level of thinness and firmness in the process of making and forming.

When dealing with this kind of soil, it needs to be evened, settled, and raised.

After that, a series of fine manual operations such as blank drawing, calendering, calligraphy and painting, and engraving are carried out.

Finally, it is decorated, sealed and fired.

The black pottery fired in this way has a very delicate texture, giving people a smooth and moist feeling.

Of course, the wall of the device must be very thin, and it has the power to blow through it.

If the firing is successful, the final surface of the eggshell pottery is particularly bright, like a mirror, and the texture is very hard, which makes people think it is like steel.

Not only that, but its quality color is divided into three types: jet black, silver gray and orange yellow.

Its tone is deep and light, thick and light.

According to the various characteristics and requirements of different utensils, the different chromaticity is increased or decreased, and finally each has its own color and the color is moderate.

Therefore, if you want to make qualified eggshell pottery, you must have a suitable fetal soil.

Chen Wenzhe is not in a hurry to make, so when he is researching eggshell pottery and eggshell porcelain techniques, he waits for qualified materials sent from China.

Anyway, he will not be idle during this period. You must know that the production of eggshell pottery is just a small episode in the process of his production of Ru kiln porcelain, enamel color, Tang Sancai, Chinese red, and ordinary copper red glazed porcelain.

Up to now, he has not completed all the imitations of copper-red glazed porcelain, nor has he had time to produce a top-notch Chinese red porcelain.

He is just accumulating skills now, and when all the porcelains he can make are successfully produced, his various skills will definitely break through to the master level in an all-round way.

For example, now, mud training skills must reach the master level.

But to make qualified eggshell porcelain, embryo drawing technology and embryo sharpening technology need to reach the master level.

Otherwise, even with qualified materials, he would not be able to make an embryo with a wall of only [-] millimeters.

If there is no such a thin embryo, how can we make real thin-bodied porcelain?

In fact, many of Chen Wenzhe's skills should have broken through to the master level, such as kiln firing, clay training, and carving.

As for drawing embryos, sharpening embryos, engraving, painting, printing embryos, etc., these need to be verified during the process of making eggshell pottery.

The process of making porcelain is just that. After careful calculation, if he breaks through all his craftsmanship, he must have broken through to the level of the master.

As for whether Da has reached the Grandmaster level, it's really hard to say.

Now he can only improve and verify his skill level by making the top ceramics.

Time flies by, anyway, Chen Wenzhe's job is to make porcelain, and he doesn't go out, so he concentrates on making porcelain.

On this day, a batch of raw materials entered the factory.

The geographical location of South Vietnam is really hesitant, especially the sea freight, the speed is still very fast.

Generally, Chen Wenzhe's time from placing an order to receiving the goods will not exceed one week.

Among this batch of materials, there are clay for making eggshell pottery, and some suitable tire mud and porcelain clay shipped from Dehua and Jingzhen.

With these things, he can make eggshell china.

At this time, he already had an extremely mature mud training plan in his heart.

In addition, he didn't just use Suihou Zhizhu to make cars behind closed doors. After all, in his hometown, on the land of Qilu, there were already many ceramic factories making eggshell pottery.

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to buy suitable materials, and this time he bought some semi-finished products.

If you don't pursue excellence, it can actually be used as a finished product.

Of course he wouldn't use it directly. After the red clay fell into his hands this time, he would definitely have to deal with it.

However, Qilu was a professional after all, so he just dealt with it a little bit, and the red clay became a qualified raw material for firing eggshell pottery.

With qualified mud, coupled with high-speed and stable pottery carts, there is a foundation for the production of eggshell pottery embryos.

It adopts manual wheel system, and uses traditional single-layer drawing to form blanks, or simply one-bottom and two-layer composite blanks.

As long as the embryo is formed, the subsequent process will not be difficult.

Pulling embryos by hand using pottery carts needs to be fast and stable, and Chen Wenzhe's hands can show his power.

Most of his talent lies in his hands.

For example, his perception, as long as there is a slight unevenness, bump, he can perceive it.

It turns out that this kind of talent is of no great use, that is, it can make the surface of porcelain even.

But the current one is different, because this is made of eggshell pottery. The speed of drawing the embryo is too fast, and the wall is too thin. As long as the speed is not well controlled, any unevenness in the wall will be lost It is possible to cause irreparable damage to the organ embryo.

After all, his embryo pulling technique and embryo sharpening technique have not yet broken through to the master level, so failure will inevitably occur.

Quickly pulling the embryo, the eggshell pottery is still as thin as an eggshell as possible, which requires a strong hand feel.

In this process, he failed too many times.

Especially at the beginning, the speed is slow, and the effect of thin tires cannot be achieved.

However, if the speed is a little bit, it will often damage the embryo.

The wall of the eggshell pottery is too thin, and if you don't pay attention, it will be pulled away under the rapid pulling of the embryo.

Even if Chen Wenzhe was invincible, it took him more than two hours and countless failures before he could touch the speed of the turntable a little bit, so that he could achieve the desired effect without causing damage to the thin wall of the embryo. destroy.

After successfully making a small bowl with thin tires at the beginning, he did not dare to continue pulling the embryos, but after drying them for a while, he began to sharpen the embryos.

At this time, through careful trimming and cutting, the device embryo can be made thinner and more regular.

Of course, this step is not easy. After all, the embryo itself is very thin, and you still need to trim it.

At this time, when the turntable moves, if the bamboo slice is used with a little force in the hand, the wall of the bowl will be cut directly.

Even if you don't use tools, just use your hands, sometimes with a little force, it will deform and shatter the tire!
This is the difficulty of making thin-bodied ceramics. It is too fragile and there is no room for error.

(End of this chapter)

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