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Chapter 1126 Deciphering the mystery of color, constantly losing unique skills

Chapter 1126 Deciphering the mystery of color, constantly losing unique skills
The right time, place and people, plus a little luck, can accomplish such a miracle as the secret color glaze Liuxia lamp!

When it comes to the reappearance of the secret glaze Liuxia lamp, even Master Deng Xiping can only simply say "this is just an opportunity".

It is conceivable that this "opportunity" will not come casually without the input of manpower and material resources and patient and in-depth thinking.

The success of the secret glaze Liuxia lamp is inseparable from more than [-] years of arduous exploration.

And only if you are willing to explore and dare to explore, can you have results.

Interests, hobbies, and hard work can lead to fruitful results.

Only those who understand can truly appreciate how difficult the creation process of the secret glaze Liuxiazhan is.

Because there is no previous experience to learn from, we can only start from scratch.

If you want to complete an innovation, you have to keep looking for information, do experiments again and again, and explore the bright future in the dark.

Compared with the predecessors, Chen Wenzhe stepped directly on his head, so he can confidently master the firing technology of this kind of porcelain soon.

He didn't need to choose clay, tried firing many times, fumbled for embryo making, and didn't need to study glaze formula, because these predecessors had laid flat for him.

Therefore, innovation is the most difficult. In the process of innovation, everything has to start from scratch.

For example, from mud selection, to embryo body production, to glaze research, and finally to the firing process.

Every link will go through countless experiments and failures, and finally discard countless waste products, and countless defective products with unsatisfactory effects, in order to obtain a high-quality product.

And this still has results. Often in the process of innovation, you have put in countless efforts and sweat, but you will get nothing.

This kind of process of walking forward in the dark, groping for the road, and not knowing the end point, often leads to despair.

After more than [-] years of persistence and exhaustive deliberation in the middle, I finally fired the ideal work in my mind.

Clouds and clouds spread over the wall, and the universe changes, which is a characteristic of the secret color glaze Liuxia lamp.

The advent of the secret glaze Liuxia lamp is not only of great significance in the academic level of craft restoration and innovation, but also reflects a detached philosophical concept, achieving a high degree of unity of craft aesthetics and Buddhist philosophy.

When the light source shines, the "secret glaze Liuxia lamp" is full of clouds and clouds, and the empty bowl suddenly becomes full, as if it is filled with a clear mountain spring, and it is more like filled with the indifference and tranquility of Buddhism, just like a dream!

When you see it, you will have a kind of: empty and full, dark and dark, quite a taste of "where there is nothing to do, there is nothing".

It can be said that "a wonderful string is played skillfully, and heaven and earth are born in the palm of your hand"!
The color is like cinnabar, and the radiance is overflowing, which is the appearance of the secret color glaze Liuxia lamp.

The glaze surface of the secret glaze Liuxia lamp is extremely bright, clear and clear, and the color is like the sunset glow crossing, radiant and colorful.

Observing it from different angles with different lights has completely different meanings.

The flow of light and shadow, changing places step by step, changes endlessly, and its supreme wonderland can only be understood but cannot be described in words.

Observing the glazed surface from different angles, one can see the constantly moving parabolic glossy surface.

At this time, it seems to be full of clear water, and it is also empty and full. If there is nothing, it is difficult to distinguish between reality and illusion.

When illuminated, a spot of light will appear on the lamp, like a weightless glass ball. When people walk around, the light of the sphere changes accordingly. The inner wall is surrounded by mist, and the light of the lamp lingers.

This must be the result of good luck, Tiancheng porcelain.

Therefore, such porcelain, even if it is a creator, is difficult to fire in large quantities.

Ceramics is the art of clay and fire, and the two complement each other in a harmonious symbiosis.

The firing of high-temperature color glaze, apart from human factors, is the result of natural indulgence on a larger level.

Slightly different factors such as temperature and atmosphere will have completely different effects on the finished product. It is difficult for color glaze works to invite good fortune to complete the creation.

In other words, the process of kiln transformation is full of accidents, and to a large extent, it is impossible to control it artificially.

It only has a 0.1% surprise, but it has to risk 99.9% of being invalid.

Such works, no matter whether they are modern works of art or not, are rare and hard to get back, and they are the darlings of the collectors.

Therefore, this kind of high-temperature colored glaze is one of the four unique skills of JDZ, and it is the most precious and scarce variety in history.

It is precisely because of the uncontrollability of the kiln transformation process that the color, texture, glaze flow, and blur of each secret glaze Liuxia lamp are different.

Therefore, each piece is an orphan that cannot be copied, and has irreplaceable investment value in other art categories.

Therefore, in major auctions, there have been many precedents for auctions of sky-high prices for colored glazed porcelain, and it is not uncommon to see tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Because as long as porcelain of this quality can be produced, it must be a masterpiece made by a master. Needless to say, the craftsmanship is advanced, or simply unique.

It is no surprise that such things are expensive.

Because of this craftsmanship, others cannot replicate it.

Rare things are precious, not to mention such kiln-changing color glaze works, which are as beautiful as dreams and illusions.

The exquisite kiln changes color, as if the rainbow in the world has been melted and dripped on the porcelain bottle.

A series of blurred lines, like the water flow of a waterfall, reflect brilliant brilliance in the sun.

This kiln-transformed porcelain, which can be called a national treasure, is really hard to put it down.

Such a high-temperature color glaze has an unquestionable artistic height, so even if it is a modern artwork, it is hard to find.

Such a rare porcelain is the same as China Red. Its value lies in its craftsmanship, not its historical precipitation. Of course, it also contains a strong cultural heritage.

When this kind of porcelain is made, it really doesn't matter whether it is high imitation or antique, he is really eating with his craftsmanship.

Chen Wenzhe was learning master Deng's craftsmanship while trial-producing and trial-firing.

The first piece of work must be the secret color glaze Liuxia lamp. Of course, before that, it is best to fire a Liuxia lamp first.

This is not easy. After all, it is a high-temperature copper-red glazed porcelain that has been lost for six hundred years, and it is an authentic kiln-changed glazed porcelain.

In order to save time, Chen Wenzhe naturally would not completely rely on his own exploration, so he decisively learned from the experience of his predecessors.

In the process, Chen Wenzhe had another unexpected harvest.

He really didn't expect that when Master Deng was researching high-temperature copper red glaze, he actually overcame the problem of firing Langhong.

Among them, Master Deng also has a relatively famous work, which can also be regarded as his masterpiece. It is a red sweat and blood BMW from Langyao.

It is the dream of all porcelain craftsmen to decipher the mystery of color and keep losing their skills. Traditionally, there are four famous porcelains in Jingzhen, namely blue and white, Linglong, pastel and color glaze.

Among them, the color glaze is the only one that does not apply color, and only through the physical and chemical changes of the colorless or white glaze at high temperature, it presents a natural color.

This color is called "yaobian", and kilnbian porcelain is extremely precious because of its rarity.

However, due to various reasons, color glazes have been repeatedly dated in history, resulting in little known color glaze skills.

Even experienced master craftsmen often only master the firing of one color.

(End of this chapter)

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