My system is not decent

Chapter 1139 Blue is rare, drops are expensive, and silk is wonderful

Chapter 1139 Blue is rare, drops are expensive, and silk is wonderful

It is estimated that many friends do not understand Jianzhan, or do not know the firing technique at all, and do not know what kind of beauty Jianzhan is.

Take a thousand degrees, only those who have seen Jianzhan and Liuxiazhan can really know his beauty. Even if you just look at the pictures on the Internet, it is enough to make you marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of the ancients.

After reading it, you must be amazed, how did the ancients make it?

Not to mention the ancients, even the craftsmen who have read a large number of ancient and modern research documents, many of them know what it is and don't know why.

Many people look at the technical literature of Jianzhan firing, just like reading a heavenly book.

In fact, it is the masters who make lamps, and many of them can't understand.

On the one hand, it is lack of professional level, on the other hand, I also have my own experience, but it is difficult to express in words or language.

This is a unique phenomenon caused by the generally low knowledge of Jianzhan craftsmen at present, unlike many Zisha masters who have undergone strict professional learning and inheritance.

But for most of us, some technical discussions on kiln construction are still very meaningful.

The formation mechanism of Yaobian is a probabilistic event, which is as difficult as winning a lottery.

Even if the craftsmen know this mechanism, it really depends on luck to achieve this effect.

This is also the reason why no one has been able to fire Yaobianzhan so far.

Then Yaobian Tianmu cannot be fired in large quantities, what is the difficulty?
As we all know, Yaobian is a rare and precious variety in Jianzhan, one of the eight famous porcelains of the Song Dynasty in China.

But few people know that the difficulty of firing Yaobianzhan is almost as difficult as the ancient Shu Road, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky.

It is such a difficult kind of small tea bowl that appears entirely by God's will, but modern people have overcome its firing technology.

Chen Wenzhe had to lament that some modern masters are more powerful when it comes to firing porcelain.

Here, he also admires some foreign collectors and museums.

Regardless of whether it is public or private, people dare to collect some fine works of domestic masters at high prices.

Needless to say, after a few years, these high-quality porcelains will be a kind of treasures collected abroad that make Chinese people stare.

This is also something that can’t be helped. It cannot be said that Chinese people are short-sighted. It is just that our economic development or our background has not kept up with the pace of foreign countries.

"I didn't expect to prostitute the skills of several masters for nothing!"

Inside the Pearl of the Marquis of the Sui Dynasty, there are records of generations of people from these three families re-burning and building lamps.

One family made rabbit-shaped lamps, one family made Yaobian lamps, and the other made Tianmu lamps.

These all belong to Jianzhan, and they all belong to the high-quality products in Jianzhan. Among them, Rabbit Haozhan is the most common, while Oil Drop, Yaobian, or the further Yaobian Tianmu are the most difficult.

Learning, naturally, starts from the simple, step by step, step by step, in order to master a new knowledge at a faster speed.

Naturally, Chen Wenzhe came in the same way, so he didn't rush to learn how to make Tianmu, but started to learn Yaobian, or the rabbit hair lamp in kiln transformation.

Don't think that Tuhaozhan is not as famous as Yaobian Tianmu, and don't think that Tuhaozhan is not as famous as Yaobian Tianmuzhan before it was underestimated.

This kind of thing needs to be compared with someone.

Not to mention other things, just the value of the rabbit hair lamp, its price is not as good as the Yaobian Tianmu lamp, mainly because the Yaobian Tianmu lamp is too rare.

Of course, if it is difficult to make, it must be handed down from generation to generation, and the price will naturally be high.

However, is it easy to make the fine products in the rabbit hair cup?This is also a kiln-changing lamp.

At the beginning, Chen Wenzhe tried to fire it by hand. There were oil droplets and rabbit hairs, but there were no high-quality products.

For example, rabbit hairs, the most precious ones are gold, silver and blue rabbit hairs, but these all require a certain amount of luck.

Of course, directional firing is possible if one has the skills, but it takes learning.

Therefore, if you want a high-quality building lamp, you must study the technology in depth.

This is the reason why all Jianzhan, including Rabbit Haozhan, are more cherished and more expensive.

For example, in the Poly Spring Auction in June 2021, the Jianyao Rabbit Cup handed down from the Fujita family, after 6 days of fierce auction, finally came to a successful conclusion.

The Song Dynasty Jianyao Rabbit Mill, which once ranked third in the auction list of Jianzhan, was finally sold at a price of 1750 million yuan, which was equivalent to 2015 million yuan plus commission.

This one is square in shape, with a gold buckle on the edge of the mouth, thick and solid body, full of glaze, and the glaze color is lustrous.

The markings inside the cup are exquisite and iridescent, and there are clear rabbit hair markings inside and outside.

The silver and blue rabbit hair shines brilliantly under different angles of light.

At present, it is difficult to find a few rabbit hair lamps that can be compared with museum collections around the world.

We all know that Jianyao was first established in the late Tang and Five Dynasties, and reached its peak in the Song and Song dynasties.

Rabbit tea cup is the largest and most representative tea cup produced by Jian Kiln in Song Dynasty.

It not only often appeared in the tea poems and poems of literati in the Song Dynasty, but even the tea books of the two Song Dynasties respected it.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty even praised the rabbit's tea in his "Grand View Tea Theory": "The color of the cup is green and black, and the one with the best jade is the best."

As the representative of Jian Kiln, although there are a large number of firings, how difficult is it to find the fine ones?
In the system of building kilns and bowls in the Song Dynasty, the output of rabbit hairy bowls was on a certain scale.

On the one hand, a large number of poets in the Song Dynasty, in their poems and sentences, whenever they described the elegant things of ordering tea, they all mentioned rabbits, which shows that these poets often used rabbits.

On the other hand, among the surviving Jianzhans, the relatively large number of Rabbits are collected in major museums in China and around the world, especially the major museums of neon.

At the same time, in the private collection circle, there are also a large number of rabbit hair lamps.

At the site of Jianzhan, a large number of fragments of Tuhaowenzhan were also unearthed.

These major phenomena have verified that the number of rabbit hair cups in the Song Dynasty was relatively considerable.

Therefore, the market supply can be guaranteed and everyone's love can be satisfied.

However, under the low production capacity at that time, the supply and marketing relationship must be less than the demand.

Although the Song Dynasty rabbit hair lamp had a certain production capacity, the quality was uneven.

It is rumored in the industry that the yield rate of the Song Dynasty Rabbit Mill is [-] in [-], but this is not accurate.

It would be more accurate to say that the fine-quality rate of rabbit hair in the Song Dynasty was one in ten thousand.

That is to say, what is difficult to burn is the best among the rabbits.

Although the finished product rate of Jianzhan in the Song Dynasty was low, the production volume of each kiln often reached tens of thousands of pieces.

Especially in the Southern Song Dynasty, the technology was fully mature, and the fired rabbit hair was not limited to golden rabbit hair, but silver and blue hair.

Among the various glaze patterns of rabbit hair cups, silver rabbit hair patterns are the most precious and rare, and the firing difficulty is also the greatest.

Among the rabbit hair cups, the rabbit hair is dense and dense, with clear borders, three-dimensional effect, and the color is silver-blue.

The markings of the same rabbit will be clear in some places, blurred in some places, and even different colors will appear in different places.

It is also possible that the markings have a different transition, so that they will have a more layered and three-dimensional effect.

As the saying goes: blue is rare, drops are expensive, and silk is wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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