My system is not decent

Chapter 1155 Tend to see the truth

Chapter 1155 Tend to see the truth

Tang Ying certainly didn't take much time to go from a layman to an expert to fully master this trade.

Because he has been a pottery supervisor for a total of [-] years.

He can't study for a few years before it starts to play a role, right?

Even if he could wait, the emperor couldn't wait.

So, this is a genius, and the most important thing is that he works hard enough.

It is because of these that he was able to learn a lot of skills, refire many glaze colors, imitate the five famous kilns in the Northern Song Dynasty, and so on.

For example, Tang Ying developed many new shapes and decorative styles in the production process of foreign color porcelain.

Among them, the most worth mentioning are various color lands, such as yellow land, carmine land, pink land, blue land, green land and so on.

There are other decorations like "rolling road" like "icing on the cake", as well as swivel bottles and swivel neck bottles, which give people a refreshing feeling.

These new crafts and new porcelains became the unique types of porcelains in the Qianlong Dynasty.

So even in the Qianlong period, Tang Ying still served as the inspector, which means that Emperor Qianlong reused him.

During this period, Tang Ying continued to innovate and invent some new varieties, new technologies and new crafts of Huaxia ceramics.

Even in order to cater to the emperor's hobbies, he created and designed a batch of extravagant handicraft porcelain that is purely ornamental, purely ornamental, and spared no expense on cost.

Among them, the "porcelain mother" is one of them. It has not been fired in the previous dynasties. Such a huge and exquisite utensil with complicated craftsmanship.

And this artifact is also in line with Emperor Qianlong's evaluation of himself as a "perfect old man".

With such a background and experience, it is not surprising that "various glazed vases" can be fired.

In any case, porcelain mothers are the direct presentation of the superb skills of traditional Chinese ceramic artists.

This "porcelain mother" originally belonged to the old collection of the Qing Palace. After the establishment of the Palace Museum, it was displayed in the Ceramics Museum of Wenhua Palace.

Now, meet the audience again in the new "Ceramics Museum" Hall of Martial Arts!

Chen Wenzhe felt a little ignorant, he didn't know that there was such a piece of porcelain in this world before?
Can this be tolerated?Therefore, Chen Wenzhe planned to return to China to travel after finishing the trivial matters in South Vietnam.

At that time, why would he have to visit all the large and small museums in the country?

In this way, it is much more convenient and effective than simply searching for various high-quality porcelains aimlessly through the Suihou Pearl to obtain skills.

Also, in this way, he can also increase the information database of Suihou's Pearl by the way.

With his mind completely immersed in his mind, Chen Wenzhe looked at the holographic image displayed by Suihou's Pearl, feeling a little emotional.

This large porcelain mother vase is a condensed history of Chinese ceramic arts and crafts, and it is also a "peerless masterpiece" born in the prosperous Kangxi and Qianlong periods.

As a witness and witness of nearly two hundred years of Chinese history, Cimu once witnessed the end of the Qianlong Dynasty in the Forbidden City.

After that, it escaped the looting of the Eight-Power Allied Forces and witnessed the end of the feudal monarchy.

In the end, together with many cultural relics, it has experienced the ups and downs of moving south, west, and returning north.

Fortunately, it ended up staying in the country.

This is a blessing, otherwise we would have to go abroad if we wanted to take a look.

This large vase of various glazes from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty can be said to be the porcelain with the most layers of decoration, the most exquisite glaze materials, complex design and extremely difficult production among ancient official kiln porcelain.

The crafts include enamel color, foreign color, imitation of Song Dynasty Ge glaze, turquoise green glaze, imitation of Song Dynasty Jun kiln glaze, bucket color, pink green glaze, Ji blue glaze, imitation of Song Dynasty official glaze, pastel color, coral red glaze, imitation of Song Dynasty Ru glaze, sauce glaze and other glazes that are difficult to fire.

Mass production is not considered in the production, and the focus of creation is on the appearance, serving the few dignitaries, and admiring the inheritance and development of tradition.

Therefore, it embodies the superb porcelain making skills at that time.

It was said before that this is the only one handed down from generation to generation, so it is very precious.

However, news came out later that another piece was auctioned and sold for a sky-high price.

That one seems to be real too, and it is said to be a pair with the one in the Forbidden City.

That was in 9, on the evening of September 17th, New York time, at the Boston Skinner Asia Artworks auction, a large porcelain vase from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty that had attracted much attention was hammered down for $2200 million, or about 1.35 million yuan.

After commissions, the total price is $2472 million.

According to the exchange rate at that time, it was equivalent to 1.5 million yuan, and the transaction was nearly 100 times higher than the estimated price.

According to Xiang, an insider at the time, the auction was consigned by telephone, and the buyer was from China.

It was previously reported that the lot was 34.375 inches high, or about 87.3 centimeters.

Formerly collected by the Express Company, the pre-auction estimate was US$15 to US$25.

This lot is a collection of more than 10 kinds of high and low temperature glazes and colors, and is a twin sister with the large vase of various glazes preserved in the Palace Museum known as the "Mother of Porcelain".

In August [-], this "Qianlong imperial kiln large vase with various glazes" appeared on the Internet, which immediately attracted great attention from people in the industry.

Although some experts expressed doubts about the authenticity of this "porcelain mother", many experts "inclined to see the truth".

Finally, after Duolun's appraisal, it was confirmed that the porcelain vases at that auction were quite similar to various large glazed vases in the Forbidden City.

Especially on the body of the bottle with various glazes, it is equipped with chi ears, on which there are 12 rectangular consecrations, with pastel auspicious patterns painted inside.

Six of them are realistic pictures, namely "Sanyang Kaitai", "Jiqing Yuyu", "Danfeng Chaoyang", "Taiping and Elephant", "Xianshan Qiongge", "Bogu Jiuding".

The other 6 pieces are auspicious patterns such as bats, wishful thinking, Wanzi, Chilong, Ganoderma lucidum, and flowers.

It's just that the porcelain mother has been repaired, and there are cracks and scratches in some parts.

And even so, the price of this remnant weapon was [-] million.

It is undeniable that the value of this porcelain mother itself is very high, but there must be reasons for the orderly inheritance.

In other words, its roots can be traced, which is something that many high imitations and fine imitations cannot do.

According to the introduction of the American Snarkin Auction Company, this "porcelain mother" is an old collection of the Express Company.

The express company here is not the foreign financial card issuing company we know now, but a company founded by Zhang Jingjiang in the Republic of China in 1903.

This company specializes in selling antiques, ancient porcelain and tea, and made huge profits at that time.

Many big banks in the West are customers of express companies.

Consult Huaxia Guardian International Auction Co., Ltd., 2012 Autumn Auction Auction Records, "1930-1964 Beautiful National Express Company Exhibition Catalog Eight Volumes" is impressive.

In the special session of "Chinese Art, The T on-Y ing Collection of 1930", there were more than 30 items marked, clearly from the old collection of the Qing court.

The auctioned items in the catalog are personally selected and introduced by CFYau (Zhang Jingjiang's wife and brother) who is in charge of the express company in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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