Chapter 1177
To make a famille rose Bailuzun, not to mention the hair color of famille rose, just drawing is very troublesome.

This fully painted deer is lined with mountains, streams, ganoderma lucidum, flowers and other scenery.

Under the green pines and verdant cypresses, the deer are running, cuddling each other, or resting, in different shapes.

Most of the mountain stones and leaves in the picture are painted with green color, and the color is thick;

The deer and branches are painted with ochre, black and other colors, the deer are vivid, the branches are vigorous, and the brushwork is vivid and delicate.

Bailuzun is known as one of the most beautiful decorative porcelains produced by the court in the early Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, which is quite reasonable.

This kind of Zun is also known as "Bull Head Zun" because of its shape like a bull's head.

And because the shape of the utensil is mostly painted with patterns of hundreds of deer, it is also called Bailu Zun.

This piece of porcelain has a thick carcass and chilong ears on the shoulders, with a dignified shape.

The belly of the vessel is painted with a landscape painting of hundreds of deer, and the deer have different expressions, such as running, playing, foraging, or taking a nap, creating a vibrant scene.

Surrounded by towering ancient trees, overlapping mountains, waterfalls and streams, the paintings are vivid and natural.

In addition, this piece of porcelain is glazed with famille rose, and the picture above makes this large piece even more beautiful.

And beautiful things are naturally not easy to make.

For example, this famille rose Bailu statue has a uniform body thickness, moderate weight, bluish white glaze, bright colors and distinct layers.

The paintings of rocks, trees and deer on it are vivid and vivid, which can be called the standard pictures of the Qianlong period.

Even when identifying landscape paintings of Qianlong famille rose porcelain, this style of painting can be used as a basis.

It can be seen that the powder enamel Bailu Zun represents the highest level of painting in the Qianlong period.

This famille rose Bailu Zun is an early work of Qianlong. In the third year of Qianlong's reign, there was an imperial decree that the Yangcai Bailu Zun with double ears should be fired as usual without ears.

There were many imitations of this statue during the Daoguang and Guangxu periods of the Qing Dynasty. However, if the technology is not good, even if it is imitated by an official kiln belonging to the same dynasty, it will not be able to imitate.

As far as Guangxu imitations are concerned, the shape, color, and decoration of the appearance are close to the real ones, but they give the impression that the lines of the body are clumsy, the mouth is thin and the walls are thick, and the weight is heavier.

There is also a glazed surface, which is turquoise and not smooth.

The glaze on the bottom is yellowish, and the tires on the feet are rough.

Ornamental painting is even more "stealing pen factory meaning", the color is too strong.

The layering of rocks and trees is poor, and the deer look dull and inactive.

Most of this batch of official imitation official works imitated the four-character seal script of "Qianlong Year System", with thick and irregular fonts.

There are also the ears of the imitation products, mostly pink colored bull heads or rouge colored chi ears, which is also different.

The beauty of famille rose porcelain lies entirely in its "glass whiteness", which is closely combined with painting techniques.

The effect of famille rose is to use the opacifying effect of "glass white".

This effect can make the color painting appear uneven, increase the expressive force of the color painting, and make the picture soft and pink, full of the style of traditional Chinese painting.

Therefore, this kind of craftsmanship can win the reputation of "Pearl of Oriental Art".

Even for Chen Wenzhe, such a piece of porcelain is a challenge.

In order to imitate well, the glaze of famille rose is the key. Otherwise, why can't the official kilns in the Guangxu period imitate well?

There is also painting skills. "Three thousand strokes for one deer" is not just for fun, the last is the pastel craft.

The combination of all these can make this famille rose hundred deer statue be so valued by Qianlong, and it has become one of the national treasures of time.

Such a piece of porcelain is extremely valuable for collection. Even if it is a modern artwork, it has a very beautiful meaning if it is sent to a museum or collected by yourself.

If Chen Wenzhe's fame is added, if this piece of porcelain is finished, even if Chen Wenzhe's name remains, it should easily sell for a high price.

This is a piece of fine porcelain, which reflects its true value.

It's a pity that if something of this level is genuine, even Chen Wenzhe won't be able to get it. Even if he wants to take a look at it, or even try it out, it's an extravagant hope.

In the collection world, many collectors actually understand a truth, that is, there are some antique treasures that can be seen but not played at any time.

At that time, there were still some treasures that were impossible to see in a lifetime.

There are even some treasures that do not belong to the collection industry.

What can be seen, but not played, is a high-level antique collector.

Most of the treasures like Bailuzun have no chance with ordinary people, and they cannot be obtained in a lifetime.

So there is such a comforting saying "you can see it at a glance", but for many ordinary collectors, they are very helpless and have no choice.

The current Chen Wenzhe is not bad, with a certain collection qualification, after all, there are still a batch of the most enviable treasures, which only belong to the playthings of the rich.

Chen Wenzhe is also a rich man now, and he is also qualified to buy this kind of treasure.

However, even rich people sometimes have some dreams that money cannot realize, such as this fine Bailu statue from the Qianlong period.

For Chen Wenzhe, the price of this piece of porcelain is not high, but it is really rare.

This kind of palace porcelain is not something that anyone with money can buy.

With no way to buy one, he can only make one himself, which has become a daily job for him.

Chen Wenzhe is very sure about the basics when making a picture of a hundred deer, such as the quality of the fetus and the color of the glaze.

For him, the most difficult thing is the Hundred Deer Picture.

Qianlong liked the theme of Bailu, but it was not limited to the auspicious meaning, nor was it a pure aesthetic taste. There may be deeper considerations behind it...

According to historical records, the pictures of "Hundred Deer" and "Mulan in Autumn" are closely related.

Mulan is a Manchu language, meaning "whistle deer", and Autumn refers to hunting in autumn.

Since the [-]nd year of Kangxi, the "Mulan Autumn Festival" ceremony has been held almost every autumn.

He believes that an important purpose of Mulan Qiuxi is to strengthen the control of the ethnic groups outside the Great Wall.

Therefore, Emperor Qianlong started hunting with his grandfather when he was more than ten years old.

Horseback riding and archery were an indispensable part of his court life, so Emperor Qianlong attached great importance to the "ancestral system" of Mulan Qiuxie, and ordered the court painter to record the actual situation.

If the manufacturing office is ordered to take this scroll and pass it on to the craftsmen in Jingzhen to copy the painting, there is nothing to doubt.

Perhaps at the same time, it is also in line with historical reason to reappear this important event of the Qing Dynasty in the Bailu Zun by combining the previous powder version "Hundred Deer and Hundred Cranes" and the vessel shape "Ming Wanli Blue and White Colorful Hundred Deer Zun" .

Therefore, the picture unfolded by the Hundred Deer Zun is exactly the weapon of the emperor's Mingde.

Such things are actually very common in porcelain making, but it adds more difficulties for Chen Wenzhe to copy the Bailu Zun.

It is not that simple to reproduce famous paintings on porcelain.

To put it simply, you can't draw worse than calligraphy and painting works, can you?

At the very least, it must show the artistic conception and essence of calligraphy and painting works, right?These are difficult enough.

What's more, the hundred deer picture on this hundred deer statue is not a simple Chinese painting.

(End of this chapter)

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