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Chapter 1180 It's impossible to have 1 without 2

Chapter 1180 Unique and Impossible, It's Real as if It's Natural

There are many difficulties in making Longevity Zun, but for Chen Wenzhe, writing is actually the most troublesome.

It turned out that Chen Wenzhe knew about such a large porcelain because he was so famous.

Emperor Kangxi, Longevity Venerable, Thousand Old Man Banquet, Hundred Deer Picture and so on, are widely circulated.

But he knew it, but he didn't understand it very well, because he couldn't even figure out how to make such a piece of porcelain.

The main reason is that I don't know how to write the [-] longevity characters.

If such a utensil is really made, where is the trouble of writing?All of this has something to do with the banquet of thousands of seniors!
Such a time-consuming and labor-intensive blue and white porcelain longevity statue, except for dedicated to the emperor, it is estimated that no one will make it.

Only when it is actually produced, will it be deeply realized.

Kangxi's [-]th birthday coincided with the heyday of the Qing Dynasty, when the country was strong and the people were rich, and the world was prosperous.

Therefore, under the arrangement of all the ministers, it is planned to hold a grand birthday banquet for Kangxi, which has never been seen before, and has never been seen since - the banquet of thousands of seniors.

Kangxi wanted to invite the elderly over 65 years old to a banquet to celebrate together, first to practice filial piety, and second to appease the hearts of the world.

Since it is a big birthday, there must be a birthday gift.

So these second ministers, worry about it!

What kind of birthday gift can make Emperor Kangxi's eyes shine?This is a big problem that ministers think about day and night!
The ministers discussed and decided to make a blue and white porcelain statue, but it must be unique.

So I prepared to write on the blue and white porcelain. What kind of characters are the most suitable?

The ministers thought it over and over again, and finally wrote down the word "longevity".

This is not the end, but it is also required to write all the characters of longevity on the blue and white porcelain statue, and it must be written in a different way.

According to the level of porcelain making at that time, it was not difficult to fire blue and white porcelain statues.

But it is extremely difficult to fill it with different longevity characters.

First, the ministers imitated the writing of longevity characters on paper, and then copied them on the plain embryos of blue and white porcelain by craftsmen.

This step is the key, one stroke can not be wrong, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

During this process, even if the last word is wrongly written, it must be smashed and restarted.

Even if the characters of longevity are successfully written, there will be some uncontrollable situations when firing.

For example, if the temperature is not suitable, resulting in the blue and white porcelain, or the color of the pen and ink is different, then it still needs to be smashed and restarted.

This point has the same problem with the pastel Bailu Zun, because as long as one of the hair colors of the pastel color is not good, or even one stroke is not good, the whole porcelain will be useless.

In the end, whether it was the Bailu Zun in pastel color or the Longevity Zun in blue and white, they were all fired successfully.

However, transportation to the capital is also a problem. After all, according to the transportation conditions, it is normal to break a few on the road.

Fortunately, these loyal ministers of my Qing Dynasty have a coup. They summoned a large number of craftsmen from the beginning and asked them to practice writing the word "Shou" day and night until they could write it all silently in one breath, so as to avoid the "shou" in the plain embryo. make mistakes.

Then there is firing, which requires craftsmen to fire dozens of pieces at a time, and then pick the best one out of them and send them to the capital.

After the ministers have passed the inspection, they will select two of them, one as a birthday gift and one as a backup, so as to avoid any mistakes.

The rest of the finished products were all broken into pieces, and the backup piece was not broken until one piece was presented on Kangxi's birthday, making it a unique blue and white porcelain statue in the world.

Kangxi was very pleasantly surprised when he saw the blue and white porcelain statue, and was even more shocked by its magnificent appearance, because this is really a big guy.

It is not easy to fire such a high-quality blue and white porcelain statue, and it is also filled with dense and different birthday characters.

Emperor Kangxi, Longyan Dayue, asked the minister how many longevity characters were on the blue and white porcelain statue.

The ministers all replied proudly that there are 9999 characters for longevity, plus a character for ten thousand, which means that there is no limit to longevity.

When Emperor Kangxi heard what the minister said, he immediately gave it a name, namely "Wan Shou Zun".

Later Kangxi jokingly said: "I'm afraid no one can count the ten thousand characters for longevity clearly?"

Sure enough, Emperor Kangxi was right, because after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, cultural relics experts accidentally discovered this unique Longevity Zun when they were sorting out the old collections of the Qing Palace.

After the experts cleaned it, they were also shocked by it.

The whole body is full of longevity characters written in different writing forms such as Zhen, Cao, Li, Zhuan and so on.

Line up vertically and horizontally, neatly arranged.

Moreover, the size of the font also changes with the curvature of the utensil itself, appearing natural and harmonious, as if made by nature.

But the experts wondered, is there really 9999 longevity characters?

So the experts began to count, but they didn't count correctly for several days.

Either more or less, never counted 9999.

Even if several experts were used to count, no one could count correctly.

Therefore, the experts finally used a computer to conduct an infrared scan on it, and then performed big data analysis and artificial intelligence processing.

The final number was exactly 9999, and there was no error several times in a row.

The precious Longevity Zun that has been scanned now is in the Palace Museum, not the one in Jinling.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Although it is said that only one piece of treasures such as the Kangxi Blue and White Longevity King can be kept, in the end result, it is definitely impossible to smash the other fired products, because everyone knows This is baby.

Not to mention other added value, just a firing cost is enough to make it a treasure!
Therefore, even if Kangxi was told that his piece was the only one, the others would be hidden instead of smashed.

And the fact that the six pieces of longevity statues appeared later proves this point.

Because now there is not only one in the Jinling Museum, but also an identical one in the Palace Museum.

There was even one that was put up for auction. It was on November 2018, 11, at the Sino-Han Auction 29 Autumn Auction held at the Renaissance Hong Kong Seaview Hotel. The old collection of a guy in neon—the Kangxi Blue and White Longevity Monarch, with HK$2018 million came under the hammer.

It is said that this lot is also from Jingzhen Imperial Kiln Factory, which was fired for Kangxi's [-]th birthday.

Because the whole body is decorated with a total of [-] "Shou" meaning characters, it is exactly the same as the "Longevity Zun" in the Forbidden City and Jinling.

In addition, the overall height, caliber, abdominal diameter, and foot diameter are all the same, so the same shape is majestic, strong and stable.

It is said that two strong men are difficult to move. Such porcelain is unique in Kangxi imperial porcelain, and it is also a rare heavy vessel in the history of imperial kilns in Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Even if modern people want to imitate, it is very difficult.

Because of such a large and heavy tool, the cost of imitation is very high, and most people do not have this capital.

(End of this chapter)

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