My system is not decent

Chapter 1203 Qianlong agrees to use it

Chapter 1203 Qianlong agrees to use it

To design and innovate a piece of work, Chen Wenzhe feels a lot of pressure.

Not from external pressure, but from our own knowledge reserves.

Chen Wenzhi has learned too many ancient skills, and he has no confidence in designing new things.

For thousands of years, the ancients also exhausted their brains for innovation. Now, there is really not much room for modern people to develop.

Therefore, it is still difficult to innovate the pattern of the work.

Of course, doodles don't count.

Because if the innovation is not done well, it will appear nondescript and counterproductive.

In this way, one month later, Chen Wenzhe finally presented his work.

The shape of the work is an innovation of the traditional tank.

There are swans in a circle around the body of the tank, and they have different postures.

Some fly high, some hover low, some sing loudly, some look at themselves...

In the meantime, it is decorated with patterns such as spring breeze and willow branches.

After making it, compare it with the countless materials in his mind.

Throughout the dynasties, there have been porcelains with this theme, but there is absolutely no porcelain with the same pattern as his creations.

Of course, it is mainly because Chen Wenzhe innovated the flower-picking technique, which should allow Dingci to fly into the homes of ordinary people.

Recently, he has been doing the same work as ordinary workers every day.

That is, in addition to repairing the clay body of the baby pillow every day, it is to rub some fixed patterns on the body, and then carve according to the texture of the rubbing, which is very monotonous.

No one knows how much Chen Wenzhe spent in the initial period of time.

It's just that Chen Wenzhe has more experience through the innovative pattern this time.

For example, creating ordinary magnolia flowers and porcelain lid cups, traditional things are very beautiful, but tradition means old-fashioned.

Innovation, however, represents modernity and new trends.

Some people like old things, while others think they are outdated.

It's just that traditional things can't be changed?
Why did Ding porcelain have such a large output in ancient times?Because he is not just for viewing porcelain.

Ding Kiln must have art in one hand and daily use in the other, walking on two legs.

Otherwise, what can he use for producing so much porcelain?

In modern times, it seems that those manufacturers who specialize in custom porcelain also follow these two paths.

If the combination of high technology and traditional craftsmanship can be implemented, it will not only create the high-end art of traditional porcelain, but also occupy the market advantage of modern daily mass production.

Therefore, in addition to high-end artistic porcelain, daily-use porcelain is also a major project of various ceramic companies.

Now Chen Wenzhe has a lot of people to support, and it is inevitable for him to take this path.

This has always been the philosophy of Yi Nian Tang, otherwise he would not have needed to support so many people, and even opened a factory here in Nanyue.

This time also encountered an opportunity, because Chen Wenzhe's carving skills must have broken through to the master level.

Therefore, he has new ideas for some traditional crafts.

For example, in the traditional flower picking, workers still use the traditional flat knife 30-degree hand picking method.

This kind of flower picking process is very difficult to operate because the plate is concave when picking the plate by hand.

In order to improve work efficiency, Chen Wenzhe tried repeatedly, and finally adjusted the carving knife to be 90 degrees vertical to the blank for decoration.

In this way, it is possible to increase the production of flower picking workers from 10 plates per person per day to 40.

The four times increase in efficiency is not low for the output of ceramic factories, let alone the production of Ding kiln porcelain.

The culture of Ding porcelain is extensive and profound, while Ding porcelain has icy muscles and bones, and the sound of jade chimes.

However, who would know that Dingci, which is as white as snow, is also obtained from the original black mud after being tempered by fire?
Only those who can endure poverty and loneliness can design and produce good Dingci.

This is very similar to the porcelain craftsmen who stay in the studio to work from morning to night every day.

For example, Zhang Gu and the others came from China to learn the craft.

If they didn't have this idea, why would they come here?

As for Chen Wenzhe, what is he doing here?
He seems to have forgotten his original intention?However, the recently made Pie Hua Ding Porcelain is selling well in South Vietnam.

And white porcelain is very popular in Southeast Asia, which is more comfortable, and Chen Wenzhe is very happy to see other people's market.

Of course, he can be regarded as taking advantage of the development of South Vietnam?
Whether it is false prosperity or not, ceramic factories have made money recently anyway, and they are still making a lot of money.

It seems that since Wu San and others came to order porcelain once, their business has become very prosperous.

Maybe it's because Chen Wenzhe's Dingci porcelain is good recently, and some customers who automatically delivered it to their door began to order it in large quantities.

Chen Wenzhe's works were not for sale, but the craftsmanship of Zhang Gu and others were not bad, so they were naturally sold.

It has to be said that with a ceramics factory to provide him with logistical support, no matter what he wants to do, it is much more convenient.

This is also the main reason why Chen Wenzhe wants to continue to maintain a ceramics factory.

In the past two days, I felt that the handicraft practice was almost the same, and Chen Wenzhe started to make the first baby pillow!

To make a baby pillow, first use a mold to make the shape.

In this process, it is necessary to leave holes for ventilation, and then use a special carving knife to carve patterns in one step, which will test the knife skills.

If it is not a one-step knife, it is difficult to make such a delicate and free pattern.

Among Chen Wenzhe's porcelain making skills, the most powerful should be his knife skills, right?
Since knife skills are not a problem, it should not be a problem to carve a baby pillow with both form and spirit.

Sure enough, Chen Wenzhe did the carving very smoothly this time.

Ingenious, unique and exquisite porcelain doll pillow, as long as a part is depicted, it looks very cute.

If you really count, this kind of porcelain pillow is also a luxury, right?
After all, this kind of children's pillow from Dingyao in the Song Dynasty was full of childishness, and Qianlong agreed to use it!

Also, this is a "child-giving doll" from history.

We are now far from the era of getting used to hard pillows.

After all, pillows are getting softer and more diverse now.

What medicinal materials, latex, memory foam and so on.

But in ancient times, pillows were not comfortable for everyone.

What's more, this is a completely different ancient porcelain pillow - Song Dynasty Dingyao child pillow.

It is a classic work in the history of Chinese ceramics, and its contemporaneous porcelain pillows from famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, such as Cizhou kiln baby play porcelain pillows, are also classics.

So what does a baby pillow look like?

The skin is white and smooth, innocent and lively, with piercing eyes, holding a hydrangea ball and wearing a flower vest, with a naive face and delicate features.

When it is lying on the printed couch, with its arms around its head, its feet are crossed and its legs are crossed, kicking its legs and acting like a baby, it is alive and well.

(End of this chapter)

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