My system is not decent

Chapter 1227 The Right Way

Chapter 1227 The Right Way
The domestic imitation of Yuan blue and white has a long history, and now it has a complete industrial chain.

Therefore, with the experience of his predecessors, Chen Wenzhe is very convenient in everything he does.

In other words, whether it was Ma Cangtu or Su Maliqing, Chen Wenzhe was not too worried about finding them.

Although it is impossible to directly buy suitable raw materials, it is still possible to buy what can be used.

After that, it depends on his handling method. As long as the method is clever and authentic, it is not a dream to burn the real Yuan blue and white.

Even, if it can't be refired in a short time, he can find some domestic masters of antique porcelain crafts and learn their craft.

Then there will be no problem at all in making antique Yuan blue and white.

Even imitating some high-quality yuan blue and white flowers is not a problem.

Because before him, there were already many masters in Jingzhen who had actually refired some fine blue and white porcelain from the Yuan Dynasty.

This is the strength of some domestic antique masters, that is to say, Chen Wenzhe spent a lot of effort to learn the firing process of Yuan blue and white flowers because of them.

Since it would not be a problem to limit the raw materials of Yuan blue and white, he only needs to learn the craft of making Yuan blue and white.

After sorting out the entire production process of Qingqing blue and white, in fact, the most important ones are Su Maliqing and Ma Cangtu.

According to previous experience, it should not be difficult to obtain Su Maliqing and Ma Cangtu.

This is also the case with macang soil. He needs to process some kaolin from the ancient mine in Jingzhen, and it is very likely that he will get the macang soil he wants in the end.

Because someone had done it before, it wasn't his delusion.

Then there is the craftsmanship, whether it is drawing the embryo or decorating, this is the simplest.

I won't talk about the embryo making, but the imitation of the decoration and the shape of the vessel.

In the imitation of Yuan blue and white, it is relatively easy to imitate the decoration and the shape of the vessel.

In the modern antique market, many shop owners often spend hundreds or thousands of yuan to buy an unearthed and damaged porcelain in order to imitate the decoration on it.

In addition to imitating paintings directly, they also use a fine brush dipped in ink to outline the outline on the original, then print the outline on transparent white paper, and then paste the paper on the new porcelain body for imitation, which is often more accurate. in place.

The highest level even adopts computer [-]D scanning decoration, which is almost the same.

The same is true for the shape of the vessel. Compared with the artists of the past, the biggest difference between today's ancient porcelain imitators is the use of various museum catalogs and books.

They are even more clever, and will imitate the decoration and shape of the vessel based on the pictures and data above, and those with a high level can even be lifelike.

By the way, ceramic collectors are also reminded that in the process of learning the knowledge of porcelain identification, they must not memorize the characteristics of the decoration and shape of the vessel by rote.

If you want to really achieve something, you must practice more and learn more in the market to avoid losses caused by follow-up.

With a complete Yuan blue and white production process, Chen Wenzhe naturally wouldn't be so troublesome, he only needs to paint it by himself.

For him, the most difficult thing is to imitate the clay and glaze color
For those who use new raw materials to imitate ancient porcelain, the imitation of fetal soil and glaze color is the most difficult.

Just like imitating a calligraphy work, you can imitate the shape of the characters, but it is difficult to imitate the style.

The imitation of fetal soil depends on the formula of raw materials.

Before the Southern Song Dynasty, the soil of Jingzhen porcelain was always made of a single porcelain stone.

When the energy of the upper layer of porcelain stones was exhausted, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Jingzhen porcelain workers discovered Macang soil in Macang Village, Yaoli Township, Fuliang.

Later, in Gaoling Village, clay with the same nature as Macang soil was found, named kaolin, which was a major turning point in the porcelain making process.

The tire-making method of "dual formula" has made Jingzhen porcelain famous all over the country since the Yuan Dynasty.

Today, many ceramic workshops in Jingzhen, in order to save costs, directly purchase raw materials from mud factories in other places.

There are also many such clay factories in Nanshan, Jingzhen. The porcelain bodies made of these raw materials can be easily identified from fakes.

What is more difficult to identify is the porcelain made strictly according to the formula of porcelain stone and kaolin.

However, it is impossible to be exactly the same after all, especially the porcelain body in the early and middle Ming Dynasty.

Due to the disappearance of Macang soil (disappeared in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, it is said that this is also the reason why the Dalong vat failed repeatedly in the late Ming Dynasty), it is impossible to reproduce it today.

The imitation of the glaze color depends on the origin and formula of the glaze, whether it is the cobalt material of blue and white, or the copper material of red underglaze.

There are also differences in origin and recipes in different periods.

Taking the cobalt material of blue and white porcelain as an example, from Sumaliqing in the Yuan Dynasty to Shiziqing in the early Ming Dynasty, to Pingqing in Chenghua, Huiqing in Jiajing Wanli, Zhuming material in Tianqi Chongzhen, and finally to the cobalt in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. Ocean blue, etc., all have different color effects due to different places of origin.

With the disappearance of many raw materials, it is difficult for ordinary craftsmen today to imitate the effect of authentic products of that era.

Of course, the thick and thin ratio of glaze water and the way of glazing also affect the final color effect.

As for the imitation of the weight, it is even more difficult. After all, for most imitators, they do not have the opportunity to touch the real product with their own hands, so it is not easy to imitate at all.

Among the identification elements of today's porcelain, it is very important to grasp the characteristics of fetal soil and glaze color.

It is recommended that collectors can buy some porcelain specimens to learn when they are just getting started.

It is the right way to wait until you have thought it through before buying the complete device.

In fact, Chen Wenzhe's best way to imitate Yuan blue and white craftsmanship is to use old materials combined with new techniques to imitate.

Although there were not too many porcelains handed down from the Yuan Dynasty, they were not too few.

Especially some exported porcelain, such as sea fishing porcelain, many Yuan Dynasty went to sea, sank on the bottom of the sea, and passed down to the present.

These porcelains are generally severely corroded, but the porcelain body can still be used.

New painting of old tires, new tires with old glaze, new utensils of old parts, refire, these are relatively top-level imitation techniques.

In addition, Jingzhen's most unique advantage in imitating ancient porcelain lies in its rich underground resources.

There are not only kaolin here, but also the remains of porcelain from past dynasties, whether complete or not, there are countless.

At local antique and flea markets, you'll find something to marvel at.

There are many porcelain unearthed here, especially a large number of porcelain specimens, which are precious teaching materials for beginners.

Someone once picked up porcelain pieces on the bank of the Changjiang River, on a construction site of Diaojiaolou, which was about to disappear. In less than two hours, he harvested more than ten pieces of blue and white porcelain pieces from Ming and Qing folk kilns, which can be seen.

Today's artists in Jingzhen also make full use of this advantage and put in great effort in imitating ancient porcelain.

For example, the old tire mentioned just now, if you don’t want to break it and re-draw the embryo to make a new porcelain, you can choose the old tire and new painting.

It is more common to use white tires from the middle and late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China to paint them with pastel and other overglaze colors to double their value.

At this time, when you identify, you can't just rely on the condition of the fetal quality.

(End of this chapter)

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