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Chapter 1243 Clearing all 1 levels

Chapter 1243 Get through all the joints

Most of the blue-and-white porcelain in Jingzhen in the Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty used Sumaliqing material to draw flowers and leaves. After Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty, it was gradually replaced by Huiqing.

Having made it so clear, is it still difficult to find some Su Ma Li Qing materials?

Of course, if Chen Wenzhe did this kind of research first, that is to say, it would not be easy to find the source of ancient Su Mali Qing.

However, this kind of work doesn't need him to do it himself!
He is very clear now that "Su Ma Li Qing" came from Iraq.

why is that?Because predecessors have been researching it for a long time, and the research is very thorough!

In fact, in the early days of our country, that is, the Yuan blue-and-white era, people have been researching what the underglaze green materials used in these blue-and-white porcelains are and where they come from.

Commonly known as "Su Ma Li Qing" or "Su Bo Ni Qing" glaze, the main coloring agent is cobalt blue material.

Where did this cobalt blue material come from?Over the past hundred years, Chinese ceramic experts have been tirelessly looking for answers.

Cobalt oxide, it is the most stable coloring agent!

Whether it is refired or under any glaze, it has a stable blue color.

And the quantity also determines the difference of this blue color.

0.25% cobalt oxide, showing a brilliant blue color in the glaze.

1% cobalt oxide, which gives a very deep blue color in the glaze.

When cobalt oxide is slightly higher than 1%, it will appear blue-black or black.

The ancients may have mastered these technical points, but it must be very difficult to master.

But for Chen Wenzhe, he can master it just by reading a document.

Only by mastering these points can more exquisite blue and white porcelain be fired.

It has to be said that in some places, people naturally carry wealth and honor, and then we have to see if they have lives to enjoy this blessing.

In that region of the Middle East, oil and natural gas are abundant, and there are also various other minerals, such as cobalt ore.

There are rich cobalt mines in Oman and northern Hega in Iraq.

The use of cobalt ore in local pottery was already widespread in the Abbasi era (758-1258).

Samara's trade with the Persian Gulf region was the most prosperous period in the 9th century AD, that is, my country's Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, this place has become the most important and largest pottery center in Iraq.

It is located on the east bank of the Tigris River, 125 kilometers north of Baghdad.

From 836 to 892, it was the capital of the Abbasid dynasty.

It was also an important city in the ancient Persian Gulf, and the development of its pottery industry was directly funded and supported by the king.

Through literature research and inspection, we know that the caliphs in the Abbasi era couldn't help but want to imitate when they got the jade-like porcelain from our country.

After all, the exquisite porcelain transported over is really too little.

This is also impossible, because these porcelains are precious and fragile, and they must go on a long voyage for a year and a half before they can be brought back from my country.

This prompted the Caliphate to build his own kiln to make imitation Chinese porcelain.

The porcelain shards unearthed in Samara prove that the first pottery fired here was a complete imitation of the Xing kiln white porcelain in my country.

Due to the lack of important porcelain clay - kaolin, the imitation ceramics cannot essentially become high-temperature porcelain.

The Yilan people, who advocate blue, successfully used cobalt oxide as an underglaze pigment due to their special aesthetic orientation, and successfully fired blue and white pottery, which is a contribution to ceramic decoration.

At that time, merchants would also imagine and try to bring cobalt materials and styles suitable for Yilan's appreciation needs, and order porcelain to be fired in my country.

And these cobalt materials are obtained from Samara.

The pronunciation of Samara in ancient times has always been Samarra, Souma in ancient Greek, Sumere in Latin, and Sumra in Syriac.

The imported materials used in early blue and white in my country were Sumaliqing and Suboniqing!
This is pronounced the same as Samara, and the place name "Sumra" in Syria, which was commonly used at the time.

Samara is rich in cobalt ore, and it is also a porcelain-making center for mass production of underglaze blue-and-white ceramics. At the same time, it is very close to Baghdad, the final destination and distribution center of blue-and-white porcelain trade in my country since the Tang and Song Dynasties, especially in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

In the seventeenth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shimao's "Looking at the Sky and Wai Cheng" recorded: "...the official kiln was specially set up in Jingzhen, Yongle and Xuande, Fuliang County in our dynasty. It was fired in the inner government, and it has been the most expensive so far. Su Mali The green is the decoration, and the bright red is the treasure."

In Gao Lian's "Zunsheng Yujian" in the [-]th year of Wanli, there is also a record: "The green of Xuan kiln is the mud green of Su Bo".

In the ensuing hundreds of years, there were many records about Su Maliqing, which cannot be simply regarded as a coincidence or speculation.

It is not known exactly when the cobalt blue material was brought to my country by merchants.

However, from the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Hongwu, Yongle, Xuande, etc., the special color of early blue and white porcelain in my country, combined with literature and modern chemical analysis, can prove that Sumaliqing is the cobalt blue material from Samara, Iraq.

From the investigation of the collection of Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty in my country, especially the strong Persian miniature painting style and its excellent quality, and the collection of museums in my country, the quality of most of the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty is incomparable. , It can also be confirmed that at that time Jingzhen processed the materials to order and selected high-quality utensils for export.

The blue and white raw materials from Samara are also called Sumali and Suboni by the name of the place of origin.

Until today, several centuries later, we still use it as a special name for the imported green material of early blue and white porcelain.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find the real Sumaliqing, because the reserves in Iraq are very rich.

It is not difficult to get the raw ore over there, but it is rare to use the ancient processing technology.

A kind of cobalt blue material, it is not to be used immediately when it is obtained, it must be disposed of.

This is the same no matter ancient or modern.

The ancient crafts are not available to ordinary people, and many of them have been lost.

So Jingzhen wants to burn it again. Even if they have qualified Macang soil, they still need a lot of time to study the Sumaliqing ore excavated in modern times, how to deal with it, so that the ancients can burn Yuanqinghua feature.

And Chen Wenzhe didn't have to be so troublesome, because he could directly get the processing method of Su Mali's green material.

Up to now, he can say that he has opened up all the joints of the ancient method of re-burning Yuan blue and white.

Buy Sumali green materials and kaolin from Jingzhen, and directly process them according to the Yuan Dynasty technology, and then you can directly mix them with mud and make embryos.

He doesn't even need to go to Iraq to buy, he can get everything he wants directly from Jingzhen.

With the right raw materials and the particularity of Yuan blue and white craftsmanship, Chen Wenzhe is already very familiar with it. After all, he has already imitated the Yuan blue and white Guiguzi jar.

At this time, it is definitely not as difficult to make some peony-shaped utensils now as the big Guiguzi jar.

"Make a double gourd peony bottle first!" Soon, Chen Wenzhe made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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